Fantasy System

Chapter 43: The results

Chapter 43: The results

Ed looked back towards Emilia and Hayato in an attempt to get their help in escaping his predicament; however, he was greeted with Emilia standing on the side while holding Suika and Hayato who gave him a thumb up.

"Fight!" Hayato said while smiling. 'I'm going to have to give him a punch for that one' Ed secretly held a grudge against Hayato for encouraging the fight.

Ed turned his attention back to the beast woman who was about to hit him. Thankfully his Seikken kicked in a fraction of a second before her attack hit him. He was able to react in time and guarded with his arm, however, he remembered that she had the greatest power in all of the new nobles, at least in case no one was hiding their true power like him.

Ed acted as if he was blown away by her punch and flipped back getting on his feet while clutching his arm that was hit.

"Can't we settle this peacefully? What did I ever do to you?" Ed was acting as if he was injured while asking for the reason why she was attacking him. It was never really clear what he did that made him suffer from her assault.

"You're acting as if you don't know!" She rushed again at him and started attacking. Ed didn't want to get hit too much so he started using his hand to deflect her attacks. He was only using one hand since his other arm was 'injured'.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I really don't know what I did wrong!" Ed was confused on the real reason by this assault so he wanted to know. It wouldn't do to get an enemy without knowing the reason.

"You were laughing at me during the test earlier. And you even ranked better than me in the magic test even though you were dead last in the physical one!" It seemed like she held a grudge because of the chuckling Ed had done in the test earlier. 'You can't blame me for getting a zero during your exam, however' Ed could only shrug his head at what was happening.

"I only smiled earlier because I found your thinking face to be cute. I didn't try to offend you" Ed told her the truth, she had a pretty face and when she was holding her head and thinking made her very serious and cute.

"What do you mean cute?!" The girl was now red from embarrassment and glared at Ed while increasing her attacking rate. Instead of saving the situation, Ed only made things worst.

Ed was getting tired of being attacked one-sidedly so he activated his Rysui Seikken this time and read her thoughts. He could predict where she would be attacking to a certain degree and baited her into making a punch at his face. He braced himself and took it head on, which caused him to fly to the back.

The girl looked like she didn't mean to attack him so badly and only stared at him for a while with her mouth closed. She extended her arm as if trying to reach him but as if remembering something, she got red and ran away.

"Looks like I can get up now" After noticing her leaving, Ed got up and was patting his clothes to get the dust off of him.

"Are you alright" Emilia and Hayato came forward now that the battle was over. "I'm okay, she wasn't being serious after all" Ed only had a tinge of red on his nose even after taking that hit.

"You looked like you were hit hard though" Emilia questioned Ed but he simply acted as if he heard nothing. It would be troublesome to explain everything.

"Let's continue exploring for a bit" The four of them continued their trip and checked the academy. The academy was a lot bigger than they had imagined. The classes were in a building and were divided into five classes; another building had the library which was also immense. The restaurant was in a different building as well and seemed to be around the size of a football stadium. It seemed like they had put a lot of thought into this academy's planning.

Another thing that they had checked was the dorms. They would be staying in this academy for an unknown period of time so they wanted to know where they would be staying. They made their way around until they got to the dorm. Every room was as big as a house and everyone had their own room, this pleased Ed since he wouldn't have to stop training in case he had a roommate. The rooms were divided into a bath, a kitchen, and the sleeping room. However, the most astonishing room was the training room which seemed like it stopped both sound and QI from being sensed from outside.

After checking the rooms Ed was satisfied overall, this academy wouldn't stop him from training his abilities and skills. The four of them were heading back to the entrance when Ed asked them.

"Are you guys hungry? I have some sandwiches on me" He offered some chicken lettuce and sandwiches, as he took them out of his Inventory. He didn't bother hiding it since it wasn't impossible to find.

"I'll humbly accept. Thank you" "Thanks" "Suu~~" All three of them accepted and started eating, about 15 minutes later they finished and made their way again to the field where they were at in the beginning.

After waiting there for a while, the general came back and announced for everyone to come to the field. Not even five minutes later, all 99 people were present. Only the king's daughter was missing.

"Now that everyone is here let me announce that the results have been decided. Follow me to know what you got" He turned back and they started following him. Soon enough they went inside a classroom and noticed that the king was there.

No one bothered to bow this time since they had already done all the formalities before and the king didn't seem to mind.

Everyone was now focused on the king waiting for him to make his speech or something. Ed also noticed that his daughter was now next to him.

"Everyone the results have come out. Check them out and we'll discuss things after" The king manipulated a large piece of paper with his QI and placed it on the blackboard. There were five classes each with 20 names under it. Everyone was checking their class now.

Author's Thoughts


Fifth chapter! Enjoy

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