Fantasy System

Chapter 73: The anger

Chapter 73: The anger

A class now had 8 students, B class 6 and C class only 2. If it wasn't for Charlie, they might have lost all members already. He was now fighting two students from A class alone. Many students in the academy either chose to hide their power to get into lower classes. Or couldn't answer well on the intellectual test. Charlie was the latter.

His academic smarts may not be high, but his battle prowess was high. He wasn't being pushed back by the two students at all. His martial art style was like Chinese Kung-Fu. Allowing him to deflect attacks, and counterattack with frightening power. He didn't show off much in his battle with Hayato, due to the latter being skilled in martial arts as well. But against the two in front of him, he had no trouble at all.

Charlie was about to knock one of them out when he heard a voice. "The third batch can enter!" The king's voice sounded off once more in the academy. And as Charlie was about to strike, he was stopped by an A class student. It was a beast man who had incredible speed. It took him less than a second to reach Charlie and stop him. Charlie now had to fight three opponents at the same time. As expected it was too much for him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Allow me to help you, Charlie." One of the students was blown away by Wind magic. Leon had entered the ring as well this time. C class decided it would be wise to send in their strongest now, instead of last. The more students they could keep the better. Soon enough, Liza came and assisted Leon and Charlie. A three vs. Three battle was easy for them. The rest of the students were fighting E class once more, so they didn't support the three A class students. Leon decided against ganging up on E class. One of the reasons being Ed, and another was because he wouldn't feel any thrill doing that.

"We need to finish these guys fast" Leon knew it was only a matter of time before E class falls. By then, A class would switch their attention to them. Charlie and Liza also knew this and intensified their attacks. Charlie and Leon knocked out their opponents after some struggle. But Liza's opponent not losing to her. Instead, he was overpowering her.

Before her teammates could assist her, they were faced with new students from A and B class. B class lost two students while finishing off E class. A class was hunting down D class, so the rest were now fighting C class.

Leon had no choice but to activate his Herculean strength, as well as his movement skill. He could now fight three opponents at the same time. Charlie was backing away while trying to support Liza, as she was under heavy attacks.

Out of the ring, the rest of E class who lost got back to their class. "Good job you guys" Ed told them the same thing as earlier. When they heard him, some of the girls cried in embarrassment. While the boys could only hang their heads down in shame. They were hunted as if they were some common cattle. Ed understood how they felt and before anyone knew it, Shusui was in his hand. Ed was now silently leaking killing intent while moving towards the ring. It would soon be their turn.

Ellie, Emilia, Hayato, and Stephanie also approached the ring. Hayato now had a sword in his hands. It was a Double-Edged sword with a black blade and red hilt. Ed could feel killing intent not too different from him seeping out of the sword. Hayato noticed his gaze and spoke. "Demon swords: Asmodeus. It's a relic handed down in our family." It was the first time Hayato was going to use a sword in battle. It showed that he, as well, was pissed off at the other classes.

"When we enter the ring, don't rush. Instead, wait behind me." Ed told his teammates while gripping his sword. No one objected. They would follow his orders. All of them now respect Ed greatly after training with him. They also knew that he was not the reckless type, so he wouldn't be doing something that would endanger them. It was only a couple of minutes before they could enter the ring.

A lot of students were now out of the ring. D class was barely hanging on with 2 students. C class had Leon, Liza, Charlie and two more students. B class is also left with 5 students. A class was still left with 8 students. Leon and Charlie were injured a little after fighting so many students. They knocked out most of the students who attacked them, but they showed no signs of stopping. Liza was also injured, and now was supporting them with magic.

"The last students can now enter! Remember, you have 15 minutes to win!" The king's voice alerted everyone. Every time he spoke it meant two things. E class would be hunted and more students would join the ring. Ed and the rest jumped into the ring and everyone stood still except Ed who moved a little to the front. Many students were now coming to attack them. Except for Leon and his classmates, as well as their opponents.

"Leave those failures to me! It's time to end them!" Norris left his team as well and closed in on Ed. His grudge resurfaced again after a long time. His teammates, Alicia, two beast men and an Oni did not join. All of the students attacking Ed felt something was wrong, but they still continued.

Ed held Shusui horizontally with both hands. His left foot ahead of his right one, and he assumed a slashing stance. Fire magic was forming on his blade in a strange way. It was like a dying fire. "Smoldering Blade!" An original technique of Ed that uses only one sword. He used Shusui instead Muramasa because its killing intent matched his at the moment.

The slash Ed used showed both of his strength and his emotion. The slash looked like a smoldering fire, ready to consume anything to get stronger. His single slash filled up the entire ring. No one was safe from it. The ones who were in front of him, including Norris, were pushed back to the other side of the ring. Some of them couldn't handle the slash and, were either burned or thrown off the ring. Some of the other students who didn't plan to join already, like Alicia, were forced to draw their weapons and protect themselves.

"I'll make you feel my class' pain. Many times stronger." Ed spoke while putting Shusui on his shoulder.

Author's Thoughts


Hello everyone! An extra chapter for today, hope you enjoy.

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