Feral Confessions - Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 367 - Battle Between Wizards And Neotides (18)

Reese became scared slightly when she saw the werewolf in front of her on her hind legs. It was huge, almost one and a half times the size of an average neotide. It looked majestic and had golden yellow eyes that shone brilliantly in the moonlight. Reese looked around for another grey furred werewolf who was helping her but she couldn't see him in the vicinity. Maybe he ran away or was hiding amongst the neotides. He would soon reveal himself if he was fighting with the rogue wolf. 

According to her strategy, other neotides started forming a circle around Adrianna. So now Adrianna was in the center and there were ten wolves who surrounded her in the innermost circle. The attack was led by Reese. Rest of the neotides stood behind the one in the front in a neat row. 


Reese instructed all other neotides to clear that place and go near the wall, as the wall was about to break. With hundred neotides to help her kill a rogue wolf, she was confident that she would slaughter it soon. More neotides were needed near the wall. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Seeing that she was surrounded on all sides, it didn't deter her feelings, instead she was ever more determined to kill them. The wild animal in her was lusting for more blood and she could feel that her power was only increasing with the moon's rays. 

Adrianna growled at the creatures in front of her as if challenging her to come and even touch her. Suddenly a neotide leapt on her and he was taken down immediately as she caught it by its neck and threw it like a piece of battered toy. As soon as it was killed, another neotide replaced it. Adrianna was now attacked on all sides but she was too quick and she could take two to three neotides at the same time. 

In the meanwhile Dmitri had chosen to hide when he saw a large group of neotides coming towards them. So when they formed a circle, he started attacking them from the outside. He could easily kill them from the outside, so in less than half an hour, only a few neotides remained. 

Reese was now tensed. Only half of them were left. She wasn't looking on the outside circle as she was focusing on the werewolf inside. With the way the rogue werewolf was killing her fellows, she couldn't for a moment look around her. She wondered how come so less was left. She ordered all of them to attack Adrianna all at once. 

Dmitri heard it and he also increased his pace to attack them. In fact he leapt over them and in one swift jump, he came to where Adrianna was – in the center. He had to take that chance. He knew that Adrianna might attack him but he had to save her and his baby. He was getting scared of his baby time and again. 

"Oh, this was the grey werewolf," thought Reese with hatred. She had to attack him first and remove the rogue werewolf's support. While others were attacking the rogue werewolf, she took the opportunity and jumped on Dmitri. She jumped on his with such force that her claws dug into his flesh. He whined and this caught Adrianna's attention. She looked at him with menacing eyes. 

Before she could attack him, Reese attacked him once more. Angered as to who dared to take her target, Adrianna attacked Reese. She caught her from neck and pressed her jaws inside the flesh. Reese struggled to break free. But Adrianna shook her neck in her jaws vigorously and then put her down. Then she caught one of her limbs and tore it apart from her body. Reese howled in pain. Adrianna caught another of her limbs and tore that too. Within minutes limbless body of Reese was lying on the ground. Reese was numb with pain as she looked at Adrianna whose face was very close to hers. She closed her eyes. She didn't know that her end would be like that. Next moment everything went blank. Adrianna had torn her head off the torso. 

Other neotides were aghast. They saw their leader had been ripped apart limp by limb. Only a few remained in the dark of the night. They feared for their life and started to flee. 

Dmitri was relieved that the two of them had successfully scared the enemy away and he wanted her to go back. So he tried to distract her by giving her a menacing growl. However, Adrianna had seemed to lose interest in him. She started running after the neotides – her new toys. 

Dmitri froze. Adrianna was running into a sea of thousands of neotides and this was like inviting death. In order to divert her attention, he growled again, but she didn't pay heed to his presence. He tried to once again mentally call her but there was no response. He cried inside. "Adrianna please turn back." He chased her and after a few seconds, he could see that his wife had disappeared into the darkness. She ran at a very high speed. He just couldn't follow her. He felt helpless and called his mate. But there was no response. He stopped after running for some time. What should he do? He shivered from inside. 

When the neotides ran away from there, they ran fast to inform Vikra that Reese had died in the hands of the rogue werewolf. They knew that Reese was Vikra's favorite and were scared what would he do to them when he would come to know about Reese. All of them decided to go and say the news together. 

They went near Vikra and waited for him to look at him.

"Where is Reese?" he hissed without looking at them. 

"Master, Reese is dead. She was killed by the golden haired wolf," said one of them with a little courage. "Her limbs were ripped apart." 

Vikra stopped. He froze and stared at the neotides who bore that news. The lethal light that he was throwing at the wall stopped emitting out of his wand. All the neotides around him looked at him with stunned expressions. 

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