Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 955: Cultivating The Divine Techniques! [II]

Chapter 955: Cultivating The Divine Techniques! [II]

The Divine Level Technique of the Forging Method of the Extraordinary Supreme Body describes three methods of refining one's body, bringing out one's hidden potential and creating a superior body.

The first method, which is the easiest to accomplish in a short time and does not have many risks, is to absorb many high-quality cultivation resources, treasures of heaven and earth of great value that contain pure energies in them, thereby absorbing and refining them in the body. These absorbed energies would not increase the cultivation level, and might even cause the cultivation base to drop by one or two levels, depending on the realm. 

Ling Tian reviewed the information and found that this first method is the most commonly used by users when finding out a little more information, as it is safe and there is no risk of danger or death. The body strength alone would increase from 2 to 5 times more, being stronger at its peak than before. And the percentage of talent emergence is very low, being lucky if one or two talents are developed. 

But Ling Tian wanted to get every last ounce of strength and talent he can from his own body! 

If he cannot perform this technique to its full extent, then there is no point in practicing it. 

The second method is to sacrifice much of one's cultivation base, even sacrificing one's entire cultivation to expand one's inner body easily. Although it takes a little longer than the first method, it is almost as safe, as one directly controls one's own power and gradually strengthens the body by following the steps described in this second method. One could even develop an almost specific talent if one concentrated on the one he wanted, while it was almost certain to randomly develop one more powerful talent. 

But not many prefer this method, as they are reluctant to sacrifice much of the cultivation they achieved through thousands of years of cultivation in order to gain a little more power if there is a small success. If the second method is not achieved in depth, the cultivation base could be damaged and all the power used would be permanently lost. 

Ling Tian found an example that if one chose the second method while at the Great Ascension realm, if he succeeded by almost 50%, the cultivation base could drop to almost the Nascent Soul realm, which would be painful. 

No one would like to sacrifice a significant part of their cultivations that took years to achieve in order to strengthen the body a little. Even more so if there is a lot of risk, as a small failure could cause thousands of years of cultivation to be lost. 

However, sacrificing the Great Ascension realm, and dropping down to the Nascent Soul realm, the power they would have once they reached the Great Ascension realm again would far surpass the Great Ascension realm itself, even managing to fight on equal footing with a Human Immortal realm expert. 

Ling Tian spent some time dwelling on this method. The power of the Supreme Realm, which is contained within the depth of his dantian, is still there, as well as the power of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures comparable to the Human Immortal realm, can be used to perform this second method with ease. 

But Ling Tian shook his head when he saw that the maximum success rate that can be achieved is little more than 50%, at most 60%. 

Finally, the third and last method, which he records that less than ten individuals have chosen, refers to letting the body go to the limit of its end, in order to return to its origin and rise from within, transforming the body from the cellular level! 

"But this step is very complicated... and the risk of death is more than 90%!" Ling Tian frowned as he finished reading everything that was described in the third method, as well as reading a bit about the information gathered on the attempts of this method. 

This third method is quite dangerous, and everyone would avoid choosing it for the simple fact that it is a time-consuming method, from months to years, reaching several decades to centuries, and in one case, over a millennium, especially as it relies heavily on one's body. It has been recorded that out of only ten people who chose this method, only one managed to survive and enter the Temporary Death State, achieving almost 70% success, and demonstrating superior strength to their former self when cultivating again... even gaining some supreme talents, such as greater capacity and speed of refining by absorbing spiritual chi, development of a complete spiritual root, and greater affinity and understanding in the area of a particular dao! 

Ling Tian focused his concentration on this third secret method, which was said to be avoided and not to choose this method. 

The third method, called the Innate Primordial Resurrection, consists of completely stopping the functions and organs of the body, ceasing the production of blood, weakening the defences of the immune system, from isolating the organs and viscera, weakening the muscles and bones, to reducing and removing all traces of life in the body. 

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The blood vessels will constrict, the body's blood will weaken and by reflex the body's capacity and strength will diminish as well. The capacity of the lungs will first slowly drop, then the spleen, liver and kidneys will cease their functions and the body will enter a state of catalepsy, and the heart will be the last to enter a "Temporary Death State" when the last drops of blood are gone and can no longer perform their functions in keeping the body alive. 

By then, almost half of all cells in the body should have died, leaving only half of the barely dying cells, which will be the strongest and most superior cells that will flourish later once the Temporary Death State is overcome, being stronger and more powerful than before! The marrow will evolve and new blood and cells will emerge! 

However, the risk of death is imminent, and the state of weakness one will enter will be terrible, from dying easily by being killed by the enemy without much complication, to dying by contracting some simple disease that attacks the immune system which was weakened by the technique, meeting a sudden death. Even if one managed to enter the Temporary Death State, the meridians and even the dantian could be broken and completely destroyed, becoming a total cripple even if he succeeded. 

In short, if Ling Tian decided to use this technique, he would be at his most vulnerable state! 

"Out of danger and death comes unparalleled surprises, and obtaining a supreme strength that can surpass my peak in the past is not an illusion!" 

Ling Tian took a deep breath, full of seriousness as he concentrated fully. He would choose this third option after meditating on all three options he has, besides, his meridians were already in pieces and it was one less worry. Having survived the abandoned world explosion, Ling Tian was confident! 

"Entering the Temporal Death State means it would be risky for me even with the help of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures..." Ling Tian thought as he observed every inner part of his body, his organs, viscera, blood vessels, tendons, muscles and bones, "Especially when integrating the Construction Technique of the Everlasting Ultimate Body... the risks will increase several folds and I would practically be with one foot inside the gates of death!" 

The Nirvana State, which is necessary to refine the body into a True Immortal Body, would remove the foundations and all mortal energy in order to transcend, break the shackles and achieve a higher transformation. It is like being reborn again, from the inside of the marrow to the outside of the skin, achieving transcendence. 

Although there were also other easier and safer ways to face and survive the Nirvana State, the True Immortal Body would be very weak and might not even be achieved, failing the test and obtaining a Half-Immortal Body, just like the one Ling Tian had, as he could not achieve the True Immortal Body in the past. 

Refining the body refers to entering the Nirvana State as getting rid of all the mortal origin of the body, shedding everything useless and perfecting the body, freeing oneself from the shackles and merging with the true essence of heaven, removing the shackles and achieving a transformation that only the gods can achieve! 

"For now, I cannot cultivate the Taboo Cultivation Technique, which is the Primordial Inner Chi Origin Realm, as well as the Divine Technique, the Heaven and Earth Essence Refining Method, so I have only the Forging Method of the Extraordinary Supreme Body and the Construction Technique of the Everlasting Ultimate Body..." Ling Tian spoke to himself as he looked at his reflection in the pond water. 

Yun Mengxin, Tang Wanying, Mu Shuiruo, Xi Fei, Gao Xue and Gao Yue were not in the sect, while the other women and his disciples were helping in the sect. Ling Tian had told them that he needed some time to cultivate and concentrate, decide his future plans. Therefore, Ling Tian could seclude himself and cultivate for a period without much worry.

The lights of the stars soon shone and the beautiful night sky entered his gaze. 

"Yinyin, Shasha, go to your big sisters." Ling Tian looked at the two girls who had been looking at him curiously for some time and he smiled lovingly at them. 


Hearing Ling Tian both Qing Sha and Lan Yin blinked in confusion. 

"Well! As you say, Master!" 

"Yes, Master, but take good care of yourself!" 

But at once, both girls nodded seriously and took out their own flying swords. They spread their spirit senses carefully and soon found the auras of Zhang Xinya and the other women. Xuebai, the little white fox, shot a few glances at Ling Tian and jumped onto Qing Sha's shoulder, leaving with both girls as well. 

Only Ling Tian was in the place seemingly alone. 

"I'm going to ask you not to let anyone bother me no matter what..." Ling Tian whispered lightly, speaking in a certain direction while throwing a faint glance. 

"Yes, Master!" 

Lu Wuhu's hidden voice secretly reached Ling Tian, but he did not appear. 

Ling Tian's gaze became filled with deep seriousness, his breathing calmed down and the aura on his body quickly concentrated. 

'According to my calculations and experience, the time an average cultivation body would take to enter the Temporal Death State would be between a decade to a little over a century, while a valuable body that has superior cultivation talent and aptitude might not take more than 5 years according to the little information out there!' 

'However, my body is below average, comparable to the rank of trash, even worse than trash by standards, with no talent and aptitude for cultivation, a body that shouldn't even be able to reach the Foundation Establishment Realm, so it should take several more years!' 

'But I don't have all that time to wait!'' 

Ling Tian's jet black eyes shone deeply, reflecting starlight as he lifted his eyelids. He took a deep breath, as countless thoughts crossed his mind. If he wanted to forge a superior foundation than before, he had to make sure that the time to return to cultivate once more would not be as long as the past. 

"The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures..." Ling Tian faintly muttered. He lowered his gaze and his indifferent eyes, calm as a calm lake, seemed to ripple slightly. 

These scriptures of heaven, which are legendary and are said to contain the same power as the heavens, could aid in the acceleration of this technique and reduce the estimated time by a large margin. 

The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures energy covered Ling Tian's body eventually, covering from the outside to separately and completely covering every space inside him. The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures energy enveloped every organ, every blood vessel, every muscle, every bone, covering from the skin to every nook and cranny inside. 

The great and mysterious circuit formed by the nine chi circulations ceased to travel throughout Ling Tian's body. The patterns and marks disappeared almost immediately, as if they understood Ling Tian's actions and knew they had to stop working. 

The blood that was rushing powerfully in the blood vessels stopped briefly, beginning to be reduced out of nowhere in great quantity. Organs and viscera shrank slightly as their supply was reduced; likewise, muscles and bones began to slowly weaken, losing strength and endurance, as some tendons cracked slightly, threatening to break. 

Meanwhile, at the cellular level, tissues died rapidly, from tens to hundreds of cells dying in an instant! 

The natural aura arising from Ling Tian's body slowly faded away, as if he went from a casual cultivator to a mere common mortal, and even to a person who seemed to have no energy within, beginning to exude a slight aura of death. 

The night passed quietly and without alarming events before the sun began to rise once more in the east. 

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