Fantasy System

Chapter 142: Even Though I’m a Monster

Chapter 142: Even Though I'm a Monster

Inside the Acropolis, a lone humanoid figure stood surrounded by white. A woman with long black hair that reached her hips was waiting. Her eyes black, yet her face shined with a white radiance. She had a white dress that hid even her feet. Her face pure without any single deformities. Her rosy lips and cheeks added to her charm. If anyone were to see her, they would think she's an angel. Not because of her transcending beauty, but because of the pair of pristine black wings on her back.

The wings were spread out as if to intimidate people, yet it served the opposite purpose. Anyone who saw the wings would undoubtedly approach the woman. Ed and the others couldn't help but admire her while walking. In addition to her beauty, even the air around he felt majestic.

Not long after, the woman noticed Ed and his companions and spoke. "Thee who is't cameth to dare me, prepareth yourselves!" in a heartbeat, the majestic air disappeared because of the way she spoke. Not only were her words weird to listen to, but even her actions while speaking was absurd. She waved her hands around and put them up every time she hit a high note. Ed and his teammates stood there dumbfounded. The original high expectations they had for her was gone.

"Is something wrong with her Suu?" Suika looked at Ed in a worried way. "I hope not" Ed didn't want to fight a mentally retarded angel. He met enough unique beings to last him a lifetime.

"Why do you speak this way?" Ed couldn't hold it in and asked her.

"What doe-doth thee mean?" The angel woman wasn't dropping her act. It was apparent that she was faking this, as even she struggled to speak.

"Stop speaking that way, it's weird," Ed told her bluntly.

"How dareth thee? The way I speaketh is p'rfect!" Not wanting to believe Ed, she pointed her finger at him and shouted.

'No, it's really weird' Ed thought to himself while a wry smile forcefully formed on his face.

"Is it really weird?" right after Ed finished his thought; the angel woman spoke to him. Ed was shocked but still answered her. "Yes."

"Then I'll stop. I thought it made me sound cool." Everyone couldn't help but think it was a stupid reason.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Well then, Mr. Edward. I'm guessing you'd like to move on to the next floor." She spoke to Ed while smiling.

"I don't remember telling you my name." immediately, Ed noticed something was wrong and confronted her. The smile on her face growing bigger, she spoke.

"It is simple for me to read someone's mind." Her answer let Ed know that the battle wasn't going to be an easy one. But at the same time, he knew that her power would be useful. Plus, her character wasn't bad so he attempted to ask her something.

"Only if I lose. There is no benefit for me to follow someone weak." Before Ed could speak, the angel already read his mind. She gave him her condition for joining him.

"That can be arranged!" everyone present switched to battle mode. Their enemy is a Heavenly Establishment level 8 Angel. Not exactly an opponent they can take it easy on.

The angel shook her wings a couple of times, and hundreds of feathers were removed. Instead of falling to the ground, they floated as if caught by something. The hundred or so feathers targeted Ed and his companions. Their speed was impressive, as they could keep up with the high-speed movements of everyone. Agumon, being in his rookie form, was almost caught and had no choice but to digivolve. He turned into MetalGreymon and blocked the feathers with his metal arm. Similarly, Ed and the others handled the feathers in their own way.

"Oh, then how about this." Sounding impressed, the angel flung her wings for a bit and disappeared from her position. She didn't teleport, but her high speed didn't allow anyone to be able to follow her. Except for Ed. Ed intercepted her while she was still moving.

"Oh my, could it be that you can also read minds?" the angel stopped Ed's slash by one of her wings and attacked him with the other.

"Something like that." Ed dodged to the back. He used his Observation Haki and Ryuusui Seikkuken. Predicting the movement patterns of the angel this way was mere child's play.

Now only Ed and the angel fought. The others noticed Ed's intentions and stood-by. Even if they tried to do something, they wouldn't help much. It was a better idea to wait for a chance to finish things up. Unfortunately for Ed, the angel's abilities were very high. Even with his skills, he was still getting injured from time to time. Thankfully, his natural healing abilities could keep up with the injuries. The angel was getting restless as well. She was using her full physical ability, yet only managed to lightly injure him.

"Take this!" She flew back, and a circular portal appeared above her. "Holy Smite." A blinding light beam left the portal and targeted Ed and those behind him. The attack was a large scale attack that managed to penetrate the floor down to the mountain's ground In fact, the rock wall that surrounded the Acropolis was melted by the attack. Luckily, Ed, Sieg, and Rakiou managed to save everyone. Ed and Sieg teleported everyone to safety. While Raikou carried Suika and Gobuta in a high-speed escape using his lightning clad.

"I can use more of them." The angel went through the same procedure, but this time two portals appeared. Before Ed could teleport everyone, he noticed Raikou and Gobuta running towards the beams. Gobuta's sword was clad in a purple dark aura and his tattoos glowed the same way. Raikou's mist grew thicker around his body. Gobuta's sword managed to block the incoming beam, and after a slight struggle, he changed the direction to the sky. Raikou, on the other hand, seemed to absorb the light beam down to the last drop. His mist grew even thicker by the time he finished.

"What?!" The angel was surprised and reacted slowly. Noticing MetalGreymon's thoughts, she used her wings to shield herself from two missiles that he released. He used his signature ability the Terra Destroyer. The explosion was a large scale one, but the angel emerged with only a couple of burns on her body. Her mind reading ability couldn't keep up with so many people attacking her. Everyone found the chance they were waiting for. She was able to dodge Suika and Garu who used poison, and ice magic respectively. Goburou managed to catch her off guard and injured hern albeit only slightly. She was unable to dodge the metal arm of MetalGreymon that bound her.

"Give up!" Ed stood in front of her as if declaring his victory. Yet, the angel refused to yield. Ed tried to swing his sword in order to scare her, but the direction of the swing was the opposite of what he thought. The angel broke out of MetalGreymon's binding and flew. Ed wanted to follow her but ended up running to the back.

"What is this?!" Ed was surprised by what was happening.

"Leave it to me Suu!" Suika latched on to Ed's head, and he felt his mind becoming clearer. The angel used a magic to disturb his senses, but Suika's white magic was able to nullify it. Ed looked quite ridiculous since Suika was in her slimeball form, making it like Ed had a golden helmet on.

"You won't be able to escape this!" the angel caught her knees with her hands, and her wings surrounded her. A white light started surrounding her body.

"Raikou, Gobuta. I need an opening!" Ed knew that only the two of them could stop the light. Ed thought about sending flying slashes through the ball of light using his Space magic. But, it wouldn't be enough to stop her.

"Holy Nova!" The angel's muffled voice sounded from inside the sphere. Raikou and Gobuta stood next to each other as they used the same thing as earlier. Gobuta sent a flying slash toward the incoming sphere of light, while Raikou made his own sphere of shadows. They were successful in making the light disappear, but only in the area in front of them.

"That is enough, thank you!" Ed jumped past them while using his strongest sword skill. "Providence Blade!" The skill managed to reach all the way towards the angel, blowing her and the light away.

The angel tumbled around on the ground before stopping and standing up. She was badly injured but still looked like she wanted to fight.

"Let's stop. I truly meant it when I wanted you to come." Noticing that Ed truly meant what he was saying, she let her guard down.

"Even though I'm a monster?" Still doubtful, she asked him.

"All of my companions are monsters!" Ed smiled while answering her.

"I seethen take care of me!" She extended her bloody arm to Ed, who used a healing card to heal her. Although it was overkill, he wanted to show his good will.

"So how will you break my connection with this tower?"

"You'll see!" Ed smiled while contacting the system in his mind. He wondered if she could hear him speaking with the system, but it was an exclusive channel in his mind.

'Do your thing.'


Author's Thoughts


Hello everyone! Longer chapter than usual, enjoy.

About the way she speaks, it's similar to Shakespearean English, which sounds weird now. If you want the exact sentences in regular English I can post them in a comment or in this author note.

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