Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 116 A Chat

I paused to exhale, releasing whatever stress weighed down on my shoulders.

"But--" The guard expressed.

"But nothing" However, I interrupted. "Or do you think Boris and I are fools? Are you so blind that you didn't see the little game that we just played here to save ours and your skins?".

I watched as his eyes widened in comprehension "Although, Boris might be a man with a big heart -too good for his own safety, however, I can assure you that he is not a fool" I added.

He opened his mouth to speak but immediately closed it as though he was at a loss for words.

In response, I snorted at his inability to utter a word and responded as I stood up from my seat.

"When you are done with the cleanup, send the reports to me" I stated. "The faster we know what to do, the better for us".

My frail bones moved towards the door, unlocked it and headed back to my room.

Although it wasn't as comfortable as my palace, it wasn't unsatisfactory. And as a king who has lost his successors, his throne, his people, and even the motivation to keep on ascending, something as mundane as that was the least of my problems.


"Ahh--mm" Nine woke up and gripped her head tightly. She felt like an avalanche had slammed through her head and steered her awake.

"Ah! You are awake" She staggered backwards in fright and desperately jolted her head from side to side.

"Right here" Her head snapped towards the direction of the voice and landed on a small dinner table.

And then, it hit her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This man...

"Ahhh!" She groaned in frustration as her mind recalled every single detail that took place yesterday night.

"YOU!" She unintentionally pushed herself backwards. Her eyes widened and she spoke, "Who are you?".

The man to whom she posed the question, however, played with his food before placing the wooden spoon packed with rice grains into his mouth.

He chewed it slowly, swallowed it, and paused before he looked at her and replied "Don't you remember?" His brow rose a bit in amusement.

"I am a Prince currently in search of a woman to be by my side, and I think that you are just the perfect person to become one" He said, exaggeratedly, while he twirled his wooden spoon around in the air.

She remembered. Of course, she did. However, that wasn't what she meant.

"Ahem!" She cleared her throat and elaborated "You are a prince, right?….. So which fallen kingdom are you from? Are you from the Brylen Kingdom? Or perhaps, you are from the Houya Kingdom! I heard that they are one of the few royal families to escape completely".

She watched as his lips twitched before he sighed exaggeratedly.

"What?" She muttered.

The man or the Prince peered at her "I thought that the first question you would ask was for my name. And not interrogating whether I am a prince or not, or which kingdom I am from" He replied, disappointedly.

Her lips thinned. Was that why he looked disappointed?

Of course, she already knew his name, as she had heard it during the signing of the contract, or did he forget?

She shook her head "I already knew your name ".

"Oh! Then what is it?" He asked.

She opened her mouth to speak "It's….". Nothing came out.

She tried again, only to be met with the same result. She scoured around her mind, trying to find the name of the man, seated in front of her, however, she couldn't remember.

"You see!" He spoke. ".. I told you that you don't know it?"

For some reason, she felt like a headache was about to hit her soon.

"But it's not surprising though, since you were paralysed and barely fighting to keep yourself from falling unconscious throughout yesterday's event" He added.

She took a deep breath, and exhaled "I am sorry. I should have asked for your name first".

"Come on! No need to apologize" He waved his hands at her "You are my woman now, so we can ignore something as trivial as that. And besides, I promised to give you the world, so your question isn't that redundant".

For some reason, her lips twitched.

"My name is Prince Wyatt Brewer. Or, you can call me Prince Wyatt or Wyatt. As my woman, pick whichever pleases you" He said. He bowed down slightly while seated before he went back to eating his boiled rice.

She nodded her head in understanding. For Nina, as long as the person in front of her was royalty, then she needed to address him with the utmost respect, or risk trampling down on their ego.

"And as for which kingdom, sorry to say, but, I am not from any of the fallen kingdoms" He explained.

Nina's brows rose a bit.

"Then where are you from?" She asked.

"I am a Prince from the Endossa empire" He answered. The words rolled off his lips as though he was reading out his background to her.

"Endossa empire? How do I know that you are not lying?" She questioned him, suspiciously. Even though the Cryptic sea was locked off from the outside world, that didn't mean that she hasn't heard of the Endossa empire -one of humanity's greatest and reigning empires.

"Do I look as though I have the time or energy to lie? You are now bonded to me, so why should I waste my time lying to you when you will find out sooner or later?".

She gulped. The Endossa empire! Doesn't her luck seem too good to be true?

The first prince of the Endossa empire! Here! Maybe - Maybe, with him, then - -

"Oh! And I am the banished first Prince" He elaborated.

"The banished first Prince?" She repeated. Was that supposed to be a title?

He nodded with a wry smile on his lips "Yes". He cleared his throat and continued "You seem more excitement that you got married to a prince than me. So, I needed to clarify that I am now just a prince by birth, in name or title".

Banished? Doesn't that mean that he couldn't help her?

She picked the only option laid in front of her to save her life. And now …..

Her mouth felt dry. Her heart felt like it was plummeting without pause below her gut.

"So why did you do it?" He asked. "I know that I threatened and coaxed you to do so because of your… unfortunate situation. But still, you could have just refused and avoided being bound to someone you just met for the rest of your life and instead, wait for another miracle to pass by and save your life".

"I would have died" Her lips pressed tightly against each other. Were miracles going to appear one after the other?... And besides, did he just call himself a miracle?

"Exactly! But you didn't choose to die, instead, you desperately grabbed onto the option I handed over to you. So it's either you are afraid of dying, or you had a goal or reason that kept you from choosing death, or both" He explained "So which is it? What were your reasons?".

Nina blinked. Her heartbeat started racing rapidly. She placed her hand on her chest, took a deep breath and exhaled.

She steeled her gaze and stared at him "I did so because I heard something that I was not supposed to. And those groups of people wanted me dead because of it. The invaders are planning something. Something that would tear the city, and the kingdom apart if it comes to fruition".

She paused and continued "They want me dead because they are afraid that I will reveal the secret. And then, you came along. I thought -- I thought" Tears began to stream down from her eyes."I thought that with you, I might be able to survive because I guessed that you were a Prince from one of the fallen kingdoms...".

She used her hands and wiped her tears away "But, it seems that I was wrong, and now, my life is bound to a banished Prince while I wait like a sitting duck for them to trace where I am, and then kill me. I am not ready to die! I still have a lot of things to do! I am not rea...".

Suddenly, her body felt warm. She sniffed an unfamiliar scent and opened her eyes slowly, only to be greeted by the sight of the Prince hugging her.

"Shhhh! So it's both then" He whispered "Bride. Concubine, Mistress. Wife. Call it however you want to want to call it. But, remember that you are now mine, and if anybody wants to kill you, they would have to pass through me first".

Nina swallowed her saliva at his declaration.

"But aren't you troubled about the problem?" She asked, "I mean, this means that you will be going against the fallen kingdoms".

"No, I am not" He answered.

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