Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 66:

Chapter 66:

* * *

Carlyle bit his lip.

The reunion he had prepared for wasnt supposed to be this messy.

He had repeatedly told himself that if he caught her, if he found her again, he wouldnt let her go.

He wondered about the child in her womb. If she was in pain or if there were any issues. What kind of man her husband was.

There were endless questions that needed answers.

However, he held her hand tightly and remained silent for a long time.

He couldnt mention how he had repeatedly made senseless promises or how he contemplated various ways to kill a man he didnt even know every day.

Especially not to Juliet, the woman who cheated on him and ran away.

Even in his imagination, he couldnt lay a finger on her.

What happened to you?


She looked as though she had been drenched with water, her shoes werent even visible.

Its a mess, isnt it?

Juliet awkwardly brushed a stray hair behind her ear, looking embarrassed.


He looked down at the sound, and a creature, whether it was a black weasel or a strangely shaped cat, was glaring at him, its long tail wrapped around Juliets ankle.

He was taken aback.

He was angry that she looked fine, but relieved that she wasnt hurt.

He was unsure if he should ask if the child in her womb was safe or if he even had the right to ask.

He had never intended to force his lineage to the child, even if she was bearing it.

Especially not from Juliet.

It was the same thought just a month ago.

If she was going to run away from him, she should at least live well.

What was that look about?

His mind was full of thoughts, but he couldnt express any of them.

He didnt know how to articulate his feelings.

All that was left for him was a childish display.

Would he humble himself to the Emperor for a woman? Had he prepared the most luxurious and lavish wedding?

How could he even bring up such topics?

I heard youre getting married.

Congratulations. I wont be able to attend in person, though


If I go, she might not like it.

Do you really think so?


He felt frustrated.

Juliet Monad.


Do I need to beg?

Your Highness?

If youre not there.

Lennox clenched his teeth.

How can there be a wedding without the bride?


Juliet looked as if she didnt understand his words.

She looked surprised, as if she had never considered herself to be the bride of the wedding.

Suddenly, Juliet said:

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Whose idea was this?


I wont do that anymore, Your Highness.


But Juliets words didnt end there.

Youve always been like that, selecting people like theyre on a menu.

Juliet spoke calmly.

Lennox might have thought she didnt know, but Juliet knew too. The occasional favors he threw her way, as if from the kindness of his heart.

But he might not have known how miserable she felt during those times, thirsting for those moments of kindness.

You dont need to apologize or take responsibility for me.

How should she put it? Juliet chose her words carefully.

He was naturally indifferent to others. Thats just the kind of person he was.

There was no particular malice. There was a time when that made her hate him even more.

As you know, there was no future for us.

Juliet still remembered clearly. I wont let you give birth.

You once said you wouldnt want a child from me.

Damn, thats why I said we should get married!

As soon as he blurted it out, Lennox regretted it. He didnt want to press her in such a confrontational manner.

Your Highness.

Yet, Juliet responded calmly.

If I have a child, I wont make them live like I did.

Juliet always envied something when she saw Dahlia, Princess Priscilla, or other young ladies.

A child who is loved doesnt need to be wary of others. They dont have to constantly worry about being abandoned.

That wouldnt change even if I say Im going back with you right now.

Its probably going to be the same thing all over again.

I dont want to live like that anymore. I just want to do as I please.

There was so much she had to endure.

Its what you wanted, isnt it? But she was too tired to just say Its okay and let it go. Juliet no longer believed in love.

So, you dont need to come to me anymore. And Im sorry.

Theres nothing more I can do for you.

At the last remark, Lennox gritted his teeth.

Um and also

Juliet spoke as if she truly had no regrets left.

Could you drop me off by the coast?


My shoes theyre ruined.

The man, who looked as if he might force her to come with him, silently stared at Juliet for a long time.

And just as Juliet had said, he dropped her off at the coast and left.

* * *

At dawn the next day, Juliet went to the forest behind the beach with a baby dragon.

There are rabbits and deer in this forest, and hes a creature from legends, so maybe he can hunt and survive on his own.

Juliet kept pondering where the baby dragon should stay.

The baby dragon, seeing the forest for the first time, seemed intrigued and scampered around.

But when Juliet turned her back to test and started moving away,


The startled baby dragon rushed to her.

Not knowing how to fly yet, he tripped over himself but quickly got up and ran after her.

If you keep following me, what will I do?

Seeing the baby dragon, Juliet collapsed on the sandy beach.

I cant take care of you

Whether the dragon knew this fact or not, he clung to Juliet and acted affectionately. He definitely didnt seem to understand.

After all, what would you know, being just three days old?

Suddenly, tears flowed.


The baby dragon, not knowing what to do, cried sadly alongside Juliet.

I can barely manage myself, you understand?


The baby dragon tilted his head in a serious manner.

Only until your wings fully grow.

Juliet embraced the baby dragon.

Did the dragon realize the magnitude of the commitment she just made?


When Juliet lifted him, the excited baby dragon wagged his tail.

* * *


After returning from Algieros beach, Lennox went straight into a large bathtub without taking off his clothes.

The vast bathroom quickly filled with steam. He sank into the scalding water, feeling dizzy, and closed his eyes.

It felt as if he was slowly drowning.

Every time we meet.

He had repeatedly told himself that he wouldnt let her go.

How can I not let her go?

He had thought that he wouldnt let even a single hair of hers be harmed.

So, if they were to meet

What did he think would change once they met?

It wasnt that he believed he could persuade her.

He had been arrogant.

He was still convinced that she had feelings for him.

Juliet Monads naive affection was easy to discern. Even when she expressed her disappointment and intention to leave, she had been honest about her feelings.

Ive been nice to you all this time, havent I?

It was so like Juliet to openly admit that she had tried not to be a bother just to avoid being rejected by him.

So please let me go, okay?

Leave? Leave me?

Thats absurd.

He scoffed coldly.

Theres no way he could let Juliet Monad go.

Juliet Monad had been a convenient lover. Thanks to their past connection, she always responded to his advances.

Unlike other women, she didnt annoyingly crave love and attention, and she never got on his nerves.


At what point did it happen?

When did the existence of a convenient woman, whom he believed he could let go of anytime, turn into an obsession he couldnt part with?

Please let me go.

Havent I been good enough all this time?

From the moment the woman, who always looked up to him with soft eyes, brought up breaking up first,

The winds started blowing in the opposite direction.

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