First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

Chapter 201 She Belongs To Me

' I feel cold, so cold, I want to sleep but something is keeping me up. I feel like I have slept so many times at this point, why am I hearing a scream? A female scream ?Wait , is this ? Is this Eijar's voice ?'

Isiah opened his eyes barely for the first time since he was in the desert only to find himself in a big hall surrounded by a different architecture from the Summit .

He is still feeling cold but that sensation was not that fatal like it was when he was in the desert.

He didn't know how to explain that, to him he just woke up randomly but the truth was that Eijar shared with him her energy and that helped him wake up again.

He moved for a bit so he noticed that be was on Jaffar's back, and Jaffar noticed too that he was awake so he said immediately with a low slow voice :" <strong>Eijar is in trouble</strong> "

Isiah sat immediately to look in the direction of his sight .

He felt dizzy for a bit but he managed to have a full picture of what was going on in that moment in front of him .

Isiah saw all the dark creatures that were surrounding the big monster in front of him, he saw a few of them close to his leg but were not doing the same thing like others were doing.

And finally, he saw Eijar who was captured by his strong hand and forced to have a disgusted kiss with him.

Isiah was not sure of what was happening there but when he remembered what Jaffar said about her being in trouble he just felt a lot of rage towards this dark creature.

Just a few seconds after he saw that, the monster was making Eijar very close to his lower part and Isiah understood what he was going to do .

His anger was beyond control, he just stood up on the floor then went toward the dark creature who was so invested in what he was doing .

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Isiah felt a lot of emotions at once, he hated seeing Eijar in that state, he hated this explicit scene that was in front of him and hated the fact that he was asleep when his snake was in trouble .

He jumped off of Jaffar's back then headed towards Zahir with a demonic expression on his face..

He was barely able to use magic but he forced his body to the fullest and tried to do a spell to release her .

At this point his diabolic core was having an issue with the leveling down.

His light dark energy and his shadow dark energy were barely functioning right, it was supposed to be upgraded but that didn't happen for a reason that he didn't know.

Isiah then tried to only use his divine energy so he collected that few energy he had left and put it on his palm, he made sure that it was concentrated .

He walked very fast toward him and in a blink of an eye Isiah put his palm that was concentrated with divine energy in his intimate parts and he even stroked it to make Zahir feel a huge pain.

Indeed, that part was very vulnerable and Zahir made sure to remove his armor from that so that Eijar would be there .

But his wishes were not guaranteed this time, Isiah was biting on his teeth hardly when he did that because he used all his force.

Zahir released Eijar immediately when he felt that huge pain.

She fell on his lap not moving because he was tired and violated .

Isiah grabbed her body immediately with his palm and he started running away towards Jaffar who was still surprised of what happened there.

Even the other dark creatures were still surprised by the fact that Zahir was screaming in an immersive pain.

Isiah used that to his advantage and sat on Jaffar's back and asked him to fly away.

No one followed them at that moment, they all headed towards Zahir to check on him .

Isiah leaned towards jaffar's neck and rested his head on top of him .

"<strong>I still can't believe that you did that to him,"</strong> Jaffar said to Isiah with an excited voice as if he was very proud of him .

Isiah was breathing heavily but the smile on his face was very satisfying, Eijar didn't move in his palms since he got her .So he sat immediately then looked at her, she was now in both of his palms.closing her eyes, uet he knew well that she was not asleep so he said to her :" W<strong>hat was</strong> <strong>that?"</strong>

She wasn't ready to even look him in the eyes, so he didn't force things .

In the meantime Jaffar said to him<strong>:'' She said that he would know how to help you, but apparently she had a terrible past with this dark creature " .</strong>

Eijar in that moment contracted her whole body in Isiah's palm as a reaction to remembering her past .

Isiah looked at her then said<strong>:" Was he …your partner or…. something ? "</strong>

Eijar opened her eyes immediately in rage, she was disgusted with the idea but that was the only way for Isiah to make her open her eyes.

Yet she kept silent, at that moment Isiah said to her while looking at the horizon:``Do …you want me…. to kill the… bastard ?"

Eijar was not sure whether Isiah was playing with her emotions and mocking her and whether he was telling the truth so she looked away but he added a few minutes later:" How dare …he lay hand on my ….my… ?"

He didn't even have a word to describe her so be left that sentence unfinished..

" Apparently when Eijar gave you her energy you felt a bit good, she made survive until now"

Isiah looked at Eijar this time from above then said: " How about …you start telling…. me what is happening? this fuck***g snake was going to …make you die just to… keep me blind ?"

Jaffar only laughed then said:" She could do anything, it is not very surprising "

Only then Isiah noticed the place that they were in, the Inferno realm that they spoke about before.

It looked way different from his imagination.

Seeing jt from above gave him a good look on it more than he saw in Summit.

Summit layer was still a mystery to him because he didn't visit different places, he only stayed by the sea, but bere jaffar was already giving him a closer look to inferno realm.

" You have to know that your body is only working now because of the push that Eijar gave you when I reunited with her in the desert, probably you are feeling some regression of those symptoms but that will happe once her energy fades away, meaning , we have to move "

Isiah looked at Jaffar then said:" Tell me exactly… what should I …do now ?"

Eijar didn't even try to explain to him, she was too tiered and consumed, Isiah looked at her but he didn't want to talk to her either .

Jaffar said in that moment:" We have to find someone else"

" You mean …someone like that …bastard? As you told me…. I don't think that I… would ever find someone …who could help …. me here"

" This must be hard, all the dark creatures are very evil, they will find a way to use you or contract in exchange of anything you want, it is a very bad idea" Jaffar replied to him .

Isiah didn't reply to him, silence was all over the place, that is when Eijar rested her head on Isiah's finger then said to him slowely:" Master, all the dark creatures here are very strong and evil and manipulative, I went to the one who captured me for years, because I knew that he is capable of doing something to your core, I regret it now, I should not have done it , but when I was getting closer to death my mind started to give me random hope"

Even when Isiah didn't even want o get closer to her, he just couldn't ignored the look in her face .

So he said:" Stupid snake "

He cut his sentence there but he wanted to tell her that she was a stupid snake like him.

" I wanted to give him something in exchange but I didn't knew that he would want something like that when be was already surrounded by all those dark creatures"

Eijar was hurt so she stopped talking which made Jaffar say to her:" Don't think about it anymore, it was a bad experience with a monster and you don't have to think about it now because you don't belong to him anymore"

Isiah raised his palm towards his face this time so that her eyes could look into his eges the he said with an evil wide smile on his face:" But she belongs… to me now….and for that I…. am not going to let what… he did go without …punishment "

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