Fantasy System

Chapter 53: The library

Chapter 53: The library

"Each one of you will be given 500 gold by the academy. And since you defeated a C class team, you'll have access that C class students have in the library that will open up tomorrow." Harry gave them a simple overview of the rewards they had gotten from their win. They also understood that the library would have levels that each class can have access to. Ed decided this would be a good chance to increase his knowledge of the world.

"That'll be all for today. We'll meet tomorrow." Harry told them as he was leaving the room. Ed and his friends also exited and headed to the infirmary. Although Ed's pills did most of the work, they still wanted for Hayato and Ellie to check in and have their injuries examined. It took them about an hour and all five headed to the restaurant.

"Over here, Ed!" Ed turned his head around to check who was calling for him. Although it was obvious since no one was acquainted with him except for a few people and most of them were next to him.

"Let's eat together" Leon was sitting next to one of his teammates while waiting for his food.

"Sure" Ed had no reason to refuse. The same was for his teammates. Everyone introduced themselves while waiting for the food. "My name is Liza, nice to meet you" Leon's teammate introduced herself and they started having some small talk.

"Are your injuries alright Leon?" Ed had to ask about Leon's condition since he was the one who did the damage.

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"Of course! That's nothing" Leon seemed healthy as if nothing had happened to him. "By the way, won't you train with me sometime? I feel like I'll improve a lot by fighting you regularly" Leon's eyes looked as if they were shining. Ed had a bad feeling as if accepting would result in a long time of hardships.

"Maybe someday hahaha" Ed could only shrug him off while promising him.

"Don't forget you'll still have to fight me" Ellie interjected at that moment and reminded Ed that she wanted to fight him at his best.

"Ahahahaha" Ed couldn't help but let out a weird laugh. Everyone wanted to fight him after this morning.

The lunch finished and everyone headed out to their rooms since they had no classes today. Ed immediately ate again with Raikou and headed inside his training room. He summoned his three monsters and trained them again for a while with swords. They lasted a lot longer and were stronger as well. It seemed like their ability to improve was great since they had evolved.

Ed was fighting while using his Sharingan this time. He hadn't used this skill in while since it put quite a burden on his body and the enemies weren't strong enough to need it. He wanted to see how long he can last while using his skills without holding back. The three monsters couldn't handle him in that state so he recalled them and summoned Suika. Raikou and Suika both started fighting Ed at his request. In his state, Ed could handle both of them for about one hour fighting at his best before he lost all his KI.

'Seems like I'm going to have to make some hunting trips soon' Ed hadn't hunted since coming to the academy. Unlike other students, he didn't cultivate so unless he killed monsters, he wasn't going to get stronger.

Ed had spent a couple of hours training with his monsters and recovering his KI. Afterward, he headed out to get something to eat after taking a bath. He left Raikou behind and headed out with Suika.

The dinner had no issues as he ate with the same people that he had lunch with this morning.

"By the way Ed, why did you hide your powers in the tests?" Hayato asked Ed as if wanting to confirm something.

"Eh, how did you know? Did Leon tell you?" Ed was a bit surprised since Hayato never asked such questions.

"No, I saw your fight earlier in the monitor room. You can check it out later if you want" Hayato told Ed some information he didn't know about.

"No need. Well, there isn't a reason, besides almost everyone didn't use their full power. Including you guys. I just used less than most people" Ed shot some questioning eyes at Hayato, Emilia, and Leon. They turned their heads away as if avoiding his questions. Ellie was busy playing with Suika so she didn't care about them. At first, Suika didn't want to play with her since she remembered that she attacked Ed. However, Ed told her it was just a misunderstanding and she warmed up to her after a while.

After eating; Ed returned to his room and got some food for Raikou. After eating and doing some maintenance on his swords, Ed went to sleep.

In the morning, Ed headed out to class with Suika and hoped there would be no mock-battle today. Fortunately, he found out that mock-battles happen once a week with random classes. Ed finished his classes and headed to the library that he was told about.

There he found out that most of the books that were there were about monsters and their abilities. However C class could only check up to Earth Establishment monsters. To be able to read about stronger monsters, Ed would have to get B or A class's rights to the library.

'I guess this is what I get for laying low' Ed smiled wryly since now he had no choice but to challenge and beat A class with his teammates.

After studying for a couple of hours, Ed left the library and ate at the restaurant again. He returned to his room and trained with his monsters again. He repeated this process until it was the last two days of the week. He now had no classes and could get go hunt freely. Ed decided to get back to the capital to check up on some stuff, and then he would hunt monsters for the remaining time before the week starts again.

Author's Thoughts


Hello everyone! Hope you enjoy the chapter, in case of any mistakes mention them in the comments and i'll fix them asap.

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