Fire Mage

Chapter 584 Adrillon

Chapter 584: Adrillon

Adrillon's outer space, Myxend Solar Family, Ditune Galaxy.

Adrillion was the unique plane located in Ditune Galaxy and called Edhen World's sister plane.

Although this planet was only filled with icy mountains and acidic water, many ancient mages and Gods suspect it had a 'Will' on its own. The main reason for that was the presence of Luck, Fate, and Destiny Domain power in a single plane like the lost plane Itera.

In truth, it was scarce for two 'Willed' planes to appear in the same solar family.

So, this Myxend Solar Family became one of the main targets for the chaos faction members.

That's why the planar war happened around 400 years ago. If not for Abium's arrival to Edhen World, this whole solar system might have long been captured by the Chaos Faction and turned into an uninhabitable region for humans or other lawful beings.

At that moment, a small spatial ripple appeared in the outer space of the Adrillon and soon formed into a crack. Following that, the space crack widened and became a two-meter-tall void-like portal.

A second later, a wavy blonde-haired human in his 40s walked out of the void and looked at the surrounding deep space. He had a round face, pure silver eyes, appeared around 6 feet tall, and had a stern face. He wore a red robe-like armor and even held a strange glass-like book.

He was none other than Udnir, the God of Time!

After a swift glance, he finally zeroed his gaze on the strange silvery planet and soon squinted his eyes.

"So, this is what attracted all those old monsters, huh? I can vaguely sense their motive. But how are they going to weaken this World's Will?" At that moment, he recalled the information he got a decade ago.

"Project Destiny... What is it actually?" He muttered solemnly and was about to scan the other planets but suddenly stopped.

"Wait... Something doesn't feel right about this planet." He used the wisdom power to push himself towards the Adrillon plane and shot forth like a bullet.

In mere seconds, he reached the surface of Adrillon and saw greenish gas filled with icy-elemental energy spreading all over the area. What startled him most was that the strange poisonous gas started affecting his skin and even tried to eat his wisdom power!

"Poisonous gas here could even corrode a demigod in an instant. Not only that, I can also sense a strong disaster curse in this gas. It's not a god's work. Moreover, why haven't this World's Will attacked me yet?" Although he vaguely sensed some prying power from the deepest part of this planet, he knew it wasn't a world Will.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"That thing inside this plane looks more like a soul. But even a peak High-God's soul won't appear this chaotic and powerful.  An ancient being? Is that ancient being in slumber?" He hesitated for a moment and soon decided not to do anything funny.

"I'm not strong enough to even face a Mid-God at that moment. Moreover, this is merely my avatar. Even a Low God can kill me with some underhand methods."

He quietly cast [Space-Time Leap] spell and appeared outer surface of the Adrillon plane a second later.

Afterward, he gazed toward the brightest star on his right side and smirked.

No, his gaze was focused on a particular planet.

"Edhen, the world that holds many secrets and powerhouses... Here I come." His voice echoed through the void like a divine sentence and spread everywhere.

A moment later, he cast the [Space-Time Leap] spell again and disappeared from there.


Udnir reappeared in Edhen World's outer space within a few moments and looked around.

A moment later, a flash of surprise appeared on his face.

Instead of being only space around the Edhen World, he saw many black metal-like pillars appear all over the area!

"Void Pillars! But how did they manage to get this much amount? Each void pillars appears around 300 meters tall." While muttering, he did a quick scan and soon widened his eyes.

"4,569 Void Pillars! Even the whole Lawful Faction wouldn't have this much amount of void pillars. This group of monsters are well prepared."

He also saw a strange forcefield-like structure around the world, making it seem like a protective cocoon.

"They've been weakening this world's Will for a long time. That means they must have also noticed that the thing in Adrillon's deepest core is not a Will of that world but an ancient being. But the question is: Are they not after the Adrillon? Why are they weakening this world's Will? Moreover, what is the role of Abium in this scheme?"

He saw three eerie reddish moons on the left side and furrowed.

"Hmm? Those three moons aren't the original ones but a being's domain manifestation? I sense some dense Chaos power from there. Domain of Blood? What the heck is happening in this higher plane?" He couldn't help but get puzzled.

After that, he quietly hovered in outer space for a few seconds and activated his [Fake Omnisicence Eye] skill.

A moment later, he saw countless futures in visions and vaguely understood what was happening in this Edhen World.

"A disaster is about to happen... No, it's going to be multiple disasters. Should I also make things more interesting?" He curled his lips upward and disappeared from there.

...please visit

Northern Graveyard, Underground District, Miracle City.

It was around 4.00 P.M.

Many luxury and patrol carriages arrived at the entrance of the Northern Graveyard and soon parked on both sides of the road. Following that, multiple powerhouses from the Magic Towers, lawful organizations, and three Destiny Conquerors members came from the carriages and walked into the graveyard.

Simultaneously, a blonde-haired man in his 20s stepped out of a patrol carriage and looked around. He had brown eyes, short dark hair, and olive skin, and he appeared to be around 160 cm tall. Compared to all the people, he appeared short and remained unnoticed. He wore a brown frock coat over his white dress and even held a brown umbrella in his left hand.

After glancing around, he quietly shifted his gaze towards the graveyard's entrance and saw a 45 to 50-years old man with tan skin standing among the crowd of security guards. He had light green eyes and silver hair and appeared taller than him. Unlike the rest, he and all other security officers wore a black surcoat-type uniform with a symbol of three swords engraved on their chest area and appeared fully vigilant.

He was none other than John.

Although the young man's hands started to shake uncontrollably, he hid his fear and walked towards the tan-skinned middle-aged man.

Meanwhile, John also noticed his arrival and gave him a slight nod.

Simultaneously, he put his hand into the surcoat pocket and took a unique pebble-like blue stone.

"I'll do the checking for him." Saying so, John gestured for that young man to come closer and started checking him.

At that moment, he also stealthily gave the unique gem to the young man and spoke to him telepathically.

'Mingle with the crowd and wait for Professor's signal, Otis. After crushing this stone, you must take out the other chaos scroll and attack Raphael.'

'Y-Yes, sir. I'll do it.' The young man named Otis said with a stiff tone.

'That's good.' John gave a light tap on his shoulder and gestured for him to move in.

But as Otis walked a few meters away from John, one of the security guards suddenly walked closer to John and spoke slowly.

"Sir, you forgot to tell him about the dress code. Everyone should wear white dress during funeral ceremony."

John couldn't help but blink his eyes in surprise.

"How did I forget such an important thing? Thanks a lot, Baron." He hurriedly tapped his space ring and took a white frock coat.

"Go and tell him to put this on." Saying so, he gave the frock coat to Baron.

Meanwhile, the security officer named Baron chased after Otis and gave the coat to him.

After that, he also said a few words while helping him remove his black coat and returned to his post quickly.

On the other hand, Otis listened to Professor's telepathic instructions and soon mingled with the crowd.

At the same time, he noticed three black-robed mages standing near the coffin and appeared to be reciting a chant in an unknown language.

"Death Ritual. It is indeed a strange and unique ceremony of this Miracle City." He muttered slowly.

At that moment, a voice came from behind.

"During the Ancient time, the death mages practiced these types of unique ritual to communicate with the diseased and prevent the souls from going to the place of eternal darkness. Some says that this ritual helps the soul to enter the cycle of reincarnation." It was the person who stood next to him who spoke those words.

He was a young man with straight black hair, appeared to be around 20 years old, and had a hawk nose, deep blue eyes, and a slightly chubby face.

"You are?" Otis couldn't help but ask.

Meanwhile, the young man made a fake cough and spoke.

"I'm Alex. The one lying in the coffin is actually a distant relative of mine, you see. He is such a kind and caring old man. But fate seems to be playing a cruel joke on him right now." His voice appeared sorrowful.

As the young man named Alex started talking, Otis slowly turned his gaze towards the front and slowly put his right hand into the left coat pocket.

'Wait! I changed my coat earlier, right? But I actually forgot to take that crystal.' A look of panic appeared on his face.

But a second later, he noticed that nullify crystal was still in the coat's pocket!

'Maybe that soldier shifted the crystal.' He breathed a sigh of relief and soon turned his gaze towards the right-side graveyard entrance.

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