Femdom Island

Chapter 174 Signs Of Calamity

Nikol gazed at his companions with a steely determination and he took a deep breath as things are getting really hectic.

"There's only one more day until the full

moon," he said, his voice low and intense. "We need to be ready to face Fake Fenrir."

The group had been preparing for this moment for weeks. They had trained tirelessly, honing their skills and refining their strategy. But as the final hours ticked down, the tension in the air was palpable. As they were about to face something truly extraordinary.

"We can't afford to wait any longer," Nikol continued, his eyes scanning the faces of his comrades.

"We need to enter the forest before the full moon rises. If anything unexpected happens, we'll be ready."

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ "But what if Fenrir's already there?" asked Lydia, her voice quivering slightly, as these battles were a little too much for her.

Leviathan shook her head. "He won't be. He's waiting for the full moon to do the ritual, just like we are. We have a few hours before it rises. That's our window of opportunity."

There was a moment of silence as the group absorbed Leviathan's words. Then, with a sense of resolve, they began to gather their weapons and supplies.

Only the hand-picked and really talented girls are allowed to participate in this excursion, as things will get too messy if they grabbed normal girls, that won't be able to withstand the pressure of Fenrir's intimidation.

"I'm with you, Nikol," said Eva, her voice firm. "Let's do this."

The others nodded in agreement, their faces set with determination. They knew that this battle would be their toughest yet, but they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And after getting ready, Nikol and his companions ventured into the dense forest, their footsteps muted by the thick layer of fallen leaves. The forest was eerily silent, not a single rustle or chirp could be heard. The only sound was the soft crunch of their boots on the forest floor.

Moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting an eerie glow on the trees and shrubs. Shadows danced across the forest floor as if taunting the group. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and Nikol felt a shiver run down his spine.

As they made their way into the forest, the air grew thick with the scent of pine and damp earth. The sky was darkening rapidly, and the first hints of the full moon were beginning to appear on the horizon.

"We don't have much time," Nikol said, his eyes fixed on the path ahead.

"Stay focused, stay alert, and keep your wits about you. This is it, guys. The moment we've been preparing for."

With a final nod of agreement, the group pressed on, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They knew that the next few hours would be the most critical of their lives. But they were ready. Ready to face the challenge head-on, and emerge victorious.

The girls clutched their weapons tightly, their eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of danger. Nikol had his sword at the ready, his grip firm on the hilt. He had trained for this moment for months, and now it was finally here.

As they pushed deeper into the forest, the trees closed in around them, forming an impenetrable wall of darkness. The underbrush was so thick that they had to cut their way through with their weapons. The forest seemed to be alive as if it was breathing, and Nikol couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

"Leviathan!" Nikol called out, as he knew something was here observing them.

Leviathan also nodded her head, but she couldn't put her hand around what it was.

"We don't have time to search for anything else, let's just go straight for the Fenrir," Leviathan told Nikol to which he also nodded his head.

Whatever is observing them was something powerful enough to avoid both Nikol and Leviathan, but who can do that, especially when they are the most powerful beings known to all living beings? The question remained, but right now they were advancing through the forest which looked darker than a moonless night.

If they didn't reach the Fenrir before it opened up the path to the heavens, they would be at the mercy of its wrath and Nikol wouldn't get any answers to his questions. The full moon was just hours away, and the dimensions would open up, allowing the fake Fenrir to cross over into the heavenly dimension.

With each step, Nikol's heart pounded in his chest. He knew that the journey ahead would not be easy. The forest was filled with dangers, and Fenrir was not to be underestimated. So while running he tried to contact the inner voice, that fought it in the past, but he got no answers from it.

It was almost like watching Nikol suffer and deliberately not giving him a piece of useful advice or support, even though they were fighting a common enemy.

Suddenly, a howl echoed through the trees which sounded similar to the howl Nikol released when he tried to remove the monsters when they were extending the river. It was the sound of the Fenrir but the fake beast, and it sent shivers down the girls' spine. They knew that they were getting closer. They quickened their pace and headed toward the direction where they heard the sound from, their eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of the beast.

As they emerged from the forest, they saw the Fenrir in the distance. It was massive, its fur as black as the night sky. Nikol claws his sword, ready for battle. All the girls took their distance letting Nikol and Leviathan handle the battle while they had to deal with the monsters that surrounded Fenrir.

"Damn it! That fairy is using your scream ability, as I thought right now, it's stronger than you, so follow me while fighting don't try to act alone," Leviathan said and assumed her serpentine form. With a wave of her hand, the woman's human form began to shift and twist, her body contorting and transforming into a massive serpent-like creature. Her top half remained human, but her lower half was a mix of mermaid and serpent, powerful and deadly.

"Can I do that?" Nikol asked, his eyes wide with astonishment.

"I don't know, our powers are different," Leviathan replied, her voice low and hissing.

"Whatever, I like my human form, so I'm not jealous of your beast form," Leviathan smiled at Nikol's words and quickly looked at Fenrir, who is looking at the moon that is about to complete its round and enter its full moon stage.

As they advanced towards Fenrir, Nikol and Leviathan could sense the power emanating from the werewolf. Fenrir was focused on the ritual, his eyes fixed on the full moon above.

"We have to stop him before he completes the ritual," Nikol said to Leviathan, his voice low and urgent.

Leviathan nodded, her body tensing as they drew closer to their enemy. "I'll take the lead," she said. "You stay close behind me."

Without waiting for a response, Leviathan launched herself forward, her massive tail lashing out as she attacked Fenrir. The werewolf turned to face her, snarling and baring his teeth.

But as Fenrir was distracted by Leviathan, Nikol saw his chance. He lunged forward, his powerful jaws clamping down on Fenrir's arm. The werewolf howled in pain, but he didn't stop the ritual.

"What is happening? It's almost like he's daydreaming," Nikol questioned feeling the unwillingness of Fenrir's body to fight.

"Damn it! He's already doing the trial, if we don't break his concentration now, things will be ugly," Leviathan answered his question and lashed her tail at Fenrir's jaw hoping she would be able to open it up, so she can pull out the fairy and Eldora that is controlling this body.

With a mighty roar, Nikol dug his claws into Fenrir's flesh near the mouth area, while Leviathan used her powerful tail to strike at him again and again. Finally, with one last surge of strength, they managed to open up its mouth but then only they realised they were too late.

Inside its mouth was a young woman that curled up like a ball, tears streaming down her face.

"Eldora!" Nikol said, his voice filled with anger and Nikol quickly identified her, as she was his first enemy.

"It's the fairy," Eldora gasped, her voice choked with pain.

"She's controlling me, making me do things I don't want to do. I didn't want to kill anyone, it's not my fault, I just wanted everyone to have a good life, I just wanted everyone to believe in themselves, I didn't want this,"

It was almost like everything that controlled Eldora vanished and her normal mindest, the mindest she had prior to getting corrupted by the fairy appeared all of a sudden.

Right now, in front of Nikol was the innocent and helpless girl Eldora instead of the cold murderer, he knew.

Nikol's eyes narrowed in anger. He had always suspected that something was off about Eldora, but he never imagined that a fairy would stoop so low as to control another person and use her feeling to his advantage.

"Apo! His name is Apo! Please don't let him kill anyone, Please kill me, I don't want to live with this sin anymore," Eldora muttered and as soon as she said that, Nikol heard a huge noise coming from the mouth and when he looked up, Nikol saw Fenrir trying to swallow him after regaining its senses.

Leviathan quickly acted and pulled Nikol with her tail, but she didn't know Eldora was there as she kept squeezing Fenrir's body.

With a sickening crunch, Fenrir's teeth crushed Eldora's body, ending her life in an instant. Nikol screamed in horror and anguish, his heart breaking as he watched someone that he didn't want dead dying in front of him.

Leviathan wondered what happened to her but then only saw a stream of blood leaking from Fenrir's mouth.

"Eldora!" he cried out, his voice hoarse with grief and anger at the same time.

Leviathan wrapped her massive coils around Nikol's body, trying to pull him away from Fenrir's deadly jaws. But Nikol was inconsolable, his eyes fixed on Eldora's blood that kept dripping.

"She didn't deserve this," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "She was just a pawn in the fairy's twisted game."

"I was the one that's supposed to kill her-" Nikol said and looked at Fenrir possessed by Apo.

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