Femdom Island

Chapter 131 Number One

"Nikol, wait! wait for us," Unable to catch up with the speed of Nikol, Alva and Emily both shouted. They were afraid that Nikol would leave then once again to act on his own.

There were twenty girls in this group, who decided to join Nikol, except for Alva and Emily upon hearing that, he was going to fight with the enemy. Instead of believing in something, they haven't seen, they decided to follow their guts and trust Nikol.

"How did he get so fast? He's running faster than a monster," Emily muttered trying to catch her breath but none of them got even a single minute to stop. The number of people started getting less and less as time went on because some of them fainted trying to follow him.

"Damn it, take them back to the kingdom, none of you can fight like this, Emily and I will try to catch up with him," Alva shouted at the remaining girls, who were trying to catch up with them.

Even though they were hesitant at first, they knew her words were true, so they acted upon her orders and took them back to the kingdom leaving only Alva and Emily to follow Nikol.

After several minutes of constant running, suddenly Nikol stop running and looked at both Alva and Emily with a pained look. His eyes were trembling with his whole face was on the verge of explosion with emotions.


"Why are you following me?"

Alva and Emily were confused why he questioned them like this. They never expected to see such a face from Nikol right now, especially when they are going to fight.

"What do you mean by 'Why'? We are coming to help you, even if we are weak, I would do everything to protect you and I want to show that we won't make the same mistake twice," Alva said while getting close to him.

"Yes, Nikol, not only us none of the girls would do the same mistake, so let us help," Emily, who was standing next to Alva got close to him and started to show her own desire to make things right again.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Suit yourself, I won't tell you not to follow me but even if my life is in danger, there's nothing you can do,"

Right after saying those words, he threw a newly built water bottle which was built up from the bark of a tree to carry water. Even before Nikol came to this world, they had the technology to build these types of bottles, so it didn't surprise others, but what surprised them was him giving them water, even after all those cruel things he said.

"Drink it, I don't want to see you girls dying," Leaving those words with them, he climbed onto a tree to search for the enemy leaving baffled Alva and Emily on the floor.

"Emily, looks like we are not too late to make things right?" Alva felt happy to see his caring side once more, even though it was just a little.

"In the end, he is our kind Nikol, no matter how changed he is," Emily also felt equally happy, but that happiness didn't last long, as they heard a huge sound behind them.

Even Nikol, who was observing the area got surprised by this sound because it came from the elven kingdom direction. Nikol had a rather good sight compared to others, but even he couldn't see it as they were too far away from the kingdom.

'What's happening?'

He questioned himself with a bad premonition from that sound.

"No way the enemy could avoid me when I have this good of hearing, I followed the footsteps I heard but this is-" There were only two possibilities that Nikol could think of why someone could evade him and head straight to the kingdom.

"Looks like this one is going to be trouble, to evade my senses and to make such a big explosion," Jumping down the tree without even caring about the height, Nikol ran in Alva and Emily's direction to collect them and return back to the kingdom.

Alva and Emily were panicked hearing a sound behind them, they didn't want to believe that someone was cable enough to evade them and attack the kingdom, but knowing the absurd curse ability, they knew something like that wasn't impossible.

"You two get on my back and hold tight!" Quickly holding them by hips, Nikol decided to run carrying them without leaving them in danger.

Alva and Emily didn't even have time to react, as soon as Nikol grabbed them, he started running like a madman while carrying both girls. They felt their hair going haywire, but their hands were too busy trying to hold Nikol, and none of them had the ability or time to care about their hair.


"She should be there now, let's start our march and try to reach them as soon as we can," Getting on the monster's back again, Eldora ordered her troops. They obediently followed her but some of them were confused, about why they didn't charge with number one and instead waited there for her to reach there and destroy the wall alone.

"Queen, may I ask a question? If you don't mind," One of the top officers next to her looked at her with respect and decided to question her. She expected some backlash from her but surprising her, Eldora nodded her head like she was giving approval.

"Why did number one go before us? Wouldn't it be better for us to support her?"

Hearing her question, Eldora giggled a little bit and looked at the sky with an empty look.

"She doesn't need our help, if she can't defeat them, none of us can because she's my greatest creation," Those words were big claims to make as it was like she was admitting that number one is more powerful than her. Seeing her face others quickly backed down knowing questioning anymore won't be good.

Meanwhile, number one was standing in front of the wall with her eyes moving rather fast observing every single detail on it. For some reason, even though she noticed the hole in the wall, she didn't use that instead kept looking at the wall in front of her.

"Wall is here, Order to break it," Until she came rather close to the wall, no one noticed it but as soon as guards saw her figure slowly approaching the wall with all the lines on her body showing her real identity, they panicked thinking that dark elves are going to attack again.

In a hurry, they rang the bell without even stopping for a whole minute because of how nervous they were. The last thing wanted was another attack because the wall was still recovering from the previous damage, thanks to Tisha's mana it was steadily recovering, but the number of girls that can fight was less than half because of their previous fight.

They knew another fight with the dark elves meant death for them.

Usha and Eva, who heard this bell quickly ran to the wall with Zenda and Lydia leading them.

Tisha was still recovering the wall, so she didn't have the power or stamina to help them.

"What's happening?"

Usha's group questioned Lydia and Zenda with a confused looks. None of them was in the condition to fight but they knew staying without fighting back because of their injuries would be foolish, when they have no one else to rely on.

"We don't know, I was treating all the cursed and injured but suddenly we heard the bell sound, so we came to check,"

Deciding that talking with each other was useless, they gave that extra effort to their legs and ran until they saw the guards looking outside the gate with a flabbergasted looks.

"What the-?"

None of them couldn't believe what they were seeing, it was just a single dark elf but it had lines all over its body showing it was not a normal one, instead, it was a cursed transformation but at the same time, it looked nothing like the transformation they fought in their previous battle with its features.

"Humans and Elves," Looking at the top of the wall and noticing people looking at her, she quickly pointed at them and tried to say something but words didn't come out of her mouth.

"What is that? Don't wait! Shoot, it's not a friend," Lydia quickly ordered because safety is better than trying to be considerate of enemies in a desperate time like this.

All the archer girls on top of the wall started shooting their arrows, they didn't have much explosive magic remaining so they decided to protect them instead of using them on one person.

"Destroy the wall," Looking one more time at its objective, number one started to charge with her every single movement and attack evading the arrows.

Everyone thought she was heading toward the hole, which was regenerating but surprisingly, she started attacking the part of the wall which wasn't damaged.

Others thought it was stupid and Zenda and the group also couldn't help but find this odd, but they didn't know at that time the danger of this specimen itself.


Suddenly, they heard a huge sound beneath their wall making the whole thing shake like, it was an earthquake.

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