Feral Confessions - Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 398 - Release Fleur

Dmitri and Adrianna headed to the Royal Palace in their carriage. As usual the army of wizards and witches surrounded them from all sides. While looking outside the window, Adrianna noticed Fleur who was flying right beside the carriage and her mind wandered to reliving her of her duties. She had to talk to Isidorus about. The topic had been delayed so much that she no longer wanted to delay it so she asked the wizard driving the carriage to go to Isidorus' Palace. 

Dmitri smiled at her. "This was long due. Liam is not able to concentrate on his work and the two have been fighting a lot lately. In fact, I heard that she had come here to the Wizard Kingdom and staying away from him from past one week. Liam keeps accusing her of not finding time for him." 


Adrianna sighed. "I can understand the agony of these two but the way the events have turned out, it was impossible for me to focus on this issue. Let's see what Isidorus has to say." She turned around to gaze Fleur whose face was very stiff but her mind was in turmoil, which Adrianna could read very well. Perhaps she was crying inside. 

They reached the Palace of Isidorus in ten minutes and found him waiting for them. Even though he was in the event, the moment he sensed that his Queen needed his audience, he came to his palace and stood on the gate to receive them.

"What is it my Queen?" he asked as the royal couple walked through the wide pathway in between the gardens that led to the main entrance. 

Adrianna stepped inside followed by Dmitri and Isidorus. She noticed that the hall that was bustling with festivity a night before was now quiet with very furniture back in its place. She walked towards a plush sofa and sat down. Dmitri made himself home as he picked up an apple from the center table and took a bite after giving a wink to the old man whom he loved to tease. 

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"I wanted to talk about Fleur," said Adrianna without wasting time. 

"What about her? Has she given you any trouble?" asked a wary Isidorus. 

Dmitri raised an eyebrow and shook his head at the man who only had suspicions in his mind. "Broaden your horizon, old man," he said and munched on his apple. 

Isidorus slanted his eyebrows in anger as he looked at Dmitri. This man was always taunting him. Only he knew how he tolerated Dmitri. 

"No, Isidorus, she hasn't given me any trouble but I want you to release her from serving me as my head of personal security," said Adrianna looking straight in his eyes. 

"That is not an option my Queen. She has been branded. She was born to be your guard."

"How can she be my guard if she has been marked by Liam?" revealed Adrianna. 

Isidorus eyes became wide. "She has been marked! How dare she allows that? She has breached the very being of her existence. This calls for an immediate execution." 

"No!" shouted Adrianna in a voice that made him jump in his seat. "You will not execute Fleur only because she was marked by Liam." 

"B- but My Queen-"

Adrianna took her hand forward to cut him off. "How can she be released?" 

"If we release her who would become your personal security guard?" asked Isidorus as if he never trusted anyone else. 

"I would like a Mozia to be my personal guard. Can that happen?" 

Isidorus contemplated on the option and said, "That can happen but there is a small problem. The Mozia are not loyal to the person, they are loyal to the crown and the ruler. So as long as you are the ruler, they would guard you with their life, but they would leave you the minute you are not the ruler. However, with Fleur it is different. She is bonded to save you for her life. If we release her from her duty, she would no longer be able to use her magic and possible even cease to exist as a witch. She would turn into a mere human who is mortal. Once she becomes a mortal, would Liam be able to take that pain?" 

Dmitri stopped munching as he lost his appetite on hearing about the fate of his friend. Adrianna gaped at Isidorus in fear and misery. "What do you mean Isidorus?" 

Isidorus took a deep breath and said, "Howard was not having children for a long time. He approached the Wizard Queen at that time who had the powers to grant him the wish. Shira granted him the wish but everything comes with a price. She said that the first born would have to serve as a personal guard to the ruler of the kingdom. Desperate to have a child, Howard agreed and Fleur was born. After her, he had three more babies but out of them, only she was owned by the Palace. The wish had to be fulfilled the moment we came to know about you and she was sent to guard you even when you were not the queen." 

"So does that mean that if we release her from this, she has to pay with her personality, with what she is? She has to sacrifice her magic?"

"Yes," said Isidorus nonchalantly. 

"Does she know about it?" asked Dmitri because he knew that Liam surely didn't know about it. 

"No, she doesn't. We haven't told her this."

Adrianna gulped. This was such a difficult situation. She wanted to help Fleur but to what end? She couldn't even think of Liam's loss once Fleur would die as a mortal. "We will tell this to the two of them and leave the decision on them. It is for them to decide. However, if Fleur wants to be released, we will release her," said Adrianna and got up from there. She was feeling suffocated. 

"Okay, my Queen," replied Isidorus. 

Adrianna could read the sadness in his mind. He appeared like a tough old man but he cared a lot for Fleur. Howard and Ed were one of his best friends. When she went outside, her eyes locked with Fleur and she smiled.

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