Fantasy System

Chapter 257: Poison

Chapter 257: Poison

"Hahaha! Indeed you're an interesting brat," Sarin said, disregarding the wound on his stomach. His clothes didn't matter to him at all, as he wore a long coat, with an open shirt under it. "But, you're not good enough."

A sudden burst of energy forced Ed's knee to hit the ground. He felt suffocated and couldn't draw his breath. He was subjugated to so much force, that his organs shifted out of their place, his ears started to ring, and his nose bled. However, Ed didn't yield, instead, he turned his aura to the maximum and countered the attack.

"Oh, you didn't turn into a splatter," Sarin said in a disappointed tone as Ed backed away. "Too bad, you would have made quite the art piece."

"Unfortunately for you, I've never been a fan of art." Once again, Ed rushed towards his enemy, slashing dozens of times per second. Yet, each slash was met with an equally powerful parry and blocksometimes, a counterattack was mixed inside.

As the two crossed swords, Ed ducked down out of nowhere, surprising the Poison sect's master. His surprise turned into a sense of foreboding danger, as he felt harm coming his way. Then, as if answering his senses, dozens of icicles targeted his head. If not for his quick thinking, he would have sustained unwanted injuries, but he managed to break all of them by using a QI wave.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Little girl, I know you are impatient, but you should know what a duel between men is, right?" he said as he gave Emilia a condescending look. "You should wait for your turn, it'll come soon, I promise."

"Who said anything about a duel of men?" Ed said. "This is a slaughter, there is nothing worth respecting about you people."

"A slaughter you say, eh? Then, allow me to humor you and your 'slaughter'!" Sarin's eyes flashed as his QI rose to its maximum. An unfathomable feeling took over Ed's group, as it was the first time they felt such an enormous QI. This caused them to react slowly to incoming attacks from Poison sect's members.

"What now? Don't tell me your spirit broke with just that?" Sarin said as he appeared behind as astonished Emilia, who turned around slowly once she heard the voice. Her eyes opened wide, as shock took over her mind. How should I react? How can I avoid him? Should I run away instead of turning around? Am I dead?

Countless questions popped in her mind, but as she was turning her head around, she caught the peaceful face of Ed who was exhaling. A smile crept on her face, and she stopped. Sarin, who didn't care about anything going on, slashed. Blood spurted everywhere, and a pained grunt was heard.

"I thought you said you weren't easy to slash?" Ed said as a new sword appeared on his hand. It was a green katana with black patterns all over its blade. The back of the sword was covered with green scales, making the katana look as sturdy as a dragon. It was only normal, as the sword had been enhanced with the parts of a dragon. A mythical dragon.

Sarin's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the hand that held his sword. Blood dripping from it, as a slash had hit him. But, he didn't see anything. How could something hit him? Well, it was rather simple actually.

"Sword slashes are nothing but air compressed under high pressure. The stronger the wielder, the stronger the attack. But, even the sword plays a rather important role," ED said as he raised his new mythical sword, Ame-No-Murakumo (v2.0). "And what better sword is there, than a wind sword forged from the scales of a mythical dragon?"

Ed's words didn't manage to reach Sarin's ears. 'How was I hit?' the question plagued his mind and didn't allow for his brain to compute anything else. Little by little, he gathered information regarding Ed. From the rumors surrounding him to the abilities, he displayed in front of him. A certain memory surfaced, and a smile appeared on his face. The wounds on his stomach and hand had already healed, and Emilia was nowhere near him.

"Hahaha, Space magic, isn't it? You pesky space users don't know when to stop" the smile turned into a frown as he spoke. "But, no need for more playing. You're all going to die anyway, so why not now?"

Ed withdrew Muramasa, the only one of his swords still at Legendary quality. He started to use his Three-Sword Style as he realized he needed to use as many weapons as he could. Emilia held her rapier, which was raring to go at Sarin.

Sarin, whose hands ignited into purple flames, discarded his sword and rushed towards Ed. He slashed at him with his hands, which resembled a tiger's paw, but was blocked by an invisible 'something'. However, Ed slashed all three swords at him, and all of them managed to hit their target. Again, Sarin stood there dumbfounded but didn't dwell on it. 'If something is blocking me, I just need to break it!'

With such a simple thought, Sarin started to claw away at the invisible 'something'. In reality, the wall that stopped Sarin was Ed's Telekinesis threads. He surrounded himself with them, which formed a cocoon harder than any armor. However, even this cocoon couldn't hold on under the assault of Sarin. His purple flames burned through it like paper.

Ed noticed the near limit of his cocoon and chose to retreat, but Sarin was quick to give chase. He dodged continuously but was grazed by one of Sarin's claw-like finger on his right arm.

[You're poisoned, do something about it!]

Ed heard the system and immediately looked at his arm, which started to become discolored already. Without a second thought, he teleported dozens of meters away and squeezed all the muscles of his right arm.

"Not so fast, kid!" Sarin threw tens of purple needles. All of them were poisonous, but Ed didn't pay them any attention. After all, they never got close to him, as they were frozen midair by Emilia.

Meanwhile, Ed had cut his hand with his own katana in order to get rid of the poison. It was the best solution he could think of, as the poison was too strong for one potion to get rid of. Thus, he chose to drink the potion in order to cure the new wound on his right arm.

"I see, so you aren't immune to poison after all," Sarin said as he started to walk towards Ed. "Then, tell me something. What is that creatures, happily eating away my sect's poison as if it was midday snack?" Sarin pointed at Suika, who was still on Asem's shoulder, eating all the poison attacks thrown at the both of them.

"That would be Suika, a Nephilim slime."

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