Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 309 You Promised!

Chapter 309 You Promised!

Lunch was over, and all of them went to their own separate ways.

Michael and Amanda left the neighborhood and went on a quick movie date.

While Olivia and Randy went back to the former’s house and probably had a discussion between them, and the rest, went to do their own things.

Some left the mansion in suits, while some went to the gym and some went for a swim in the pool.

"We’re home!"

Cathay entered the house through the front door, followed by Summer who was trailing behind her while chewing something in her mouth.

Both of them just came home from school and dressed in casual clothing and carrying a backpack.

Olivia and Randy who were chatting in the kitchen stood up when they heard the girls coming and went towards the front door and welcomed the two girls.

"Why are you two home early?" Olivia said the moment she appeared from the corner.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Cathay threw her bag on the couch and sat down lazily with her phone in her hand and replied, "Ohh, it seems something happened at school so classes were canceled for the afternoon"

While Summer on the other hand quickly opened the TV in the living room and said, "Well...Mrs. Stenson got sick mom, so they allowed us to leave early today"

After a while, Cathy quickly stood up from the sofa and rushed towards the kitchen where Olivia had started cooking something for the kids.

"Mom! Is it true that you’re pregnant?" Cathy said the moment she entered the kitchen which startled Olivia that she even dropped the ladle on the pot.

Olivia looked at her daughter with a surprised look on her face and said, "From where did you hear that?"

Cathy rested her chin on the kitchen countertop and said, "Ohh, Aunt Tony texted me about it earlier, and I only remembered about it just now, but is it true then?"

"Yeah, you’re going to have another younger sibling again. You’re not gonna be angry at us for not telling you about this right?" Olivia said a little bit worried.

"Why would I? It’s awesome actually, I just hope it would be a boy this time!" Cathy said, her eyes carried the hope of having a younger brother this time around.

"Oh sweetie, come here!" Olivia felt sweet that she hugged Cathy and kissed her on her cheek.

"Mom! Stop doing that, I’m not a kid anymore!" Cathy pushed her away with embarrassment before running off towards the second floor towards her room.

"So, how did it go?" Randy peeked his head in from the back door and looked at Olivia, his tone tinged with a little bit of worry and excitement as he didn’t know how the kids, especially Cathy would react to the sudden news.

"It seems it went well?"

But when he saw the relief and happiness on the face of Olivia, he couldn’t help but feel relieved and happy at the same time.

Randy opened the door and came in while saying, "I was really worried that she’d get angry at us"


At Cathy’s room.

She was lying on her bed while holding her phone, scrolling through her social media with a small smile on her face.

"I’m going to have another sibling again this time. I hope it would be a boy, Summer is already a handful enough"

If this happened over a month ago, then she wouldn’t even be happy hearing this kind of news from her mother.

After all, they don’t even know Randy enough for her to recognize him as a father figure in their family, but her impression of him change when he stood up for her against her irresponsible father.

If that event didn’t happen, then she would probably just treat Randy as an outsider who would eventually break up with her mother and leave them in the end.

But as she slowly got to know him, she could feel his sincerity behind his actions. She can feel how Randy is treating her and Summer like his own children, not just two stepdaughters.

"Now that I think about it, I’ll finally have a virtual helmet tomorrow just like what Mom and Randy promised me that they would get me on"

She finally remembered that she’d finally be able to play Fate Online from tomorrow onwards, as they had promised her that they would get her one if she diligently helps with the chores around the house for a month.

Thinking about her days of cleaning, mowing the lawn, helping with the dishes, and helping her sister with her homework, she feels somehow relieved and excited at the same time as she’s been really envious of her friends who can play Fate Online whenever they want.

"Hmm...I’m feeling hungry all of a sudden" Cathy rubber her belly and got down from her bed and left her room, and while walking down the stairs, she yelled.

"Mom! Is lunch ready yet!?"

"I was just about to tell Summer to call you. Come down, it’s ready!" Olivia answered from the kitchen.

Cathy came down and saw Randy in the living room sitting on the large couch and watching some show called "Game Week", where the latter greeted her like he always does every day.

Arriving at the kitchen, she saw Summer already seated and eating her meal, while Olivia is washing the cooking utensils on the sink.

"Take a seat and eat. We already had our meals at Randy’s place"

Olivia didn’t need to turn around to recognize the sound of her daughter’s footsteps.

Cathy took a seat and grabbed some food and said, "Mom, tomorrow..."

"Oh...what about tomorrow sweetheart?" Olivia replied.

"Well...you know, didn’t you guys promised me that you’d buy me a virtual helmet after a month of doing chores around the house?" Cathy said, her voice filled with hope that they didn’t forget about it.

Olivia was startled when she only remembered now about the deal they had with her daughter, "Ohh about that...I almost forgot about it"

"Mom, you promised!" Cathy couldn’t help but panic hearing what her mother said.

"Relax sweetheart, Randy had already bought one and it’s just waiting for you to take it tomorrow" Olivia turned around with a smile as she wiped her hands clean with a towel.

"Thank god, I thought that you guys had forgotten about it"

Hearing her, Cathy was finally relieved.

Meanwhile, Summer kept looking back and forth between the two of them while eating, curious of what is happening.

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