Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 388 - Born In The Year Of The Rat

Chapter 388 - Born In The Year Of The Rat

Like any of the monsters, Shadow didn’t also move from his spot as he didn’t want the monstrous dragon to take notice of him even when it already passed by.

"Can anyone from your family fight them?" Shadow turned to Aron, who is now hanging on his shoulder after the dragon finally flew far from them.

Aron shook its head saying, "Aron~!"

’He knows their race is strong, but he’s not sure how they’d fare against a dragon?’ Michael thought after understanding what Aron said.

At the same time, he could also understand where Aron is coming from as the little guy hasn’t met any of his fellow kin yet and only knows that they’re a very powerful race based from his hereditary memories when he was born out of that egg.

"Let’s go"

Michael and Aron then continued on their journey, and along the way, they harvested herbs, avoided the monsters they can’t fight, but fought those he’s already capable of defeating or just the stubborn ones, just like the Large Mountain Rat before them, except that its head is a little rounder and not pointy like the house rats in the real world and it has a pair of teeth just like a beaver.

[Lv. 50 Large Mountain Rat]

Once an ordinary rat, and due constant exposure from the Dragon Aura enveloping the land and the harsh living condition of the place, they had managed to evolve and prevented their species from being wiped out.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Skills: Dig, Hyper Fang

’Dig? It’s a f*cking rat, not a mole! And Hyper Fang? It makes me remember those Sewer Rats who were my first kills, ’ Michael thought to himself, and in his hands are two daggers in a reverse grip while carefully watching the large rat the size of a medium size dog before him.


Then the Large Mountain Rat suddenly uttered a piercing screech before leaping off and disappearing on the ground.

Rumble! Rumble!

Shadow quickly darted his eyes around while Aron’s body was already covered in a streak of black lightning, as both of them concentrated on trying to locate where the monster would pop out from, based from the soft rumbling sound the Large Mountain Rat makes when it digs along the ground.

Then Shadow and Aron’s eyes became sharp as the latter quickly leapt forward while Shadow threw one of his daggers towards the spot behind where Aron was standing earlier as hole appeared on the ground, followed by a shadow that leaped out from the hole as a dagger quickly struck the figure, sending it tumbling along the ground.


Meanwhile, Aron, who had sensed the attack coming from behind him earlier, threw a condense ball of black lightning towards the monster, resulting in a small explosion similar to a Pla-pla, a firework originating from Pearl Nation.


The resulting damage from the explosion left the Large Mountain Rat in a charred state. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem that hurt as its eyes are still full of vitality, but the succeeding attacks also took a chunk of the monster’s health as it was already missing a fourth of it.

"Rats are really resilient motherf*ckers" Shadow laughed as he rolled to the side when the monster suddenly accelerated and pounced towards him like a cannonball.

"Don’t stop attacking!" Shadow ordered Aron, as he and the monster started exchanging blows after blows with Aron assisting him whenever there’s a window of opportunity.


Suddenly, a silhouette of a rat head suddenly appeared above the Mountain Rat and tried to bite Shadow, and with his skills all in cooldown. He didn’t have any choice but to quickly change his pair of daggers into his sword and block the attack.

And the end result was that he got smashed towards the ground as the silhouette’s fangs and Shadow’s sword produced the sound of screeching metal, as the former tried to snap the sword in half!

The Large Mountain Rat’s skill, Hyper Fang, was so powerful that anyone would know just by looking at the veins protruding under his skin that he’s using every ounce of strength he has to block the attack.

"I’m...b-born in the Year of the Rat! Can’t you just let us pass, you motherf*cker?! You have no sense of b-brotherhood at all!"

Meanwhile, seeing Shadow struggling on the ground. Aron leapt to the air and slashed his claws as a bolt of lightning flashed in the air and struck the monster and sent it rolling on the ground, cancelling its Hyper Fang on Shadow.

Freeing him from his predicament.

"Nice on, Aron!" Shadow quickly rolled on the ground before pushing his body up, and as he got back on his two feet. Shadow quickly charged forward with his sword raised and struck his sword down.

The sword shone as Shadow yelled, "[Press Impact]!"


The Large Mountain Rat wanted to dodge the attack, but the moment it tried to. It triggered something inside its body as a spark appeared around the monster’s monster and it could only growl in anger and frustration as it glared at the sword descending from above!

Shadow took this chance to land a barrage of attacks on the monster while it’s still paralyze, but because Aron kept throwing lightning bolts towards the poor creature. It didn’t manage to fight back at all as the [Paralyze] status on the monster kept stacking up everytime Aron landed on attack on it.


And in the end, the poor monster died with a wretched and unwilling cry!

Shadow wiped him non existing sweat on his forehead saying, "Phew~ rats are so tough these days, and aren’t they supposed to be scared of you?"

Aron rolled its eyes saying "Aron~"

’They’re dumb? They were clearly intelligent!’ Shadow just rolled his eyes and quickly picked up the dropped loot on the ground before scurrying away as he knew that they would get themselves into trouble if they stayed even one more second there after all the commotion that happened.

It didn’t take long when a couple of monsters appeared just as the two left, and thankfully, Shadow and Aron had just managed to turn into another corner, preventing them from being seen by the two newcomers

"It’s those sneaky bastards. Good thing, we managed to get away in time" said Shadow while sneaking a look at the two large one horned black cats circling around the area where Shadow and Aron were earlier while communicating with each other through growls.

Then Shadow felt someone tugging his pants and immediately looked down saying, "What is it?"

Aron looked at Shadow with a hopeful expression and said, "Aroon~"

"You want to subjugate them?" asked Shadow with a surprised expression.

Aron looked seriously at Shadow while he slowly raised one of his paws and said, "Won~!"

Shadow’s face was quickly clouded with anger looking at the annoying rabbit giving him a thumbs up!

"F*ck off!"

Shadow angrily but softly kicked Aron, who just nimbly dodge his kick and made faces at him.

It didn’t take long before the two of them quickly left the area as they arrived at another location, where Shadow noticed a lot of fresh tracks around the place.

"This place receives a lot of traffic, so it’s either we’re almost near the exit or we’re at the center of Dragon Valley" Shadow muttered while touching a large footprint of some kind of a bird on the ground.

After making sure that they weren’t being followed, Shadow looked for a good place to hide before logging out.

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