Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 319 Hijacking

Chapter 319 Hijacking

Inside a plane heading for Central City.

"Drinks, sir?"

A flight attendant approached Michael and asked.

Michael turned his attention towards her and smiled as he replied, "Thank you, but no"

The flight attendant didn’t say anything as she quickly turned around with a red face and hurriedly walked away.

’So hot and handsome!’

Michael gazed at the clouds outside the window.

’I can’t wait to return soon, but dang, I had surely missed a lot of things in the game. I wonder how they are doing?’

Suddenly, his ears suddenly started twitching as he frowned because he could hear the distinct screams coming from the back.

"Nobody moves, or you’re dead!"


A group of men wearing masks and armed with handguns suddenly barged inside the first-class section and the panicky women quickly started screaming in fear.

"Please calm down!"

Even though the legs of the flight attendants are shaking in fear, they still tried to calm the distressed crowd as the hijackers quickly gathered all of them in one corner so that they could easily "look after" them.

’What the f*ck!? Why do troubles always crop up whenever I go!?’

Michael rolled his eyes in laughter as he just allowed one of the masked to push him around while being threatened with a handgun behind him.


The masked man pushed Michael towards the cowering group of passengers and flight attendants.

Michael squatted down with his hands behind his head, and when he looked around, he didn’t expect that the flight attendant that he was just talking to earlier would be squatting beside him.

"Hi, what a bad day, isn’t it?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Ah? Ye..yeah"

Michael smiled at the woman, and the latter couldn’t help but look at him in surprise as she didn’t expect that this man in front of her looks completely calm when their life is being threatened.

"It sure is"

Michael looked away after talking to her and started observing the people guarding them.

’They don’t like terrorists, so they are probably just hijackers who will demand ransom for our safety, classic movie cliche. I wonder who’s the dumb idiot among the aircrew that cooperated with this group of people?’

’But they are not armed with high caliber weapons but only handguns, probably just a group of hijackers who are new to the underground world, pathetic bunch. Isn’t robbing a bank better than hijacking a plane? At least they would have a lot of options in escaping’

’Hijacking a plane means that the only option they had for escaping "if" there are no mishaps is flying the plane away. So, that means one of the pilots is working with them’

’Haaa...what an annoying bunch of people’

"Shut up, or I’ll f*cking kill you!"

One of the masked men had gotten fed up with the whining and crying of the hostages as he walked up towards them and pointed his gun towards a crying old woman who is being hugged by a man, probably her son or grandson, who looked at the masked man with anger.

"What!? You want to die, you brat!?"

The masked man pushed the handgun’s muzzle on the man’s forehead, his voice filled with disdain towards them.

The man on the receiving end of this humiliation just gritted his teeth in anger before lowering his head.

"That’s right, lower your head like the dog you are, or I’ll kill you the next time you look at me like that again!"

The man swept his eyes towards the hostages, as they quickly lowered their heads avoiding eye contact with him, afraid it might anger him further and might kill one of them.

’A soldier?’

Michael thought as he could feel a familiar aura from the man who is hugging the old woman in his arms.

Michael just keeps looking around until he stopped and decided not to do anything as long as they don’t kill someone. So, he just sat lazily with his hands on the floor.

"Ar...aren’t you afraid?"

"Me? Nah, just as long as they don’t trouble me"

Michael whispered back at the flight attendant, while the woman just looked at him with a confused look on her face, and Michael just smiled at that as he didn’t want to elaborate further.


"I want two hundred million dollars as a ransom for my hostages..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The masked man who had taken the cockpit hostage hadn’t even finished talking about his demands when the sound of gunshot started ringing behind them.

"Go check it out, those bastards better not be killing my hostages!"

The leader was angered and quickly gestured at his only companion to go outside and check out what’s happening behind them.



The man had just opened the door when his eyes widened in shock when he saw a shoe enlarging in his field of vision before it slammed on his face, and smashed him hard on the floor.

His eyes quickly rolled back as he fell unconscious due to being caught off guard.

"What the..."

The leader and the pilots couldn’t help but get dumbfounded, and the leader of the hijackers had forgotten to shoot at the intruder because of the sudden change of events.


A fist came flying from out of nowhere and landed hard on the chin of the leader.


The leader of the hijackers fell down on the ground as he pointed at Michael with a trembling hand. He didn’t even manage to retaliate before he fell unconscious.

"Haist! You guys just had to bring a perverted prick with you"

Michael looked at the two men lying on the floor, then at the dumbfounded pilots who are looking at him.

"Oi, tell them it’s okay now. Make sure to safely land this thing, alright?"

"Ye..yes sir"

One of them couldn’t help reply to him respectfully. Michael just smiled at them and gave them a pat on their shoulders before walking out, and then another man walked inside and tied up the two men.

"What...the heck just happened?"

"I don’t know, but isn’t this a good thing?"

"Yeaaah, phew!"

The two pilots looked at each other, and they saw each other’s relieved faces as they smiled at each other. Unbeknownst to them, the assistant behind them is wearing a dark look on his pale face as he glared at the men on the floor, gripping his fists hard.

A few minutes earlier.

The passengers just crowded in the corner as they looked at their captors in fear, while some of them openly glared at them, which only made the masked men laughed at them in disdain.


"No, please don’t kill me!"

One of them even did the fake gesture of shooting at them, which made some of the weak-hearted passengers scream in fear.

Michael couldn’t help but scoff at these hijackers inside, as they can only bully someone weaker than them but don’t have the guts to fight someone on their level.

Then he quickly noticed that two of them is whispering with each other and looking towards his direction, which made him frown. After that, one of them started walking towards his direction, and Michael quickly prepared himself to take them all down the moment the man starts troubling him.


Just as Michael was about to pounce towards the man, he quickly stopped himself when he noticed that the man’s eyes weren’t on him, but at someone behind him!

"Get over here woman, let’s have fun somewhere! Hahaha!"

"No! Stop please! Don’t do this to me!"

The man walked past Michael and grabbed the hair of the flight attendant who was cowering behind him and started dragging her away by pulling her hair.

Michael frowned as he figured out what the man was planning to do with her.




Michael’s eyes glinted as he suddenly pounced forward and kicked the man on his back, which forced the man to stumble forward and knock his head on one of the seats.

He didn’t stop as he quickly dashed forward like a cheetah towards the masked man at the left who was rooted on his spot and was looking at him with widened eyes, but the man quickly collected himself and hastily raised his gun and prepared to shoot Michael!

Michael didn’t even bother the other masked man on the right because he quickly noticed a shadow pouncing towards the man, and even without looking back, he figured out that it must be the man who was hugging the old grandma earlier.


The hijacker was just about to pull the trigger when Michael had already arrived in front of him and his hand flashed and chopped the hand that was holding the handgun upwards, causing the hijacker to instead shoot the ceiling.


"Arggh! My leg!"

Michael skillfully disarmed the man and took the gun from him and shot him on his leg.

Then he looked at the other side and saw that the man with crew-cut hair had already taken down the other hijacker. So Michael ignored him and walked towards the hijacker who had dragged the flight attendant earlier and also shot him in the leg.


Then he turned around and quickly ran towards the direction of the cockpit, ignoring the mixed looks he was getting.

Michael arrived there in no time and he quickly noticed that the door on the cockpit is slowly opening and he quickly increased his speed and jumped forward and brogue kick the man that just appeared on the door!


And rest was history after that, as Michael and the other guy quickly took out the other hijackers who came after hearing the gunshots.

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