Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

#Countess and Postpartum Care (1)


"Grandfather explicitly stated he has no interest in this trade, so it's too late to change his mind now!"

"How do you intend to sell this foreboding item? I apologize, village chief. My grandson still lacks good judgment..."

"I have been given funds to make purchases freely during this trip, and I have decided to buy this seaweed, so please don't hinder me."

"Nevertheless, this young man...!"

"I plan to sell to anyone willing to pay, so how much should I get ready for you?"

"Village Chief!"


Only Dominic stood there with an awkward expression sandwiched between the two arguing generations.

'Whoever it is, all I need is the money...'

Dominic's mouth felt parched.

As Calron had mentioned, for the time being, this merchant was the sole trader coming to our village.

He had to make a sale somehow.

'If things go awry, I might have to personally go out and sell the seaweed...'

He shuddered.

Sales were not his strong suit.

While feeling anxious, Anton's voice reached Dominic's ears.

"In the capital, there are even restaurants specializing in selling non-poisonous monster meat. I've heard it's extremely popular among young nobles and wealthy commoners."

"What? Eating monster meat? Even nobles do that?"

"Yes. The younger generation is generally less averse to unusual ingredients. Besides, it's an experience not just anyone can have, so the focus is more on the act of eating itself rather than the taste."


"And this seaweed, the 'Devil's Hand,' even you've tasted it, Grandfather. It's flavorful. There will be people who are curious as well as those who are repulsed because of the name, right?"

The merchant was gazing at his grandson Anton with newfound pride.

A hedgehog finds its own offspring lovely, and seeing his grandson all grown up and convincing him made him feel emotional.

"Fine, since you're so confident, I can't refuse to buy. Even if it fails, it will be a good experience. There will be a lot to learn."

"Thank you, Grandfather."

"So, how much should we prepare? We have plenty."

Dominic, unable to hold back any longer, interjected.


"Since you're the one who purchased it, try selling it the way you want."

"Thank you, Grandfather."

Upon arriving at the city directly governed by the ruling lord, Anton, with his grandfather's permission, set up a stall on the street with two workers.

"First, let's soak it in water, and while that's happening, we'll prepare the other ingredients."

He had practiced several times, but the thought of this being the real deal made his heart race.

His fingertips were slightly trembling.

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However, Anton was certain that this moment would be a significant turning point in his merchant life.

'Being the first merchant to distribute a product that others don't handle has a high likelihood of rejection.'

His grandfather's business was well-known locally, but Anton was not content with that. His goal was to be among the top 30 merchants in the Empire.

His ambitious goals enabled him to make bold decisions, and this large pot was the result.

"Um, what's this smell? It smells delicious..."

As soon as the seaweed soup started to boil, people attracted by the enticing aroma began to gather around Anton's stall.

"What's this dark thing? Doesn't look like a vegetable... Is it some kind of mushroom?"

"Ever heard of 'Devil's Hand'?"

"Huh? What's that?"

"This right here, my friend, is seaweed that's grown by turtles, not sharks! If you've never lived by the sea, you wouldn't know, would you? Heh heh."

"Whoa! Devil's Hand? Why would you make food out of something so ominous? The smell almost fooled me!"

"It's not from a shark; it's from a turtle, a farming turtle, actually. And despite the name, it's just regular seaweed."

Anton brushed off the comments from the crowd and began to explain.

A sense that something intriguing was about to unfold began to capture people's attention, and before long, the area was swarming with curious onlookers.

"Seaweed? What's that?"

"It's like a vegetable from the sea."

"Oh, that makes sense. The ocean must have plant-eating creatures too. This must be what they eat!"

"Exactly. Especially this 'Devil's Hand,' or as it's known in some places, seaweed. It's apparently a favorite of turtles."

"Turtles love it? Sounds interesting. Is it really tasty?"

"Tasty? Here's a secret: it's incredibly beneficial for women, especially those who have just given birth or are expecting."

"For new mothers? I thought you were a merchant, but it seems you're a healer!"

"No, after laying their eggs, these turtles feast on this plant."


"Absolutely! So, I tried giving it to new mothers, and they said their milk supply increased, and they recovered quickly. Isn't that amazing?"

"...Still, the food has to taste good. This is new to me..."

Anton's eloquent explanation seemed to persuade the spectators, who couldn't help but salivate at the sight of the simmering seaweed soup.

Workers quickly ladled the soup into small bowls and handed them out.

"Try it, and if you like it, consider buying it. We also offer sesame oil with the seaweed. And for those who make a purchase, we'll even share the recipe. How budget-friendly is that?"

"Let me give it a try. Oh! Now I see why turtles like it! I'll take one set, no, make it two!"

After savoring the soup, the man confidently purchased two sets and left.

"I want to try it too!"

"Why does the taste matter? Our daughter just gave birth, so give me two sets, no, make it three!"

"Does it really boost milk supply? Give me one too!"

Business flourished once the atmosphere was set.

'Selling out doesn't seem like a dream anymore.'

Even with a bustling crowd of customers, Anton couldn't help but smile.

'How does that young village chief know so much about all this? He's a fascinating guy.'

Anton was impressed by how smoothly things were going, just as the young village chief Dominic had advised. Everything, from setting out sample pots to hiring a promoter to engage with customers, and even offering sesame oil as part of a package deal and sharing recipesall of these were his ideas.

'Ah, I forgot to mention that it's good for skin beauty and fatigue recovery. Looks like I'll have to hire a promoter again tomorrow.'

There were minor hiccups due to unfamiliar terms, but that wasn't crucial. What mattered was that 'Devil's Hand' had transitioned from being perceived as a catastrophe brought about by aggressive turtles to a nutritious food that benefited new mothers.

"I guess I'll have to secure more stock soon."

The young merchant's intuition was shining brightly.


Lately, Dominic had practically been living in the kitchen.

'Heh heh, tteokbokki, tteokbokki...! Finally...! Ugh.'

What he was preparing, while muttering to himself with fervent eyes, was none other than tteokbokki. In fact, the sauce was already made.

However, the reason he hadn't attempted tteokbokki until now was none other than money!

'Rice is expensive, so I couldn't gather the courage to make rice cakes.'

With rice prices three times higher than flour, making rice cakes for tteokbokki felt like an extravagant indulgence compared to what the poor fishermen in rural villages could afford.

As a true aficionado of rice cakes, Dominic never even contemplated using wheat cakes.

But now, farewell to the days of struggle!

'Thank goodness the seaweed is selling better than expected. Heh heh.'

Anton had requested to keep sending seaweed as it was produced.

This was because the demand was soaring among those captivated by the rich seafood flavor at an affordable price. The fact that the city they were in was inland likely played a significant role.

'People who had never seen the ocean probably felt less repulsion.'

Dominic hadn't thought that far ahead, but regardless, it was a positive development.

"The pot is overflowing."


"The spicy aroma is wafting."

"This is how it's traditionally enjoyed. Will you have some?"

"...Thank you."

Dominic had grown quite comfortable with Ian. Feeding him delicious food had somewhat softened his prickly personality, and he was subtly looking forward to the next meal, much like Calron. Of course, they looked nothing alike.

"Is this what they call tteokbokki?"

"It's incredibly addictive."

"Did you put in a forbidden drug!"

"Ah, how many times do I have to say it! Metaphor, you know, metaphor? You don't need knowledge to be a knight?"


"Heh heh. Bon apptit!"

"Bon apptit."

Just as Dominic, who had been briefly engrossed in admiring the tteokbokki that had enchanted his eyes with its red sauce, was about to savor a chewy piece of rice cake,

"The village chief of Evergreen, Dominic, heed the Lord's command!"


Soldiers burst in.

Uninvited guests.

The tteokbokki fell to the ground, lifeless.

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