Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: PANAKEIA

In a room filled with machines, beakers, chemicals, numerous small animals, and various plants, Johann was trying to move his arms but to no avail. After facing Fade in battle he immediately retreated to his secret lab. He had tried many different things to figure out what happened to his arms and why he could not move them.

After using various tests on his biological state he could not find any problem. Based on the results of all the tests his arms should be functioning normally. In the beginning, it was true that certain nerve points were struck which resulted in him being unable to move his hands, but that was already fixed, so then why was he still unable to move his hands? Knowing that his nerves, bones, and muscles weren’t the problem he needed to look at it differently.

‘Did he inject me with something that I cannot detect? Hoh, how interesting, I would really want to experiment on my own arms to see if I can detect this unknown thing, but I can’t do much without them. I didn’t really want to use this as I only have a few bottles, but I guess I have no choice.’

Johann went to the side of the room and faced a wall, he placed his face one foot away from the wall. A small orb-like object with what seemed to be a camera lens for an eye came out of the wall and scanned Johann from head to toe.

“Greetings Master, how can I help you today?” A synthetic female voice spoke.

“Isis, I need to take out potion#23”

“Potion#23, item name PANAKEIA, is this the item you wish to withdraw?”


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“Item is in the special safe, to withdraw the item please give the password.”

“Pass column number four three two five two zero zero three two seven four four eight nine eight five six zero zero zero.”

“God’s number confirmed, password accepted.”

Once Isis gave her acknowledgment, the sound of gears turning could be heard beyond the wall. The room then started to tremble a bit and it felt like the floor was moving. After a five-minute wait, a small part of the wall parted, and in it was a wooden bottle labeled number 23.

Johann picked up the bottle using his mouth and placed it on a nearby table. Johann looked at the wooden bottle and sighed. This was the masterpiece that he created after the long years of studying the book of alchemy. He only had four bottles, and the reason he could only make so much is because of the limited materials. The main ingredient of this medicine could only be found in the secret area guarded by the Empire, the nation of Zothril, and other smaller countries. It was not someplace anybody could enter.

Johann needed to pay top-grade martial artists to retrieve these items which almost emptied his treasury. There were many more potions of greater value written in the book of Alchemy, but with his current abilities and the limited materials available this was already the best thing he could make. To create the better things Johann needed more money to hire the more powerful martial artists to search deeper into the forbidden area. He also wanted to gain greater personal strength so that he could go into the forbidden area himself to search for the materials he wanted.

Johann knew that the money needed to gain what he wanted would be astronomical, so he decided to set up a business in creating and selling drugs.


‘The PANAKEIA originally created by a foreign Goddess with a similar name as recorded in the book of Alchemy. This thing is supposed to be something like a cure-all. Every time I think that I was able to create something a deity made just gives me the chills.’

Johann looked at his masterpiece with a sense of pride and intoxication. Still, he had not tested it on anything and was not sure of its true effects, he only knew as much as what was written in the book of Alchemy. He truly did not want to use this precious thing, but his current circumstances would not allow him to do so.

‘Alright now let’s see if this is truly as good as the book of Alchemy claims it to be.’

Johann bit the cork of the wooden bottle and pulled it out. After the cork was removed the first thing he noticed was that the room was slowly being filled with purplish mist. Johann then smelled a powerful stimulating smell. The smell was so weird, for some reason it smelled like all of Johann’s favorite food, it even smelled like the air of his hometown, there was also the scent of his mother, and even the scent of that person that was long been forgotten.

The scent was so strong that he was starting to hallucinate that everything he smelled appeared before him. Johann concentrated and pushed all the random thoughts away. Immediately after he did that the hallucination before him disappeared.

‘This thing is amazing! I haven’t even drank it yet, but it’s already displaying numerous effects that were not written in the book of Alchemy.’

While he was having those thoughts Johann finally noticed something weirder was happening around him. At first, he thought that it was part of his hallucination but after observing for a while, he found that it wasn’t. The plants in the room started growing rapidly and they were even changing shape, the animals were also reacting weirdly to the smell. It seem to make them more energetic as they started mating.

‘Oh this is truly interesting, if possible I want to observe some more before drinking it, but the book of Alchemy did say that once you open the bottle and not drink it, the PANAKEIA would take around five minutes before it would lose its effect and become nothing more than some tasty liquid.’

Johann no longer hesitated and drank the PANAKEIA until the last drop. Once he was done drinking it his entire body felt warm as if he was being hugged. He then noticed his eyesight was becoming clearer, no, clearer was an understatement, he could see farther than before. Even his sense of smell became better as if all the things clogging his nose disappeared.

His entire body was feeling lighter than before. Then there were his hands he could finally move them, it was then he noticed that the wounds on his arms were no longer there. Even the old scars could not be found.

Johann then undressed and faced a mirror to his surprise, not only did the PANAKEIA heal his arms but everything else was also healed. It wasn’t just his wounds even his belly button disappeared. Upon seeing the results of drinking the PANAKEIA Johann became even more excited.

‘The PANAKEIA truly is a cure-all type of medicine. It’s pretty much a miracle drug, as expected from the medicine created by a Goddess. That means all the other deity level potions in the Book of Alchemy should have such effects. Then that means the potion of OSIRIS can truly revive the dead. Then, is it possible to see them again...’

The excitement in Johann’s heart diminished as he remembered their faces, but now he was even more motivated to continue his plans.

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