Fantasy System

Chapter 51: The battles

Chapter 51: The battles

'Tch this is turning out exactly as Edward said' Ellie was under heavy attacks from her enemy. It was a girl with orange hair who seemed to be proficient at using fire magic. Ellie was able to dodge her attacks thanks to her physical abilities and kinetic vision, allowing her to read the attacks that are coming her way. However, this turned out to be a battle of attritions and whoever gets tired first would lose.

The girl from C class noticed the same thing and switched her strategy. She was using fire arrows mainly but now decided to switch to the fireball that explodes and create an AOE effect. This caused Ellie's dodging to lose some of its effects and was now getting caught by some of the fire blasts, if not for her strong physique she would have been burned heavily by now.

'This can't go on like this' Ellie knew she would be the one to get tired first if this continues. The opponent seemed to have a decent amount of QI and could use different fire abilities. Ellie decided to follow some of Ed's pointers and started running towards the trees and using them as a cover. This gave her some leeway while dodging the fireballs while executing her next step.

Ellie was secretly charging QI in her fists while moving fast around her opponent. It didn't take her long to reach the amount she needed and suddenly stopped as if she was tired. Her opponent noticed this but still didn't move close to her; rather she just charged an extra big fireball and sent it flying at Ellie. The latter used this chance to jump to the side and sprint at full power while the fireball detonated behind her.

"So you were acting after all!" The girl's caution saved her, but not for long. "You can run back but it won't help you. You're not my target after all; I just need to be close enough!" Ellie was about five meters away from her opponent and smashed the ground with her QI infused fists. A cracking line kept forming ahead of Ellie and almost got her opponent to fall, but the latter seemed to use her entire strength to jump up and dodge it.

"That's right, only the sky is left now!" Ellie jumped after her as she predicted her actions. She hit her stomach with another QI infused fist causing her opponent to faint immediately. She made sure to hold back enough just to make her lose consciousness and not fatally injure her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Phew, I'm done here! I wonder how the rest are doing" Ellie wiped the sweat off her face and moved forward to continue her search of the flag. Her opponent wouldn't be waking up any time soon.

In another location, Ed and Leon were now in a heated fight inside the forest. "Hahahhaha! I knew you were not a pushover" Leon seemed excited while fighting Ed. The same could be said for Ed as it's been a while since his last good spar with someone.

"The same could be said for you!" Ed and Leon were exchanging sword blows at a stunning speed. Although Ed was not using all his strength, Leon could still hold his own even while using one sword. Many trees surrounding them have already been cut down which made them move while fighting to secure stable footing.

Ed was only swinging his sword without using any of his abilities; however, he noticed that the fight would take too long in this case and activated his Seikken. This gave him a boost in his fighting power, so much that Leon started feeling the pressure coming out of Ed.

"Seems like you're getting seriousAllow me to do the same!" Leon seemed as if he grew in size after he spoke and Ed could feel his QI getting larger. 'Is this a cultivation technique' Ed backed away for a bit and checked out Leon's situation.

"This is out Herculean strength technique from our sect, it allows me to raise my QI and physical abilities for a limited amount of time" Leon started explaining his technique out of nowhere.

"Why are you telling me this?" Ed couldn't help but ask him.

"I just felt like it!" Leon's character was way too easygoing. "If you survive long enough for this technique to end you might beat me"

"Too bad, I plan on beating you now!" The two suddenly engaged in a heated battle once more. Every time their blades crossed a shockwave would spread for a few hundreds of meters. If Ed had not practiced his KI control for so long he probably would have been thrown away many times already.

"Hahahahha! Let's fight some more Ed!" Leon seemed excited beyond belief and even forgot that this was a mock-battle, and focused solely on beating Ed.

Ed was also extremely focused and even activated his Rysui Seikken. This allowed to completely read Leon's movements as long as they had eye contact. Leon didn't know how Ed could read him so well that he got flustered at one point and slashed blindly. Ed capitalized on this chance and used Space magic's short teleport.

"Sorry, I'm being a little cheap right now!" Ed teleported behind Leon and before the other one could react; Ed had already executed his move.

"Fire blade cyclone!" Ed's two swords were covered with their respective magic type and pointed his swords up while rotating at a high speed. A huge cyclone was created and enveloped Leon's body. This cyclone had a combination of fire and wind magic which caused it to cut and burn at the same time.

Ed didn't want to badly injure Leon so he held back enough. After the attack was done Leon's body simply hit the ground and he laid there.

"What a powerful techniqueTeach me some other time alright" Leon didn't seem to be annoyed at his lost and even seemed to respect Ed enough to ask for his teachings.

"By the way, my country is known for its delicious food. Make sure to visit someday and I'll have some people show you around if I'm not available" Leon invited Ed to visit his country after fighting him. Ed could only smile wryly at his free spirit.

"Sure you can choose the time" Ed accepted and sat down as well, he had used a couple of his skills and got a little tired.

Author's Thoughts


Hello everyone! Been a while since the last time I wrote a lot of battle scenes, right? Well I hope I did a good job for you to enjoy^^.

In case of a mistake please point it out in the comments.

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