Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 317 De Luna Inn

Chapter 317 De Luna Inn

In a deserted back alley.

"Stop, and come with me and receive your punishment," said the man with eastern features whose long hair is tied with a string while blocking the way before Markus and Maya.

With five meters of distance between them and the man, Markus and Maya looked at each other before nodding their heads like they had come to an agreement without even talking.

Markus reach out behind and took out something that’s stuck between his pants and waist, and Maya also did the same thing.

Both of them took out an expandable police baton as their weapons, while the enemy before them is armed with a short wooden katana.

"Don’t make this hard for me kids"

Maya and Markus didn’t even bother opening their mouths as both of them slowly moved to the left and right direction of the man.

The man warily watched the two of them as he gripped his weapon tightly. He didn’t dare to underestimate them just because they were young, especially Maya who is very gifted in regards to engaging in battles like this.

The seconds slowly trickled away.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

No one moved, they just watched each other’s movement, because the slightest mistake could lead to their loss or even death.


The middle-aged man fought the urge to look, but in the end, he still couldn’t help but turn his head towards the cat that suddenly appeared on the wall beside him, but that one mistake on his side was quickly taken advantage of Maya and Markus!

Markus and Maya dashed forward at the same time!

Markus swung his baton from the left towards the man’s neck, while Maya’s baton was striking upwards towards the man’s precious jewels!

How vicious!

Damn cat!

The man hastily jumped backward, but Maya and Markus were relentless as they didn’t have any plans to allow the man to have a breathing room as they continued to attack him from all directions!

Tik! Tak! Tang!

"Damn it! Sneak attacking me, don’t you two have no honor!?" the man cursed angrily as he blocked a strike coming from above, and he quickly lifted his right foot as a police baton swept past it.

"We don’t, we’re raised to be assassins. Assassins don’t have honor"

Maya once again swung the baton in her hand towards his head, where the latter skilfully blocked it.

"Kids today are so shameless!" he cursed in anger, and because of their relentless attack towards him. He slowly got pushed back towards a small alley on the side that can only fit one person.

Maya’s eyes flashed when she saw that and quickly turned towards Markus and yelled, "Run!"

Maya quickly disengage and retreated, followed by Markus who gave the middle-aged man a quick glance before he hastily followed after Maya.

Turning into a corner, Markus was running just behind Maya and couldn’t help but say something bothering him.

"I didn’t know that Luca is that weak"

"Weak? No, he just acted like one so that he will have a reason in case they ask him why we still managed to escape from him" Maya said coldly.

"What? Why would he do that? Wouldn’t he anger Master Lin?" Markus was startled by that and quickly understood why he felt like Luca was so weak that even he who only had a little bit of battle experience could push him back, but earlier, he just thought that it might have been because of Maya.

But now, he finally knew why.

"No, you must have heard of the secret group called Dove in the academy, right?" Maya said, and both of them stopped running when they reached the main road in the city.

"Yeah, I’ve heard of them, but no one really knows who the members are. Even Master Lin is clueless of who amongst the students are members" Markus replied while walking beside her, but his eyes continued to observe their surroundings.

"Wait, are you telling that he’s one of them?" Markus quickly turned his head towards her and couldn’t help yelp in surprise, causing some of the people around them to stare at him, which made him embarrassed.

Maya stopped in her tracks, where Markus followed suit and looked at her.

Maya turned towards him and said, "Not only is he one of them, but he’s also their leader"

Markus’s eyes widened hearing, then a realization struck him.


"No, I’m not one of them. I just accidentally overheard it one night" Maya said, as she once again started walking forward.

Markus quickly caught up to her and said, "Luca has the guts to resist the Guild, isn’t he afraid of them finding out that it was him?"

"He’s not, he’s actually mole planted by War Angel" Maya replied softly.


Markus pulled his hair as he can’t believe what he’s hearing from Maya.

"But how do you know that he’s a mole? Don’t tell me that you also overheard about it? Because I won’t believe that sh*t" Markus said as he stared intently at her.

Maya just rolled her eyes and replied, "My father told me when I showed him the joker cards. You should know that our family is related to the Guild, even Master Lin doesn’t know that Luca is a mole, so keep it a secret and don’t tell the others when we meet them"

Markus is understanding, then he took out the Joker card from his pocket and looked at it, and laughed "I just didn’t expect that the man that night is actually someone from the Continental, and it seems that the rumors are true that they openly poach people from other organizations"

Markus and Maya couldn’t help but laugh at that. After all, only an idiot would hesitate in joining a huge and powerful organization.

Especially something as powerful as Continental.

Moving through a couple of alleyways, the two finally arrived in a small neighborhood, and now they are standing before a small simple looking two-story building with a sign that reads "De Luna Inn" shining with neon lights.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Maya said a bit skeptical. After all, this place is really isolated with the few abandoned building around it.

They can’t even see any signs of life within the hundred meters around them.

Markus looked at his phone and replied, "Well, it’s what the GPS says"

The two of them just stood there for a minute, before they finally decided to walk inside.

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