Fantasy System

Chapter 82: Home

Chapter 82: Home

Ed ran away from the scene. He was planning to return to Avalon kingdom to check up on his family and friends. Blood sect probably wouldn't dare attack many kingdoms at once, but it was still a possibility. Ed also planned on letting his father know about what happened. He also wanted to gather information on Blood sect.

Ed didn't stop to meet anyone. He already let Hayato know about his plans to leave the capital and the kingdom. Most of Ed's teammates were going to do the same thing, even Emilia was a step ahead of him.

After Ed left the capital, he didn't change from his disguise. He was going to go incognito all the way back to his kingdom. He had just killed a lieutenant of the army, so there was bound to be some pursuers. Although the king would probably delay them as much as possible, Ed still wanted to be safe. If they were to follow his tracks, they would find out that Ed was the murderer. Which might cause the lieutenant's family to declare war on Ed's family.

But if he was in his disguise, even if he was found it wouldn't matter much as Ed had his ways of running away. However, it was only a matter of time before people make the connection between Ed, and the lieutenant, which will allow them to figure out Ed's disguise. But, Ed wanted to buy as much time as possible.

Ed memorized the way back to the kingdom. It took him a couple of days before, but now he was going to do it in one day. Ed activated his Shadow Steps along with Ken. His speed was good enough to do the job. Whenever he had to change his speed, or if he met with an obstacle, Ed would simply use short teleport making him unstoppable. About two hours later, Ed was in Claw city.

Ed planned to check on Alice and her family. He wanted to know if the monster attack targeted the whole country, or simply the capital. He felt relieved to see that no damage was done to the city. 'So only the capital was targeted'. Ed figured out that the Blood sect either wanted to simply announce themselves. Or didn't have the resources to orchestrate several attacks at once.

Ed stealthily made his way to Alice's inn and checked up on the family. Everyone one of them seemed to be doing fine. It looked like they were shaken due to the news of the capital being attacked, but they were fine otherwise. The army of the kingdom would probably be more active in all other cities after the attack on the capital. Ed didn't worry much about the possibility of Norris attacking them in revenge of Ed. 'Emilia is also going to check on him' Ed thought.

After checking up on the family, Ed continued his journey. There was still a lot of distance to cover, so he needed to use his time well. Ed continued running the same way until he suddenly noticed that his speed had increased. He checked up on his status and noticed that Spectral Shadow Steps was one level away from completion. At least, according to his estimates.

"System show me my status"

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Name: Edward Avalon.

Level: 24. (12.500/180.000) [King Establishment level 4].


HP: 550/550.

MP: 355/355.

STR: 276.

AGL: 235.

INT: 237.

DEF: 245.

STA: 275.

Skills: Three-sword style, Etiquette, Haggling, Strategy, KI control, Driving.

Abilities: Mangekyo-Sharingan, Spectral Shadow Steps, Wind magic, Fire magic, Space magic, Voice Disguise, Shunpo, Nen, Berzerk.

Monsters: Raikou, Suika, Gobuta, Goburou, Garu.

Evaluation: getting better.

'I need to break through to Earth Establishment as soon as possible'. Ed remembered that the system told him he would be able to support Mangekyo-Sharingan, only when he is at Earth Establishment. He also needed to figure out what kind of abilities he gets from it. But, all of these were secondary objectives. His main objective was to get to Avalon kingdom and find out more about the Blood sect.

After Ed started feeling fatigued, he stopped and set up a camp to eat. It was getting dark so he was going to sleep here as well. Ed summoned everyone except Suika. He still didn't know how he was going to break the news to her. She was very close to the children. Ed cooked some food for his companions and didn't summon Suika until they were about to sleep. She looked confused as to why they were outside. She also wanted to know why Ed didn't summon her for so long.

"We're traveling somewhere for a while." Ed simply lied to her as they slept. She seemed to notice something was wrong but didn't ask. She trusted Ed and knew he wouldn't hurt her.

In the morning, Ed recalled Suika, saying he would be running at high speed. Which he did. He was getting closer and closer to the kingdom. After a while, he rode on Raikou. As the latter knew Ed wanted to get there as soon as possible, he activated his lightning clad and ran at top speed. Although this form would usually wear down Raikou, he didn't care.

Before long, Ed could finally see the kingdom. He stopped and changed his clothes. He didn't forget to check if anyone was following him, but luckily no one did. Ed then continued towards the kingdom. As he was getting closer and closer to the kingdom he noticed that some familiar faces were near the gate.

"Halt!" The person at the gate didn't seem to notice Ed's identity and stopped. That or Raikou scared him silly.

"Don't worry It's only me" Ed waved his hands indicating he was friendly.

"Your Highness! Forgive my insolence" The guard in the gate was the one Ed had transformed into when Eric was targeted before. Ed could remember his face due to that incident. There were also some sect disciples who were present before. It seemed like Ed's father, or Leonard increased the security since then.

Raikou went into Ed's shadow, while Ed moved to the castle. It's been a while since he last saw his family.

Author's Thoughts


Hello everyone. I had some trouble trying to publish this chapter for some reason. Hope it doesn't happen again.

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