Fantasy System

Chapter 171: The Promise With the Old Man

Chapter 171: The Promise With the Old Man

Ed returned after finishing things with Hayato. Both of them then went on to prepare for the future within both of their kingdoms.

"Thanks for your help everyone." Ed thanked his companions who had spent quite a bit of time helping him out. Merry, in particular, had to go through a lot to fulfill her duties.

"I hope everything went smoothly for you," Ed asked her while smiling.

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"I had to use magic on some of the kings but everything went perfectly!" she gave him a thumb up while shining a bright smile.

Merry did indeed have things difficult for her. Unlike Ed's Zero Sign, which hid everything about him from the surrounding people, her Invisibility only hid her figure. Things such as smell, sound, and presence could still be felt. Merry managed to hide her presence using Zetsu, but she had to rely on her magic to confuse the senses of the kings. This allowed her to have contact with the messengers without notifying the kings.

"Let's have some rest first, then we'll discuss everything else." Ed, his companions, the messengers, and Ellie. All of them had quite the busy schedule over the past two weeks, so they couldn't wait to hit the bed. Arthur made sure to generously reward all those who participated in the plan this time. Avalon got quite the fortune due to Ed looting the bodies of many Heavenly Establishment people. They didn't have to worry about losing wealth any time soon.

Food was also a small issue, as Scale kingdom had an elaborate trading deal with many kingdoms. After the fall of Scale, Avalon had to shoulder the hunt for an entire kingdom, as they couldn't live on vegetables alone. Raised animals helped, but it was barely keeping up with the population. Ed and Arthur had already discussed things between them and were looking for a way to solve things. Of course, Ed had already decided on a simple effective solution. He would just give his companions some spatial rings and let them loose. He was sure that they could hunt enough by the end of a day. He still needed to do some recon in order to figure out the best places to hunt, but it wouldn't be a big problem.

The next day, Ed had enough time on his hands so he asked Emilia if she wanted to go out and check the kingdom with him. He asked Ellie as well, but she was busy sparring with Alicia and her teacher, Merry. Emilia had no reason to refuse so she followed after him. They didn't take a carriage. More like they didn't need a carriage. At Heavenly Establishment, the last thing they had to worry about is traveling.

Ed showed her around the whole kingdom. They started with the sect, where they encountered the gazes of Griffin, Eric, and Oliver. All three of them had their mouths look like a cat's while smiling at them in a sly way. Emilia didn't understand, but Ed could easily tell what they were thinking about. Afterward, they headed to the market. Ed remembered a certain restaurant where he enjoyed the food, so both of them went there for a snack.

"Young brother! What happened to your promise?! I've been waiting for you for two years!" Ed was happy to see that the old man running this restaurant didn't forget about him. He came here when he wanted to recruit Oliver for the sect, and ended up promising to become a regular in exchange for having a discount. Unfortunately, Ed had to leave for the academy, and then for the Tower of Origin which made him break his promise.

"Sorry, sorry. There was a lot going on so I couldn't keep it." Ed pleaded by putting both hands together and lightly bowing to the old man. Of course, the old man wasn't exactly angry or anything. It was more like he was worried about Ed. It was weird to worry about someone after one encounter, but Ed had a special charm about him that made it possible.

"Don't worry about it! I'll still give you a discount if you and your girlfriend come here on your dates!" the old man prepared a table for them while laughing. Ed couldn't help but chuckle after his words, and it didn't seem like Emilia was upset about it. The old man told them the menu, which didn't seem familiar to Ed. He noticed that it had fewer items in it, and some things were different altogether. Ed had a good memory so he was able to tell the difference. He asked the old man about it.

"Since the wars began, people started to save up money in order to run away in case it got very bad. The usual merchandise also increased in price. The royal family must be pressured. Although I guess that they're happy young master Edward returned safely. I heard that he managed to save everyone in the last war!" Since only rumors circulated, the old man had no idea that he was talking to that very Edward. Emilia took a look at Ed, and both joy and sadness flashed in her eyes. Ed could tell that she was happy for him as he was loved by his kingdom. But it also reminded her of how her own people turned against her. Ed smiled back at her while the old man stopped his talking.

"Of course you don't have to worry! I guarantee that the taste will remain delicious forever!" He left them with these words as he took their order. Both of them enjoyed their time while eating. Ed liked the food and so did Emilia. After finishing, Ed paid for the food and spoke to the old man.

"I'll do something about this situation." Ed's words left the old man a little bit confused. But, as he watched Ed leave, his eyes widened as if he reached a certain realization.

Ed and Emilia continued walking around. Unfortunately for Ed, they passed by the orphanage. Emilia noticed the name and started laughing for quite a while. Ed was a little embarrassed so he started thinking about enacting a second round of revenge on Leonard. Next, they visited the graveyard, here they visited Ed's little brothers and sisters. Emilia knew about the story so she stood by while Ed left some flowers. He visited them at least once a week.

They finally returned to the castle as the sun was setting. Ellie kidnapped Emilia before Ed could even speak, leaving him there alone. "This is fine too," He chuckled while walking inside. He got to Arthur's office and entered after asking for permission.

"So you're starting tonight?" Arthur asked Ed.

"Yes. Mother's birthday is in two days, I wouldn't want a surprise attack during such a happy time." Ed told him as he changed into his black disguise form.

"You need any help?" Arthur asked questions that would be of assistance to Ed, but he declined. Ed withdrew the map and headed towards the closest post of Blood sect.

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