Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

#How to deal with Uninvited Guests (2)

It had already become late evening, transitioning into the night.

A fishing village enveloped in darkness should have been quiet, with only the sound of waves breaking the silence. However, due to Dominic's visit, an unexpected festival had erupted.

The laughter of the celebrants echoed from a distance, even reaching the Rondo Merchant Group's employees.

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy?"

"It seems there was a wedding in the village."

"Hehe. Then there must be plenty of food and drinks! It was worth coming here without having dinner."

"Absolutely! Let's finish our work quickly and enjoy the spoils. Let's go!"

The Rondo Merchant Group's workers were now indistinguishable from a gang of thieves.

Once they removed their robes bearing the company's emblem and put on masks, they could wreak havoc as they pleased.

Some employees eagerly awaited such opportunities.

They felt no remorse whatsoever about harming innocent people or engaging in unfair deals.

All they cared about was the plunder they could obtain.

The masked raiders urged their horses forward.

Clip-clop, clip-clop!


As the sound of horse hooves reached the outskirts of the village, some of the villagers who had been waiting for well-cooked meat turned their heads.

"What's that?"

"Who's out here at this time?"

"...Whoever it is, they probably bring bad news."

"Ah, come on! Just when we were enjoying a barbecue, now this? Whoever they are, they're in for trouble."

As the unfamiliar sound of hooves approached, angry whispers spread among the once cheerful villagers.

Women guided the elderly and children into their homes and locked their doors, while the muscular fishermen clenched their fists and scowled.

These fishermen, typically cheerful despite the challenging work of fishing, now had their smiles replaced with stern expressions. Dominic unintentionally looked down, sensing the shift in atmosphere.

"What's suddenly going on..."

Although Dominic couldn't be certain of what was about to happen, he noticed that the usually jovial fishermen seemed unusually fierce today.

'Were they always this intimidating? They appear quite hostile.'

Having previously seen them as cheerful fishermen who laughed heartily when well-fed, he had overlooked their more formidable side.

"Hey, Dominic. Stay inside. Someone who's only handled kitchen knives will just be a hindrance."

Calron, who had somehow acquired a sword as large as a child, slung it over one shoulder and advised Dominic. However, the gleam from Calron's bald head under the moonlight somewhat lessened the tense atmosphere.

"It appears there are rumors that our village has money these days. Hehe."

"Isn't that fantastic, buddy? We've been feeling rather down lately. Let's stand our ground."

"We need to show them who they're dealing with by entering our village like this."

The fishermen, now armed with sledgehammers, double-edged swords, and iron clubs resembling goblin maces, seemed oddly unfamiliar today.

"I'll join them."

Ian drew the rapier he always carried at his side.

In contrast to the fishermen, Ian resembled a handsome swordsman straight out of a romance novel, making the situation feel somewhat surreal.

'Even now, he looks ridiculously handsome. Life's so unfair!'

Although Dominic thought, 'I'm tall too,' and had some absurd thoughts, he missed his opportunity to retreat to his home.

Nevertheless, he wasn't frightened.

Surrounded by these robust fishermen, anyone would feel more reassured than fearful.

"Hehehe! Who's the village chief here?"

"Everyone, kneel down and close your eyes!"

"Do as we say, and we might spare your lives!"

However, the unfamiliar intruders seemed to miscalculate the situation.

"What are they saying?"

"Is it too dark, or do they have poor vision?"

"Tsk tsk. They're quite young, aren't they? Waving those blades around recklessly might get their hands chopped off, huh?"

The fishermen, or rather, the seasoned war veterans, tightened their grip on their blood-stained weapons, preparing to charge forth.

"You should stay clear of the open ground and find cover..."

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"Sir Knight, good luck!"

As Ian turned to advise Dominic, he noticed Dominic already concealed behind a bush, peering out with just his eyes and cheering with clenched fists. Ian felt a sudden surge of annoyance.

Bang! Crash!


"Ha! How does it feel to stumble into Kurdal's hidden trap, the 'Invisible Hand'!"

"What's with the 'Invisible Hand'? How long are you going to stick with that cheesy nickname?"

The invading bandits, attempting to enter the field, tumbled off their horses. Thin lines that had been tightly strung across their path glistened in the moonlight.

"Damn it, they were onto our plan!"

"They're just fishermen! Even if they're armed, they're no more than village militia at best!"

"Now that it's come to this, eliminate them all! Leave no witnesses!"

Some of the fallen bandits, nursing broken bones, were left behind, while the rest charged recklessly.

Observing the villagers armed and prepared, the intruders suspected that their plan had been somehow exposed.

'Who would have thought a small fishing village concealed retired war veterans?'

People would be startled by the term 'war veterans,' so the villagers typically kept their pasts hidden.

It took Dominic a whole year after settling in the village to uncover their history, and he was astounded.

'But this is the first time I've seen them in action... They won't lose, will they?'

It seemed improbable, but a part of him worried that their brawn might be just for show.

Thud! Thwack!

Clang! Smash!



"Hey, hey! Don't kill them, just incapacitate them!"

"Oh, come on, buddy! You're asking too much!"


"Ugh, what the..."

"Huff, huff. Did they hire mercenaries?"

"Identify yourselves, you cowards!"

However, the situation turned absurdly unexpected, dispelling Dominic's concerns.

"Why do they all say the same things? Is there a bard teaching them these lines?"

One would think that after a decade of retirement, their skills and strength would wane. Yet, the villagers moved more gracefully than soldiers he had seen in major cities.

"Caught another one!"

"Another here too! Hey, hey! Stop! Where do you think you're going?"


A battlefield that should have reeked of blood transformed into a scene reminiscent of a child-friendly animation.

Masked men who discarded their weapons only to be bound to trees.

Masked men who wielded massive swords but were knocked out with a single blow to the back of the head.

Masked men who were made fools of by a slender fisherman wielding a whip that moved like a live snake.

Watching this, Dominic couldn't distinguish who the villains were.

'I need to prepare meals more diligently from now on. And make sure to provide timely snacks.'

Observing this spectacle, Dominic silently resolved to be more punctual with the villagers' meal times.


As he admired the prowess of the fishermen, a rustling sound emanated from behind Dominic.

"Found you!"

Before Dominic could identify the source, he came face to face with unfamiliar eyes that squinted into crescents.

It was one of the executives who had led the masked men from the Rondo Merchant Group.

'This is the village chief. I've seen his face before!'

It was the executive from the Rondo Merchant Group who had once encountered the young village chief during a visit to the Anton Merchant Group.

Immediately after the battle began, he urgently searched for Dominic. Contrary to expectations, the situation was turning against them, but he believed that capturing the village chief would turn the tide. After all, the chief was at the heart of all these dealings and held the trust of the lord.

"I've found you!"

So, when he discovered Dominic, who was hidden in the bushes and observing the chaos, he was confident in their victory.

"Everyone, halt! Or else, I can't guarantee the safety of your chief!"

With a menacing stance, as if ready to harm Dominic at any moment, he loudly declared his triumph to everyone.

"Darn it!"


"Hey, why are you there...!"

As expected.

The fishermen, who had been overpowering the merchant group's workers like fierce predators, now appeared bewildered and scrambled, unsure of their next move.

"Drop your weapons! Now!"

Joy and anticipation gleamed in the eyes of the executive threatening Dominic.

'That's it! This feeling!'

He savored the notion that those who had been dominant until now had fallen right into his trap. The sensation of being in control stirred some dark desires deep within him.

'In this situation, they'll do anything I say, right? Hehe.'

Alcohol? Money? Or perhaps women?

He contemplated which indulgence to pursue first. Meanwhile, due to the knife pressed against his neck, Dominic could do nothing but take shallow breaths and scan his surroundings.


His eyes met with Ian's as he desperately sought someone who might come to his rescue.


Ian signaled for silence, having somehow acquired one of the masks worn by the robbers to conceal his hair and mouth.

Stealthily, without making a sound, Ian began advancing from behind the executive holding Dominic.

"Damn it! Release our chief!"

"That's right! We'll do whatever you say, just let Dominic go!"

The fishermen attempted to divert the executive's attention, allowing Ian to draw nearer. Though it seemed like a sound strategy, their acting skills were lacking.

'Please act better, guys!'

Dominic anxiously monitored the situation, praying that their deception wouldn't be uncovered.

It was a precarious situation.

"...The knight behind...!"

"Damn it!"

Had Lady Luck forsaken Dominic?

One of the robbers, whom they had believed was unconscious, had regained consciousness and alerted the executive to Ian's approach.



Upon hearing the warning, the executive turned around, and realizing he had been spotted, Ian charged with incredible speed.


As he lunged forward, Ian hoped the executive wouldn't make a rash move.

If the executive released Dominic and distanced himself, even if they lost the battle, he would likely be imprisoned relatively unharmed.

But if he chose to harm Dominic and keep him as a hostage until the very end, he would be severely injured by Ian's sword and imprisoned for a longer period.

Any rational person would understand that the best decision in this situation was to release the hostage.

"Do you think I'll die alone?"

But the world doesn't always operate based on reason.

The executive swung his knife towards Dominic.




Shouts, curses, and high-pitched screams filled the air.

Some people collapsed to the ground, while others couldn't bear to watch and turned away. Ian was among those who looked away.


But the sound that echoed wasn't that of a blade slicing through cloth or flesh.

It was the sound of something heavy hitting the ground.

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