Fantasy System

Chapter 121: Spit

Chapter 121: Spit

Ed made it to the eighth floor. He lost how much time he spent getting here, but it was many months. Ed looked around and could only see sand as far as his eyesight could reach. It was nighttime, so it was very cold. Due to the desert not having much vegetation, there was nothing that could absorb the sun's heat during the day. A desert's polarity was as such, hot during the day and cold at the night. This made it difficult to survive, as a human's body couldn't handle the changes so easily. On top of that, it would be dangerous to light up a fire during the night. Since monsters would be roaming and might be attracted to the light.

Yet, such things were meaningless to Ed. What was the temperature compared to his eye power? What were monsters compared to his companions? At least, if the floor boss didn't appear in front of them, Ed could sleep outside and still be as safe as he would be in his pocket dimension. But, it would be a waste not to use his abilities. He continued to search for a suitable place to stay. Almost half an hour later, he stumbled upon an oasis of some sort. An oasis wasn't very common, so Ed was lucky to find one. It even came with a small lake.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"We'll stay here for today," Ed told his companions as he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan. Instantly, a pocket dimension was activated and they went inside. As usual, the dimension took on the look of the surrounding area. However, unlike the actual desert, things such as the wind, the heat, and the noise could all be manipulated by Ed. He set up the perfect temperature for relaxing and created some beds. But first, he was going to cook. Even after so many months of staying inside the tower, Ed still didn't run out of food. He was replenishing his stock by hunting monsters in the tower and eating them.

Even now he was cooking up a python of some sort that he killed in the previous floor. Ed couldn't bring himself to eat Gorillas or ants, but a python didn't disgust him at all. In fact, he felt that the taste was similar to chicken. Grilled chicken to be exact as that was how he cooked the Python. Similarly, none of his companions had any complaints about his cooking. His skill provided him with a deep understanding of corpses. Things such as poisonous glands were a breeze to him. It wouldn't affect him even if he ate the poison. Unless them monster had poison on par with Suika's, Ed would be fine.

After taking a bath, Ed and his companions each chose a bed to sleep on. Ed surveyed his Inventory before sleeping. He now had 7 Gacha tickets. He also checked the notification and noticed that he acquired 200.000 Exp points. 'Lower than I thought.' Ed's consciousness drifted away with those thoughts.

First thing in the morning, Ed went hunting. He had to raise his level, and he had to do it fast. He started lagging behind on the last floor due to the lack of suitable monsters to kill. However, things were different on this floor. He noticed that many monsters were clustered together which made him happy. All the more happy since they would definitely we strong monsters.

After traveling to his first monster hotspot, he noticed that they were an all too familiar race. The monsters in front of Ed were a group of camels, and they looked stunningly like Bactrian camels. Except for one thing which was different, their humps. Instead of the usual round humps, these ones looked like they were a pointy mountain's top. 'They definitely evolved in order to stop anyone from riding them.' Ed thought with a blank look on his face. One of the camels seemed to notice Ed's group coming and turned its head towards them. Its cheeks swelled up and 'something' came out of its mouth. At an incredible speed, it reached Ed's group, specifically Ed and almost hit him.

'That better be Water magic' Ed looked suspiciously at the liquid that being absorbed by the sand. He looked towards the camel that shot it out and it looked as if it was mocking him. "You're mine" Ed spoke while rushing towards the group of camels. The group that consisted of over twenty monster camels retaliated back at Ed's group. The weakest one among them had a cultivation of Earth Establishment level 8, same as Ed. While the strongest was at Earth Establishment level 10. Ed didn't need to scan them, as he could tell how strong they were by feeling their QI.

"No Heavenly Establishment" Ed thought while he started slaughtering the camels. The cultivation difference didn't matter to him. Neither did the skill and power of the camels. All were meaningless before his blade. Each one of the camels was killed by one slash. Only the one who had thrown some 'liquid' at him remained. A look of terror on its face. "Next time, don't mess with someone strongest than you." Ed gave him one last piece of advice before killing him. He looked around and stored all the bodies he had killed.

Ed never had the chance to try camel meat back on Earth, but things were different here. He had heard that it was a luxurious kind of meat, as well as a delicious one. His curiosity as a cook spiked and he was going to try it out. This way, his stock would keep increasing and he wouldn't have to worry about food.

Ed tried to check the string of notifications to see if something had dropped. But, he was interrupted by a rumbling under the ground. Ed and his companions backed away from that spot, and no sooner a gigantic 'worm' devoured the whole area. Sand and everything was sucked up into its gigantic body. Apparently, the smell of blood from the camels drew it over.

Without having any eyes it had to rely on its hearing and smelling senses. And it looked as if it could detect Ed and the others. Its stomach bulged up and it let out a 'liquid' towards them. All of them dodged easily, but Ed looked annoyed. "What's wrong with this floor and spitting on people?!"

He wasn't going to let this worm get away.

Author's Thoughts


Hello everyone! Enjoy.

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