Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 398 - Setback

Chapter 398 - Setback

"Babe, I got Terry and Cruz and I'm on the way to the cafe" Michael said on the phone while driving on the main street after passing through the highway.

Amanda; [Okay, I personally cooked lunch, so hurry up but be careful on the road!]

Smiling, Michael replied, "I will, I'll see you there then"

Then the call ended as the sound of two pups whimpering at the driver's side could be heard, but Michael just ignored them and focused his eyes on the road.

'I wonder what she cooked for lunch? I hope it'll be good though, she doesn't really cook that well regarding complicated food'

Curious and a little anxious about his meal later, Michael drove off into the horizon!

Last night, a few hours ago.

Reeves Residence.

"What are you talking about!? Antoine!? That...bastard!!!!"


Senator Reeves threw his phone in anger while hyperventilating due to chaotic emotions he's feeling inside.

"Father, what happened?!"

"Mike! What is going on?!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Jin came bursting inside the room when he heard his father screaming, followed by his mother who looked incredibly worried while wearing a nightgown over a robe.

Senator Reeves slumped down on his desk chair with frustration and anger written on his face.

Looking at his husband's face, the woman quickly realized something and said, "Is this about your niece Amanda again? Just leave her alone, for god's sake! It's not like we're in need of a lot of money that you're still obsessed with stealing her inheritance from her late parents!"

Senator Reeves glared at his wife and coldly said, "Shut your damn mouth if you don't know what you're saying woman!"

"Hmmp! Suit yourself! Don't blame me when karma strikes back!" the woman snorted coldly before turning around to leave the study, leaving the father and son by themselves.

Senator Reeves stared at the door where his wife disappeared to and angrily bashed his fist on his desk!


"That bastard Antoine! Just why did he have to suddenly pop out of nowhere and oppose us!? Just what is he thinking!? Is he nuts!?" Senator Reeves bellowed in anger as his head was letting out some steam.

Hearing the name that his father mentioned, Jin was startled and couldn't help but say, "Antoine? Why is Uncle Antoine opposing us? Aren't we on the same side?"

Senator Reeves looked at his son from the corner of his eyes and said, "Same side? Since when did politicians and gangsters have been on the same side, you fool?!"

Hearing that gave him a huge shock, as his eyes widened in surprise saying, "Wait what?! But isn't he my godfather? He even came to my last birthday party and I'm even good friends with his son!"

His father just snorted and said, "Hmmp! Every coin has two sides, just like most people have two faces! In our line of business, everything revolves around benefits. Our so-called friends or allies can always betray us in a heartbeat for a better deal for themselves!"

Jin couldn't help but clench his fist in anger when the face of a certain someone suddenly flashed in his mind, "But father...I thought that old man could do this smoothly? I just don't understand how he was easily stopped like that when he had already taken this matter into his own hands!"

Senator Reeves looked at his son in frustration and said, "Didn't you hear what I had just said?! Everything revolves around benefits for people like us! Antoine was friendly with us because it benefits him, but now that he had stood opposite of us. That bastard is perfectly capable of blocking that old geezer. It just means that he had found someone more reliable, or its either he's threatened to do it for his safety, but something like that happening is low with tens of his bodyguards keeping an eye on him"


"Shut it, didn't you tell me before that her boyfriend has a reputation on the streets? Send someone to look more into him, he might be related to this!" Senator Reeves said as he cut off what Jin wanted to say.

"Michael? I don't think that bozo has any of the capabilities you're thinking about father" Jin said with disdain on his face as he really looks down on that person.

Hearing what his son is saying, Senator Reeves couldn't help but feel anger, frustration mixed with disappointment inside while looking at his son.

"No capabilities? Really now? Are you really stupid or just acting stupid? Have you forgotten how that man sent you to jail? And the people we sent to erase him? And how he's still alive after all the confrontation he had against the Blackskull? Son, did you seriously forget all of those or you just don't want to admit that he's better than you?"

The veins on his face bulged as Jin was infuriated with what his father said and clenched his fist in anger, but deep inside, he couldn't refute him because he knew that deep inside him, he had already started developing an inferiority complex towards Michael after multiple failures of confrontation against him.

"Go, I want everything on that brat by tomorrow!"

"Yes father!"

Jin answered before leaving his father alone in his study.

Present time.

"Wait, really? Are you telling me that someone had taken most of the industries left behind from those five syndicates, and it wasn't even the organization?"

Michael had just arrived at Amanda's bustling cafe when a call from Fox came, and when he heard what happened after he left the country. It shocked him as he wasn't expecting that there would actually be someone who would dare to steal the food that their organization had set its eyes upon.

Fox: [Yes, it seems a really a big group as the organization didn't even do anything about it]

Michael felt genuinely confused about this and asked, "And did you find out who they are?"

Fox: [Not yet, but I'll keep you posted]

"Alright, thanks" Michael said as he hung up the call and looked out of his car and mumbled, "An unknown group? I wonder who they are?"

After throwing his curiosity of it on the back of his head, Michael got down from his car and made his way inside the cafe and met Amanda, and had lunch inside her office while accompanied by the new additions in the family.

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