Femdom Island

Chapter 172 Leviathan's Proposal


Leviathan was clenching her teeth in frustration looking at all the girls that are almost limping like they had some kind of an injury, but Leviathan knew what this injury really was.

Trying to stifle the anger that threatened to spill out of her like hot lava. Leviathan loved her brother dearly even exceeding the love that a sister should have for a brother, but sometimes, she couldn't help but feel like he was neglecting the person who had always been there for him.

It was just an imagination build-up from her frustrations, as Nikol did no such thing.

But just as quickly as her temper had flared up, Leviathan forced herself to calm down. She couldn't let her emotions get the better of her, not when she had promised herself that she wouldn't cause any more problems for Nikol.

Taking a deep breath, Leviathan plastered a smile on her face and joined in on the conversation between Nikol and his current girlfriends. Even though she was smiling, it was more like a smile in pain instead of a happy smile.

"Sister, what did you say you want to talk about?" Nikol asked since Leviathan said, as she said that she has an important thing to talk about as soon as she came back from the sea folk queendom.

"What do you think about extending the river? I want to expand it close to this queendom, so sea folks won't be left out from whatever you do," Leviathan requested.

"So you care about them? This isn't like you at all," Nikol asked, suspicious that something was wrong with her.

"Huh? What do you think I am? Some kind of an insensitive tyrant?" Leviathan knew her picture in Nikol's mind wasn't something great, after hearing his words.

"That's exactly what I thought, and now I know the reason why every girl that confessed to me in our old world started avoiding me the next day, almost like they are afraid of me," Nikol said while remembering previous school life.

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"Ugh~ It's just a light threat, I didn't even hurt any of them," Nikol wasn't surprised that she didn't even try to deny it.

"Why do you even care about them? Aren't they mortals just like humans, elves and other races?"

"Well, just like you have a soft spot for land dwellers, I have the same feeling for sea creatures, since I'm the apocalypse of the sea,"

"I don't have something like that, I care about people I feel like caring about be it sea or land,"

Nikol said refuting Leviathan's words.

"And about your proposal, I don't see any problem with that, No matter how I look at it, the river being close to the queendom is really advantageous,"

Leviathan just nodded her head and looked at all the girls, as she turned her head. Leviathan's piercing gaze followed Nikol's girlfriend and the servants as they limped away from her feeling the malice, her teeth clenched in a fit of burning jealousy. She could practically smell Nikol on them and it really irritated her no matter, how she tried to ignore it.

"Nikol, if you do it with this many women, your seal is going to break," Leviathan warned.

"I know, honestly, I don't want to seal something inside of me, I need to break it as soon as I can, but before that, I need to impregnate as many as I can, in case I become seedless," Leviathan just looked at him with a questioning look.

"Inside you? What are you talking about? Only your power is sealed,"


"So when are you going to extend that river?" Nikol questioned while Leviathan stood up and looked at him with a smile.

"Right now!"

Suddenly the forest started to tremble as Leviathan started flying toward the forest. Nikol and all the others stood at the edge of the queendom observing her movements.

Leviathan stood at the edge of the forest close to the sea, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. With a wave of her mighty hand, she summoned forth the power of the aqua element, calling forth a great torrent of water that surged forth from the depths of the ocean.

"Ugh~ There are too many living beings," Leviathan muttered and Nikol quickly acted to help her, as he shouted like a real wolf this time.

He threw his head back and let out a long, mournful howl. "Awooooooo!" he shouted, his voice carrying for miles and it sounded no different than a real wolf.

"Woah! When did you learn to do that? Isn't that your skill 'Scream'

Leviathan was purely surprised, she soon felt the area getting cleared as Nikol marked that area as his territory, and the monsters had to flee because they felt threatened.

"Do your thing!" Nikol shouted at Leviathan, who was floating above him, and she quickly stretched her hand toward the river.

As the water rose higher and higher, it began to stretch out like a great serpent, reaching out towards the distant queendom of elves. With each passing moment, Leviathan's power grew stronger, and the river she was creating grew wider and deeper, carving a path through the rugged terrain with ease.

Despite the incredible force of the water, Leviathan remained in complete control, her movements graceful and precise as she guided the flow of the river towards its ultimate destination. As the river reached the borders of the queendom, the elves watched in wonder as the water surged forth, carrying with it the power and authority of the mighty sea goddess.

"Woah! Isn't that water?" Alva shouted seeing it, to which others also reacted with pure surprise.

And after a few minutes, everyone saw a river with clean water close to their queendom which caused, the residents of the queendom to be awestruck, their eyes wide with wonder at the sight before them. Never before had they witnessed such a display of raw power, and they knew in their hearts that something truly extraordinary was happening.

The river that Leviathan had created was unlike any other. Its waters glimmered with a brilliant light that illuminated the entire forest, and the air around it hummed with a strange energy that stirred the very soul.

With a triumphant roar, Leviathan declared that the river would be a gift to the sea folks and other races, a pathway that would allow them to travel freely to the queendom of elves and enjoy their company. And so it was that the river of Leviathan became a symbol of friendship and cooperation between the sea folks and the elves, a testament to the incredible power and generosity of the mighty sea goddess.

"Good work!" As soon as Leviathan came back after her miracle, Nikol welcomed her with open arms which Leviathan accepted wholeheartedly.

A little too much, as Nikol felt his heart getting calm as he embraced the beautiful Leviathan, her scent filling his senses and it truly felt like he was loved by Leviathan as a real brother.

But as she clung to him, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, he felt like he was being held by a snake. Her grip was tight and possessive, and he couldn't help but wonder what was going on in her mind.

As he looked into her eyes, he saw a wildness there, a fierce intensity that made him shiver. But at the same time, there was a deep longing in her gaze, as if she couldn't bear to let him go.

Nikol tried to pull away, but Leviathan held him even tighter, her body pressing against his. He could feel her hot breath on his neck, and it sent a shiver down his spine.

"Leviathan, what's going on?" he asked, his voice trembling.

He even got a wild boner, but he quickly hid it as he didn't want to lust for his own sister, at least not in front of others.

Nikol knew it was too late to think about not lusting after her when she practically did everything to him.

But she only held him closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered,

"I can't bear to be without you, Nikol. You're mine, and I won't let anyone else have you."

Nikol felt a chill run down his spine, as he realized the truth of her words. Leviathan was not thinking about him like a normal brother, and he was caught in her web of obsession. But at the same time, he couldn't deny the thrill of being wanted so fiercely by such a beautiful woman and that woman being his sister.

The guilty pleasure was too much for him, but at the same time, he had to protect the other girls from Leviathan because he knew if not for his presence, Leviathan would cause problems for them.

For better or for worse, Nikol knew that he was now bound to Leviathan and that he would never be able to escape her clutches. But at that moment, he didn't care. He was content to bask in the warmth of her embrace and to be held by the woman he loved and his love for her even started going back and forth between sibling love and romantic love, even if it was a little weird, Nikol decided to let his sister spoil him for now since he felt truly happy with her scent.

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