Fantasy System

Chapter 48: The mock-battle

Chapter 48: The mock-battle

The morning came and ate breakfast with his companions. He summoned the two goblins an the kobold first and then summoned Suika to eat. Although the system told him summoned monsters don't need to eat he still chose to have a meal with them whenever he could. He even found out that the Hobgoblins preferred sweets over meat, while the High kobold was an all you can eat type of person but still preferred meat.

Ed left his room while Raikou went back to sleep, although Ed had told him what had happened yesterday to be careful, Raikou was sure Ed could take care of such problems himself and didn't have to follow him. In case of an emergency, He would just need to run while being clad in lightning and he would arrive in no time at all.

Ed didn't meet up with his two friends this time since he was late so he went straight to his class. He got there just before the teacher showed up and took his seat, he hurriedly greeted Emilia and Hayato before the class began.

"Without any wasting of time, I'll be needing for you to change into some battle clothes. Today we will be having a mock battle with C class. It would do you better to get used to such battles since they'll be happening quite a lot" Harry didn't even allow them to ask any questions and just closed his eyes as if sleeping.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The girls went to change their clothes back in their rooms while boys stayed in the class. Ed noticed that most of the people had used some spatial rings that stored things in them. Ed had planned to get these rings in case he didn't get a skill, but his Inventory saved him the trouble.

In fifteen minutes everyone was back in the class and the teacher opened his eyes. "The mock battle will happen in the terrain outside the academy. You will be asked to form a team of five, so try to do it fast. Although it is a battle try not to kill anyone and try not to be killed, the goal of this test is to try and catch the opposite team's flag. The class that succeeds will be given rewards, as for what they are you'll find out later" After he spoke, Harry went out and waited, indicating that they should form their teams now.

"I guess we still need two more people" Ed, Hayato, and Emilia obviously gathered together but they still needed two more members. Everyone else was avoiding them because of yesterday's battle. Some feared that if they associate with Ed, Norris would target them while others feared Ed himself. 'It seems like I'm not really liked' Ed could only smile wryly.

However, they didn't have to worry a lot since there were 20 people in the class so 2 people would obviously remain and would have to join Ed's team. The two people that remained were the beast woman who attacked Ed and another girl who had bangs covering her eyes and seemed like she preferred being alone.

Seeing this, Ed moved towards them. "Would you like to join our team?" When he said that, the girl with the bangs nodded her head, although slightly, while the beast woman glared at him.

"As if we have a choice you weakling-" The beast woman called him weakling but seemed to remember yesterday's incident and had to rethink her choice of words. "I will have you fight me once more, seriously this time but not now" It seemed like she figured out Ed had gone easy on her the other day and didn't like the idea so she was aiming for revenge.

"I hope I will not have to fight you hahaha" Ed was cursing inside as he knew she wouldn't give up. "Let's introduce ourselves, my name Edward Avalon" Ed was trying to get familiar with the names of his new teammates.

"Emilia Aragon" Emilia was next.

"Hayato Nakamura" It was the first time Ed heard Hayato's first name so he made sure to memorize it.

"Tch Ellie Tigris" Ed finally found out about her name and noticed that it fit her; she had yellow-orange cat ears and a tail that was similar to a tiger'. Her eyes were also orange with slits in them which made her resemble a tiger even more. She was beautiful and anybody would notice her, but it seemed like the humans of this world have a hate for non-humans so she isn't well liked in their class.

"S-Stephanie Schwarz!" The shy girl had black hair and black eyes and seemed to be the smart type. Her face was hidden usually but she could be considered as a beauty nonetheless.

"Now then since we're done let us head to the training area" Ed spoke and went outside. Most other teams had finished as well and headed out. A couple of minutes later they were next to the forest outside of the academy.

"Now then the first team head out to your starting point" Harry randomly looked at a team and decided they would be first. He gave them a map and showed them where they needed to go. "The rest of you follow me" Then they went to a room that was set up seemingly only for mock battles.

"We can watch the performance of the teams in this room. We have tamed some monsters that can relay what they see to us" The monsters Harry was talking about were a group of birds that shared their view. It was easy to catch them however by using tactics that covered their eyesight.

After catching them one only needed to make some modifications and they would be able to use the shared view to their advantage. The room that they were in had a couple of monitors in it and showed different angles of the forest. Ed was surprised since such technology seemed ahead of the times they were in. Ed had to reform his knowledge about this world once more.

"Now then be quiet the battle is beginning" As he spoke they looked over to the monitors and saw that both teams were in place, a siren was surrounded and the teams moved.

Author's Thoughts


Last chapter of the mass release! I hope you enjoy it. I'll be editing any mistakes in the chapters later if i find any. In case you have any question leave them in the comments and i'll do my best to answer them^^.

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