Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

Chapter 136

Chapter 136: The Alchemist

Once he was done making the potion, Michael took a cup and poured a bit of the potion into it. Michael then got out of the kitchen and was rather surprised to see Detective Matsuri in there talking to Shin and Larry, still, Michael had no time to question what was happening as he approached the unconscious Mollie. As Michael was about to wake the unconscious Mollie and make her drink the potion, Matsuri grabbed hold of his hand.

“Are you sure this will work? Shouldn’t we just bring her to a hospital?”

“This should work, as I already tried it with a few other patients with similar symptoms. I know that this drug could do, and if we wait too long then we might not be able to save her.”

When Matsuri heard Michael’s answer she started to hesitate as she was faltering Michael continued to speak.

“Still, there is a higher chance that this will fail, since the drug given to her seems to be stronger than the others...”

“Then the more reason we need to bring her to a professional.”

“I think that even if we do bring her to a doctor, they might not be able to cure her with our modern medicine.”


“Huh, what are you saying?”

“I have no time to explain, but if Larry wants to bring her mother to a hospital, then I will not do anything... But if he wants me to use the medicine that I made then he could do so, the choice is his to make.”

Michael’s clear blue eyes looked directly at Larry. Even Matsuri unconsciously looked at Larry waiting for him to give his answer. Seeing them looking at him Larry bit his lips as he glanced at his mother.

As he was growing confused about what he should do Larry then remembered the face of the person who helped him get to this point. The man who covered his face with a white mask, the urban legend, the assassin, Fade. He was the one who led him to meet these two people, telling him that they would help.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Fade basically said that Shin and Michael would be able to help him. Shin had already done his part and had freed his mother from the brothel. Michael wasn’t needed for that, then why did Fade tell him to not only meet Shin but also Michael, was it because he knew that Michael had a cure?...

“I will believe in Michael’s medicine.”

Michael nodded his head while Matsuri sighed as she let go of Michael’s hand. Michael then stopped for a couple of seconds. Seeing that he wasn’t moving Shin, Matsuri, and Larry looked at him confused.

“Is there a problem?”

“I don’t know how to wake her up.”

When the three heard what Michael had to say they were stunned for a while. Shin shook his head while sighing, he then tapped Mollie on the back and after a few seconds Mollie woke up. She looked around groggily and had a seductive smile on her face. While she was still in that state Michael handed her the cup.

“Drink this.”

Mollie didn’t even hesitate as she drank whatever was given to her. After drinking everything inside the cup, Mollie felt something burning from within her. She then started screaming in pain as she kept on shouting that she was burning.

“What’s happening to her, what did you do to her?!” Larry shouted as he tried to calm his mother down.

“I... T-t-t-this didn’t happen the last time.”

Michael was panicking as he saw how much pain Mollie was in. The last time he used that potion the people who drank it were quickly cured, this was the first time he has seen such a reaction. He thought that even if it failed nothing bad would happen.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I... I...”

Michael didn’t know what to say as he grew more confused by the second. As Mollie was screaming in pain, Larry panicking, and Michael spiraling, Matsuri clapped her hands.

“Everyone calm down! Larry restrain your mother for a while, and Michael I know this looks really bad, but you need to calm down and think, you’re the only one who knows anything about the thing you gave her.”

Michael looked at Matsuri still confused. Seeing him act like that Matsuri knew she had no choice and slapped him. Matsuri’s strength was below Michael’s but even then that slap hurt him a bit.

“Get it together!”

After being slapped by Matsuri, Michael was finally able to calm down a bit, and then he nodded his head.

‘So what do you think?’ Michael asked the Spirit.

‘I’ve been telling you since a while ago, that this reaction of hers must be because of how long she was contaminated, but don’t worry this is a good sign and not a bad one since it means the potion is indeed working. Once the feeling of heat subsides you should check how much of the contamination was cleansed so we can plan what to do next.’

Hearing the Spirit of the Akashic Record’s explanation made Michael sigh. As Michael was about to tell everyone what he figured out, Shin suddenly stood up.

“Hey didn’t it suddenly become quiet?”

“Huh, what do you mean?”

“It’s too quiet for a while now... Touma come in here. Touma did you hear me I said come in here, now!” Despite being shouted at the leader of Shin’s men did not respond.


The Spirit suddenly shouted. Michael was going to warn the others but then something smashed into the window. Matsuri reacted fast and pounced on Larry and Mollie making them duck under a table. Shin did not even bother moving as he curiously looked at the object that smashed into the restaurant.

He wasn’t that afraid as even if the object were a grenade with his body forged with the techniques of the Mugami Clan something of that level wouldn’t harm him too much. Unfortunately, the object didn’t explode, and instead, a sort of gas came out of it. When Shin saw this he tried to circulate his inner energy to block whatever toxin was coming out of the object but it was too late. Something had already entered his system as he could no longer feel his inner energy, he couldn’t even feel his fingers as he suddenly knelt on the ground unable to move.

Even Larry, Mollie, and Matsuri who hid under the table could not move, Larry and Mollie even fainted after inhaling the gas. Matsuri was still trying to hold onto her consciousness, screaming at her body ordering it to move.

The only one among them that wasn’t fully affected by the gas was Michael as the Spirit had warned him in advance as well as taught him how to stop whatever toxin that gas was emitting from entering his body.

“Oh well, that’s interesting. I’m guessing you’re the one who’s been snooping around looking for the book I own.”

A man wearing a red shirt, white pants, boots, and a brown robe entered the restaurant. As he was walking you could hear the clanking of glass, which seem to be coming from within his robe. The man also had a distinct smell of herbs.

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