Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 127: find the truth

Li Haitang sat back on the chair again. It was the first time for her to experience the ancient court questioning. She had an indescribable feeling that Zhang Zheng was not such a fool as she thought.

"My lord, the grass people panicked for a moment."

Sun Xing was telling the truth. Last night, the two had a cup of wine, Yang Xiaohua treated him very coldly and said a lot of bad things, saying that he has no backbone, is not a man, and eats soft food.

"So, you just killed him?"

Zhang Zheng looked at Sun Xing thoughtfully, almost certain in his heart that the murderer was not Sun Xing. A cowardly person does not have the psychological quality to kill.

"No, no, my lord, not grass people!"

Sun Xing has one thing that others cannot do, that is, he can endure, even if he becomes a green-haired turtle, he will not say a word.

He has a long-term view, plotting the Yang family's property. Father Yang is old and has few years to live. When someone kicks his legs, the property of the Yang family will be his. It will not be too late for him to take revenge on Yang Xiaohua.

"Yang Xiaohua and I drank a cup of wine and fell asleep."

Sun Xing was full of bitterness. Yang Xiaohua looked down on him and didn't let him touch him. He was quite happy at the time, because he had hurt his roots before, and that place was a little powerless. If it was found out that he was so useless, he would have to be insulted.

So, the two of them didn't have sex, Sun Xing was secretly happy, and he didn't have any thoughts about Yang Xiaohua.

It was late at night, and Sun Xing was not asleep. He pushed the bride and found her body was cold. He held a wedding candle and shone on her face. Yang Xiaohua's face was ashen, and she had died for a long time!

Could it be poisoning? But handing over a glass of wine, I also drank it myself. Sun Xing was immediately dumbfounded. All he could think of was to leave the land of right and wrong, because he couldn't clean himself up by jumping into the Yellow River.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Come here, bring me to work!"

Zhang Zheng drank too much water and was in a hurry to urinate, so he could only hold back, and his face became more and more ugly. Seeing this, the master winked and called Wu Zuo to announce the autopsy results.

According to the rigor state of the corpse, it is speculated that it was at nightfall, that is, the two of them died within an hour after drinking a cup of wine.

Yang Xiaohua's death was strange, if it was said that she died of poisoning, there was no sign of bleeding from the seven orifices, but her face was livid, as if she had been poisoned.

Wu Zuo was not sure, so he asked for help, and wanted to ask the genius doctor Li Haitang for help.

A bizarre murder occurred in the city, and the common people rushed to tell the news. In a short time, the whole city knew about it. The focus was on the genius doctor. Li Haitang indirectly rescued Zeng Yan, who had a habit of breaking his sleeves.

Because of the autopsy, Li Haitang was left in the Yamen, she yawned, she was also a doctor in her previous life, that's right, but she is not a forensic doctor!

"Master Li, Mr. Zhang solemnly wants to ask you for help."

There must be a result when he rises up to ask questions tomorrow. Zhang Zheng is under a lot of pressure. He has an intuition that Li Haitang will definitely be able to solve the problem.

If the investigator does not know the truth, Sun Xing and Widow Sun will have to be escorted to death row. Unless a miracle happens and the dead are resurrected, no one can help their mother and son clear the suspicion.

"I see."

Li Haitang was already disgusted by these two weirdos, but they really deserved to die. Just like what Zhang Zheng said, their purpose was to find the truth.

As for the truth, we can only rely on the autopsy to let the deceased speak. What Li Haitang has to do is to find out the cause of Yang Xiaohua's death.

Only by finding out the cause of death can we fundamentally find the murderer.

Sun Xing and Sun Widow took the blame for the murderer. Just imagine, the murderer got away with it, maybe he was complacent, had a fluke mentality, and brewed a bigger murder.

"If you have any request, just say it, I will ask you to cooperate."

For no reason, Zhang Zheng trusted Li Haitang so much that he couldn't even figure out where the trust came from.

"If you want to know the cause of death, you can only do an autopsy, that is to say, you have to disembowel yourself."

Li Haitang and Wu Zuo asked for silver needles, pierced them into Yang Xiaohua's body, and found that the needles were slowly turning black. Therefore, the death was not a sudden death, not an accident, but a poisoning death.

Whether it was suicide or homicide, and if homicide, who was the murderer, these are all issues that need to be resolved urgently.

The ancients paid attention to the greatness of the dead, and the peace of the earth. In Daqi, autopsies are not dissected. They don't know such skills, and the family members of the deceased cannot accept it.

"No, my poor girl, can't I leave a whole body?"

After hearing this, Old Man Yang was about to faint again. Li Haitang grasped the measurement ahead of time and pierced the acupuncture point with a golden needle. She sighed, "I can tell you responsibly that Sun Xing and Widow Sun are not the murderers. Will Yang Xiaohua die in peace?"

Catch the murderer, speak for the dead, and return justice to the world!

In Daqi, Wu Zuo is a low-ranking profession, and is often looked down upon by people, who think this profession is unlucky.

When Li Haitang said this, Wu Zuo was so excited that he almost shed tears. It turns out that their profession is so noble and they have their lives on their shoulders. They must not let the murderer go unpunished!


Father Yang calmed down, but he was still very conflicted. He really wanted his daughter to be buried in peace.

"Father Yang, after the autopsy, I will be in charge of suturing."

Li Haitang has a headache. She helps people find evidence and find the truth, and she has to coax them. Is there such a kind, beautiful, kind, and wise person in the world?

"You have to know that if a person dies wronged and has a lot of resentment, he will stay and not leave, and he will not be able to reincarnate..."

Li Haitang was about to be moved by her, she was definitely the most kind person in the world!

Zhang Zheng's eyelids twitched, and he almost vomited blood. She, Li Haitang, is purely a kind-hearted person, and took a lot of things from him.

Seeing that her medical clinic was about to open, as the magistrate, Zhang Zheng personally wrote the inscription, gave the plaque, and had to cut the ribbon. He agreed to a series of unequal treaties.

"I agree!"

When Father Yang heard that his daughter could not be reincarnated, he was really anxious. Even if Xiaohua was intact, he would not survive. He wanted to know who was so vicious.

Father Yang signed the document, and Li Haitang entered the mortuary of the Yamen. It was dry and lit with a brazier, and there was only one corpse.

"Miraculous Doctor Li, do you need my help?"

Wu Zuo saw a lot of dead people, no matter how miserable they were, and he was not afraid. He was a little curious, so he followed to watch, and Zhang Zheng had long since slipped away.

"it is good."

She was still a little creepy in the morgue, Li Haitang asked her to stay, and the two chatted, but she was dissatisfied with the actions of her subordinates.

When examining the corpse, she pressed it with heavy gloves and found that the deceased's uterus was abnormal. After the autopsy, the result surprised her.

" did this happen!"

Wu Zuo blinked, thinking he was wrong, but inside the womb, there was a fetus that was taking shape.

Yang Xiaohua was pregnant, because she was wearing thick winter clothes and was not conspicuous. She was about four months old, and her belly was protruding.

What was even more shocking was that the color of the fetus was black, and the uterus was also black. It was the first time Li Haitang saw such a situation. The rest of Yang Xiaohua is intact, if poisoned by drinking medicine, it should spread to the whole body, the stomach should be the first to be involved, not the uterus.

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