First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

Chapter 188 The Mantar

When Isiah made up his finally he started to focus all of his dark energy on this spell, he looked at the grimoire after that and read the spell words which were written in the Gowarian language " <strong>stikbawaka hatari</strong> "

Eijar ignored him completely, she was very pissed after he compared her to these dark creatures that he was about to summon.

Isiah stood on his feet just to be prepared for what was coming, it was his first summoning a creature and he felt excitement mixed with anticipation.

He wanted only to be prepared in a good way so that he wouldn't harm himself from the start .

He looked at Eijar before casting the spell and he noticed that she was not doing anything, she was just sitting there while claiming that she was going to practice.

He couldn't see that that she was making an effort of some sort and he didn't mind that considering that, for the past hours she was barely awake .

After just one attempt, Isiah gets to bring that dark horse, from what he just saw it was nothing like the picture inside that grimoire because this dark horse was very different.

It looked more powerful and charismatic and it had wings too .

The wings were very dark like his whole body but in the extremities of them, there were shades of yellow that appeared more like gold .

' Shit I tried to summon a horse because I kind of knew that it would only stay here and here I am summoning a dark horse that has wings, I am not sure if it is accurate to call a horse anymore'

Isiah looked at the grimoire briefly and noticed the name of that creature just in front of him and he felt very stupid because he didn't see the whole description.

Its name was Mantar, it was a half horse, half bird, Isiah panicked because this specific dark creature could run away so easily and fly away until he is drained from his dark energy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Mantar stood there motionless for a second after being summoned then started to look everywhere only to see where he was .

Then at least he looked at Isiah who was standing there in a panic because he messed up with summoning a creature that could fly

Eijar looked at the Mantar for a second then looked at Isiah, it felt like she was happy with this, and therefore he felt very pissed .

' At least, I fuck***ng did it, I was ready to summon a dark creature, this is a huge progress, taming it is very easy'

The Mantar was not very happy with seeing Isiah and it just started to glare at him from afar which made him retreat for a bit because at this point Isiah didn't know what that Mantar was going to do .

Isiah was ready to attack him in return if he had to but he tried not to show him any weapon so that he wouldn't trigger any crazy reaction on his part .

" Master, you should move away from his way if you want to stay unharmed, I really like to see crushed under his feet but yeah that would be my problem too , so just move away from his sight"

Eijar dug a hole in the sand with her tail and got in there very fast just to be visible from the mantar

when Isiah saw what she did he just spit on the sand and then said:" You like giving me pieces of information after it's too late, you stupid snake "

Eiajr didn't say anything after that because she that this would only trigger a severe reaction from him.

The Mantar started whinnying just like a normal horse would do while looking at Isiah, Isiah was so pissed because that meant that he noticed and that  he was going to his pay for bringing him into this crappy place .

Isiah knew that  he was not going to calm him down after this so he stood there after minutes of pure hesitation on whether to fight with him or not.

He stood there motionless after smirking then said:" You want to fight, come on buddy " .

Eijar almost screamed hearing that then said:" Are you trying to make everything worse, master, you want to provoke him, is this your idea ? ".

The snake was so done by his actions so she just hid while waiting for the result of the fight that was going to happen

the Mantar didn't hesitate and started to run toward Isiah, he didn't blink for a second, after all these years he found himself forced to be around animals and he had to learn to do that or he was not going to survive .

' I better start thinking of them as a tool to feel at ease while using them ' .

The horse was very focused on crushing Isiah under his long feet but Isiah stayed there not moving for a bit while waiting to estimate his powers and his speed .

To him, it looked like this Mantar was not thinking at all before attacking which he considered a weak point.

In the last second before the crash, Isiah threw himself on the sand and moved away from his direction .

" But the speed, you are so fast on the ground, I wonder if you were fast at flying too like that "

Isiah said in English then he remembered that the Mantar wouldn't understand what he said , so he said in the Gowarian language:" <strong>I will tame you</strong>".

Isiah wasn't sure if he was ever going to do that but he said it anyway to mess with its head

The horse was very strong and Isiah had to move fast to avoid his body multiple times

' I just wonder if I am going to be hurt if I just fought with it and gave it a lot of injuries, is the relationship between me and this Mantar is going to be like me and eijar, let find out '

and without any further words, Isiah hit the Mantar with a dark fireball just to test that theory .

Nothing happened and as a result, Isiah continued hitting the Mantar trying to break the wild attitude he had .

eijar was still absent from the scenery and he was doing just What felt like the right thing to do .

After a while Isiah started to hit the creature with powerful fireballs to see  if it was powerful or not,  he chose the fireball spell because it was very easy and not that harmful to the Mantar that was acting aggressively.

" Shit, shit, shit , master , what are you doing ? " Eijar showed just a few minutes later only to see  Isiah hitting the Mantar with his spells.

She wanted to stay away until everything ends but she knew deep down that Isiah was going to mess things up if she didn't show up and that's what happened actually .

" You are not supposed to harm what you summon, master, "  She said with a loud voice .

Isiah cursed loudly and then said to her :" And then how am I going to tame this fuc***ing Mantar, it is very strong and it would kill me if I don't defend myself .

Isiah was very pissed that she was doing this to him and this time he was going to discipline her after everything ends because keep acting like this was only going to lead him to his death .

" If you do this you are going to be banned from using any other creature, harming what you summon like that is very forbidden "

Isiah looked at the Mantar that was heading toward him then said:" fu****ing snake, and what is the solution here ? and don't say tame it because  I really don't know what that means at all "

Isiah glared so she said :" yeah, you need to tame it, and that is your job , I can't think of  anything that might help you "

eijar kept looking at Isiah in the eyes which made him kill her several times in his head because he knew that she was messing with him .

' Then I should stop hurting this fuc***ing Mantar and find a real way to control him or he will kill me '

In that momenet, Isiah remembered the fact that this Mantar was once used by his brother, and for that, he realized that he might be very pissed just like when eijar told him about his brother's betrayal of her .

' She said, that he speaks and thinks, and to wake and find himself between the hands of a new person must be awful '

Isiah said in the Gowarian language :"<strong> We should work with each other,  you , me , work</strong>"

Isiah didn't know if that made sense to the Mantar so he added with a quiet voice after that :" <strong>Me, help you , too</strong> "

Isiah was speaking slowly so that he would communicate with him in a good way, but the Mantar didn't care about a word he said and kept running after him and hitting him several times after that.

" Fu*** them "

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