Feral Confessions - Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 352 - Battle Between Wizards And Neotides (7)

Dmitri wasn't satisfied with Adrianna's explanation. "Adri, what if they attack the Werewolf Realm? It is better if we attack them first."

"I don't think Vikra would waste his time on that Dmitri. And if he would, I would plainly consider him as a stupid opponent," she replied.


"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"Because Vikra doesn't have the time for that. Why would he attack the werewolves, and divide his army into two when he knows that taking down wizards would require a lot of numbers and with werewolves, his neotides would mostly be massacared, which in turn means wasting the resources for something which is going to be a failure?"" she replied with logic.

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"Then what should we do?" asked Mihr, ready for her orders.

"Today as the day rises, most neotides are going to hide because none of them want to take a risk of being spotted for the fear that they would get killed by any wizard. So I want ten Mozias and twenty of your army to go and find out as many as possible under invisibility cloak and kill them. We have to try and reduce their numbers. However, I want you guys to cast spells that aren't so prominent. You should not attract attention of the entire hoard. And if you do, just walk back through your portals."

"Okay, My Queen," replied Mihr and stood up to leave.

"I think we are committing a grave mistake," said Ziu. "We must attack them with full force so that they get scared and don't come back and I would go on to suggest that Adrianna you should spearhead the attack."

Adrianna looked at him and said, "Thanks for your suggestion Ziu, but this will go the way I have fleshed it out!" After saying that Adrianna got up from there and walked to her room where Dmitri followed her. All others left the main hall.

Ziu was walking out with Isidorus when he said in an angry tone, "I don't like the way Adrianna is ordering around how to strategize the war. She must take us in consideration and then strategize it. She can't just go about thinking single-handedly. I am concerned about the Wizard Kingdom's safety now."

Isidorus stopped and looked at Ziu from top to bottom. "Are you going against the queen? Remember that Adrianna is the ruler of this kingdom not because of her lineage, but because of her capabilities that she has proved. All her reasoning was pretty logical and I don't think we should refute it."

Ziu became quiet and walked out of the Royal Palace without saying another word.

Mihr made an army of twenty wizards and witches as soon as he went to his palace. At the same time ten Mozias walked through the portal into his palace. "Where do we attack them from?" asked one of the Mozia.

"I will be opening the portal for you all from the far side towards the Human Realm. I don't want you all to go head on in the front and attack them because there would a large army in the front and it would attract the attention. Start killing them from behind where there would be thinner population of neotides hiding. Also you should know where do the neotides mostly like to hide," Mihr instructed as he walked out the palace.

"Where do they hide?" asked the Mozia.

"In my knowledge, they mostly hide in caves but you should check the pits also over there. Do not, in any case come out of the invisibility cloak. In case of any danger where you feel that you are going to be dangerously attacked, come back through the vortex. There is no need to show valor. You have to show your sharpness, okay?" said Mihr.

Within the next five minutes, all of them were walking out of the portal on the road that divided the jungle and the Human Realm. As soon as they walked out, all of them became invisible and walked in the jungle.

True to what Mihr had said, there were very less neotides in that part, which were taken down easily. As the thirty of them moved ahead, they decided that they would move in a group of ten each and cover more area rather than just moving together. Each group consisted of Mozias too. They moved in three lines as they combed the jungle. Soon they found many small and big caves where the neotides were hiding and without giving them a warning started killing them. Since they had to do it very quietly, most of them were burnt to ashes by using cumulative spells by the entire group. Even though this led to minimum amount of resistance, the neotides did howl, which in turn alerted other neotides in the vicinity.

By the time it was afternoon, the news of the neotides getting killed had spread far enough to reach Reese's ears. She was furious. Only wizards could do this kind of mass killing. She took a batch of few hundred neotides and marched towards the place from where she heard the attacks were being done. Soon she reached there and in front of her eyes, she saw a cave getting burnt in ashes and along with that another batch of neotides died.

The wizards saw a large batch of neotides coming towards them and immediately they flew higher up. Since they were under the invisibility mode, Reese couldn't detect them and she marched ahead. The wizards came down and then skipped the next two caves in their path. They attacked the next ones.

By the time Reese went ahead to find the wizards, she had gone far ahead where she saw more burnt jungle. Where the hell did they go? A messenger came and said that the more hideouts were burning in the opposite direction. Confused and angered, she turned back. When she found the two caves intact on her way, she understood the cleverness of the wizards. In order that they do not attract her batch's attention, they had attacked caves further away from her, out of her sight.

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