Femdom Island

Chapter 117 Transformation

Ibalina couldn't even finish her words as everyone started charging in, but they kept their distance without getting too close.

Nym retreated to the back line of the war with the support of disguised warrior girls, while everyone who had mana stones to protect themselves came forward with their swords and shields trying to take dark elves' lives.

"Keep your distance, don't get too close unless you have a mana stone," Zenda shouted.

Ibalina clicked her tongue annoyed by this development.

"Nafina, what the hell are you doing? Open the gate," Looking back at her comrades, Ibalina shouted annoyed.

"So much for my cool speech, damn it, "Instead of fighting on the front line, Ibalina retreated as she decided to leave everything to her new warriors that are about to come out of the gate and dark elves.

"No matter what, kill the light mage and try to capture elves and humans alive if you can, but don't die in the process, if you can't capture then just go for the kill," Before going back to the camp surrounded by wooden stale, Ibalina shouted.

While dark elves were planning their attack Eva and Usha ordered their troops to follow the orders while Zenda also did the same.

"Something is strange, " Observing the battlefield without straight-up charging, Lydia muttered to herself.

"What is?" Emily saw her aunt acting weird, and quickly questioned her since most of the time her hunches were right.

"Why would they retreat back to the camp when we are this close, turning your back to the enemy is the greatest mistake in a battle,"

"Maybe, they are afraid of our mana stones, but I hope they can at least give a decent battle here, I see no monsters either,"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Emily answered her aunt's question but even before they could absorb what they were talking about, suddenly, the gate near Nafina fully opened with more than a hundred dark elves with a lot of cracks on their bodies coming out with rather lifeless looks in their eyes.

"That is!" Everyone who witness this horror couldn't help but shout in anger.

Some even identified the people who came out of this gate, as they started shooting at them with arrows.

"Anya, can you hear me? Anyaaaa!" One of the elves shouted with tears coming out of her eyes but her comrades held her without letting her get too close to these corpse-looking people.

"Zenda, are they?" Eva questioned as she already knew about this from Nikol.

"They are transformation, other races that have been transformed into dark elves, I have no further knowledge but it is sickening me to witness these atrocities, " Grinding her teeth in anger, Zenda grumbled with her grip on her sword getting rather tight.

"Not only you Zenda," Eva and Lydia both opened their eyes wide while pointing at the group of people behind.

"They are from our clan, damn dark elves went ahead and turned them into this vile piece of shit," It was apparent how angry Eva was from how her eyes suddenly looked like they were about to breathe fire. Lydia wasn't any different but being the younger sister with the brain, she didn't go berserk as she had to keep a cool mind.

"Damn it, if I meet the bitch who did this to my girls, I will turn her into mince meat and feed her to goblins,"

With those words, Eva took her sword and tried to charge in but suddenly they heard an ear-deafening shout. Everyone looked at the source of this disturbing voice only to see one of the human girls from Usha's group lying on the floor with black smoke coming out of her body.

"No way, this is the same as-" Usha and Eva didn't get any break from the number of surprises, they got today.

"Everyone fall back, all close combat units, fall back, archer units and mage unit try to shoot them down, don't let them get close to you,"

Lydia quickly assessed the situation. Her brain worked at full power and gave orders to minimise the damage.

"What happened?" Alva seeing the horror of this incident questioned Lydia.

"Looks like our mana stones won't work with them, we are at a disadvantage," Running around the battlefield giving orders, Lydia asked Alva to do the same.

"Now I understand that bitch's last words, she's using us as experiment subjects for this new weapon, damn it, we fell right into their trap,"

While Lydia and Alva kept running around the battlefield, Emily supported Nym to retreat and she had the duty of protecting her.

It was hard enough that Nym actually had to go to a battlefield, but now her whole body was shaking in fear seeing all the bloodshed.

"Nym, be strong, we promised him that we will return," Patting her back to calm down, Emily said with a smile.

She knew this wasn't a situation where they can keep hope for survival, but still dreading their death and not enjoying the moment felt like such a waste to her.

"We will go back to him, as fellow hardcore enjoyers, I will protect you don't worry," Normally, Emily would have grumbled when she was ordered to stay in the back but right now, she was a totally different person.


"It's working, as I expected fully cursed beings whose bodies are made of pure curses are totally different from halflings like us," Ibalina was happy to see the results of their hard work.

She never expected it to be this effective, even ignoring the power of light mages. She knew this was a total win for her race.

"Queen would be happy," Nafina said looking at Ibalina.

"Of course, she would this is the thing we've been waiting for all our lives, from here onward it's dark elves' control," With a crazed look in her eyes, Ibalina muttered.

"Every race will now before our greatness, be it humans, elves, demons, beastkin, dragons, mere folks, even monsters who wander around the forest without anything to hope and rely on," Nafina also smiled at her words without showing how excited she was.

"By the way, how many can we make once a week? I know we kidnapped more than a thousand but there's only about 150 here, don't tell me-" Nafina knew the downside of creating these cursed elves.

"Yes, only 150 made it alive, most of them exploded, and their bodies couldn't take the curse, I'm still researching a way to minimise the damage,"

Their conversation was full of inhuman things but neither of the showed it on their faces. For them, it was like a day-to-day conversation.

"Look they are not invincible, one got shot in the head, their brain is the weak point, if their brain got crushed, they will die," Ibalina wanted to create a perfect copy of dark elf, but in the process of that, she was only able to create lifeless corpses which can use curse magic to its fullest extent.

"Do you have a way to control them, if they start going nuts?" Nafina didn't want to be caught in friendly fire and die like a pathetic woman.

"I can't but with 'his' help we can do that, don't worry,"

While they were talking among themselves, on the other hand, the alliance group was struggling with this creepy doll army.

Some of them hesitate to attack since they saw the faces of their friends and family, but with Eva and Zenda's push, they were sent back hoping they will calm down.

Usha and Alva managed to kill two or three and quickly grasp the method but unlike normal cursed elves, getting close to one of these dolls was challenging because their whole body was emitting those disgusting black smoke.

Ibalina who observed all this decided to send normal dark elves, after a few minutes since they already saw a great result from the dolls.

"Nafina, send a message to Eldora, don't forget to add about how Ubela was useless to us, we will use this incident to remove her from the position of a duchess,"

Plotting against their own comrades and killing innocent people, Nafina and Ibalina looked at the spectacle of elves and humans dying with black smoke coming out of their bodies with an ecstatic look.

But there was one dark elf who looked at everything happening on this battlefield with dissatisfaction. Her eyes were glaring at the spectacle of the black smoke. This face belonged to none other than Ubela, who was the remaining cursed duchess.

"Disgusting way of fighting!" Cursing to herself, she looked at her own unit who was getting ready to fight with the humans and elves.

It was a well-known fact among the dark elves that Ubela's unit and Ubela herself preferred close combat and hand-to-hand fights instead of using curse magic to instantly kill people.

"Well, well, Looks like it's our time on the battlefield, girls, are you ready to show your skills instead of normal dark elf magic?" She shouted with her sword aiming toward the battlefield with an excited face like a little girl who discovered the sweetness of desserts for the first time.

"Follow me, let's show that dark elves are not pushovers who can only use this magic to kill people,"

Leaving those words with her comrades, Ubela jumped from the wall which wasn't tall enough to harm her.

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