Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 960: There Is No Free Food In The World...

Chapter 960: There Is No Free Food In The World...

"Can you really build a teleportation formation?" 

Feng Junze's curious and somewhat incredulous voice was heard, drawing Ling Tian's gaze. 

At this moment, they were in an open space, with trees and flowers in the distance a little over 30 meters away. In the background was a flower garden, which seemed to contain spiritual herbs giving off exquisite aromas, while in front was a small building, rustic but elegant. 

Feng Ye had brought Ling Tian and Di Ji to this place, indicating that he could build the teleportation formation here. 

Feng Qiangxun, Feng Junze's wife, as well as the mother of Feng Zhiyun and Feng Xiao, was also in this place. Feng Qiangxun waited at this place and she greeted Ling Tian with a big smile when she heard of his return, even seeming to behave almost similar as a mother-in-law towards Ling Tian, causing Feng Junze to grit his teeth. 

"Yeap, it's only a matter of time." Ling Tian nodded at Feng Junze's question, "A single-use teleportation formation is easy to make." 

Building a temporary or single-use teleportation formation is easier than a permanent formation. 

"Single-use teleportation formation?" 

Feng Ye listened to Ling Tian and a trace of worry covered him, so he asked at once, "Immortal young master, then it won't be possible to use the teleportation formation more than once?" 

If Ling Tian created a one-time use formation, then they wouldn't be able to use the formation either. Once Ling Tian left with Di Ji and her family, as well as Li Fengyuan, they would most likely no longer be able to have contact with Ling Tian! 

Once they lose contact with Ling Tian, they would most likely never be able to see him again! 

"That's right, once we use it, it will be destroyed almost immediately." Ling Tian nodded at Feng Ye's question, and immediately lifted the corner of his mouth mockingly, "Why? You want me to build a permanent teleportation formation?" 

Permanent teleportation formation! 

The three adults were stunned, took a cold breath, and looked much more seriously at Ling Tian. Building a teleportation formation that can be used a few times in itself is almost impossible to do, even if you are a formation grandmaster. If Ling Tian really can build a permanent formation, then it means that he is much more proficient in formations than the formation grandmasters! 

Only Di Ji blinked a little confused, but she did not pay more attention and she smiled softly as she kept silent and stood behind Ling Tian. To Di Ji, Ling Tian is unfathomable and very powerful. 

"Immortal young master..." 

After taking a deep breath, and weighing all the options in his mind as thousands of ideas popped up, Feng Ye showed an expression full of seriousness and said, "If immortal young master has no objections, the Feng family is willing to form an alliance with you!" 

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Hearing what Feng Ye said at this moment, both Feng Junze and Feng Qiangxun fell silent, being a little surprised by his words but regaining their composure. Previously, Feng Ye had told them about what he experienced on his journey with Ling Tian and the others, and they came to the conclusion that Ling Tian should have come from a family from the legendary Immortal World... or at least he should have a powerful enough background to behave in such a manner! 

Ling Tian stared at Feng Ye steadily, not showing any surprise on his face, as if he knew beforehand what Feng Ye said. 

"I understand that for someone like you, the Feng family may not seem like much, but for us, you are the only way we have to continue to soar into the heavens for more strength and power... so if you wish, the Feng family can become an ally of yours and provide you with support in many things!" Feng Ye said seriously, he cupped his fists and showed his respect to Ling Tian "So, why not better build a permanent formation? That way, you could come to the Feng family and ask for support if you come to want it! The Feng family is willing to help you in any way we can!" 

Ling Tian remained silent without saying a single word, causing Feng Ye to start sweating at the lack of response. Ling Tian laughed lightly to himself, realizing that Feng Ye put himself on equal footing with him, but at the same time praised him and seemed to put him on a higher pedestal than him and the entire Feng family, but without giving up his freedom. 

"The seal that prevented ascension to the higher plane was destroyed by me, so you should have no problem ascending and traveling to the great immortal world... you could even befriend a force greater than me and walk freely in the big world!" Ling Tian finally replied. 

The pupils of the three adults shrank upon hearing Ling Tian's reply, while Feng Ye's heart jumped in terror. Since a while ago, he could sense that a mysterious and ancient path seemed to emerge, and he sensed the power of a new heavenly tribulation, indicating to him that there was a higher path at last. 

Was it a seal that prevented ascension to the heavens? How powerful and terrifying did such a seal have to be to prevent the inhabitants of the world from ascending? 

If Ling Tian said he destroyed the seal that restricted the ascension, wouldn't that make it much more terrifying than before? 

Who could easily destroy a seal in the world that has blocked ascension to the higher plane since ancient times? Only gods and immortals have that power! 

"If you say all this, you should know that if you get on a dragon, you will not get off when you want to, but when the dragon wants to!" Ling Tian's voice became cold and indifferent. 

A silent but terrifying coercion arose from Ling Tian. This supreme coercion, so silent yet terrifying, did not arise from a cultivation base or spiritual force, it had no substance whatsoever, but still seemed to come from an unknown and powerful force, so powerful that it seemed to bend the world and pierce the sky, demonstrating the majesty of a King. 

Feng Ye, Feng Junze and Feng Qiangxun were ruthlessly enveloped in this coercion, feeling that their cultivation bases in the great ascension realm, so powerful and thus invincible, were nothing before this terrifying coercion that seemed to easily crush them at any moment! 

Feng Ye recalled that night when he conversed with Ling Tian, once again feeling much more power coming from him, as if he had broken through to a new realm. He could sense that at this moment, it was not Ling Tian who stood before him, a mysterious young master from the legendary immortal world, but a true King of the world... an Emperor of the Heavens! 

Although they understood that Ling Tian was powerful, it seemed that they still underestimated him greatly! 

Di Ji was shocked to see what happened. Ling Tian's coercion was not directed at her, but Di Ji could still sense a bit of this powerful pressure. She looked at Ling Tian and then at the others, but remained silent and did not intervene, as if she really understood what Ling Tian was doing. 

Analyzing all the options, the advantages and disadvantages, Feng Ye gritted his teeth in nervousness. He couldn't help but glance sideways at Ling Tian, only to feel a shiver run through his entire body when he saw Ling Tian's indifferent gaze was on him directly, feeling as if he could see through his mind and know his every thought. Those jet black eyes that previously shone like the sea of stars, now seemed to become two black holes that captured his spirit without resistance, being driven to the inevitable destruction... 

Feng Ye bit his lower lip and bled, managing to get out of this terrifying feeling, beads of sweat fell from his temples while his entire back was drenched in cold sweat. Then, he took a deeper breath and exclaimed, "The immortal young master is right! I beg your pardon for the audacity!" 

The of fear that had disappeared earlier began to surge in Feng Ye again, realizing that even though Ling Tian seemed friendly and calm, he is still an important figure and comes from a higher world! 

"There is no free food in the world, and you should know that not all immortals are so approachable and naive that you want to deceive them." 

Ling Tian let out a sigh, the faint little coercion he let out was withdrawn and his expression returned to calm indifference. Whereas, the Feng family does not enter his eyes, Ling Tian still has respect and admiration for this family that has shown compassion and family love for each of its members, so Ling Tian did not want them to be confident and think that the Immortal World could remain the same as this world, just as most of the immortal cultivators are not tame let alone friendly. It is necessary to give them a little warning. 

There are many immortal cultivators of the Immortal World who despise cultivators of the lower planes, or even other small domains, so once they meet these people, the Feng family might suffer if they get overconfident. 

Besides, he still owes the Feng family a little bit for taking care of Li Fengyuan, Di Ji and her family, and even giving them limitless resource cultivations. Although he helped Feng Zhiyun and on one hand it could be said to even things out, in terms of help, the Feng family still owes Ling Tian by far because he delivered the Yin-Yang seeds to Feng Zhiyun so that she could continue to live and cultivate without problems. 

The Yin-Yang Seeds is something that even the Great Emperors and the Grand Supremes would fight to get. 

Feng Ye, Feng Junze and Feng Qiangxun breathed much easier when the coercion was withdrawn. Their dignified and serious gazes looked at Ling Tian with some trepidation, being a bit stunned to see that Ling Tian once again looked the same as before, and that the majestic coercion that had appeared a few seconds ago it appeared an illusion. 

"Right now, I'm not at my peak and it might take a bit of time to recover, and there are many powerful enemies who would be able to kill me in a split second if they wanted to." 

Ling Tian spoke again, looking at Feng Ye, and then at Feng Junze and Feng Qiangxun, for a moment and he asked, "If you ascend to the Immortal World and are lucky, you might even find a force powerful enough to protect you and the members of the Feng family, while if you decide to follow me there will be unavoidable dangers, as well as many enemies who are waiting to kill me, and consequently will try to kill all my followers... are you sure you still want to follow me?" 

Having the Feng family as an ally could make things easier for Ling Tian, such as finding cultivation resources or refining materials faster, even increasing the overall combat strength a bit if any problems or common enemies arose. But at the same time, the Feng family would also be affected by Ling Tian's enemies once they ascended to the Immortal World, trying to harm him by attacking his family members and followers. 

There are as many benefits as there are dangers. 

Feng Ye swallowed with difficulty, he looked at Feng Junze and then Feng Qiangxun as he thought to himself. The pros and cons were popping up in his head, knowing that what Ling Tian said was very true, especially since Feng Ye didn't know Ling Tian's full power... it was a gamble, if he decided on one side, and it turned out badly, it could end up leading to the ruin of the entire Feng family. 

Ling Tian could see all of this, and Feng Ye, with his lived experience and age, could also see it and understand it a little. He knew that Ling Tian was giving him the chance, but it was all up to them to decide. 

But seeing Ling Tian's calm and casual look, as if he really didn't care about the decision he made, a hunch began to arise in Feng Ye. The memory of when he cured his granddaughter, Feng Zhiyun, and created that unparalleled scene in front of his eyes, surged in his mind, indicating to Feng Ye that Ling Tian did not look as simple as he looks. 

Moreover, just by helping and healing Feng Zhiyun, the Feng family owed Ling Tian a lot! 

Therefore, they should continue to stay on Ling Tian's side and return the saving grace to him! This is how the Feng family should be! To respond and be grateful to the one who extended a hand to them when they needed it most! 

"You can think about it and give me an answer later!" 

Before Feng Ye could say anything, Ling Tian waved his hand, indicating to him that he would talk about the matter at hand later. Ling Tian glanced around and immediately threw out several formation flags covering the four main directions, attracting the aura and starting to draw runes and strange symbols in the air with his fingers. 

Feng Ye stood still on the spot for a while, then looked at Feng Junze and Feng Qiangxun and nodded slightly to them, indicating for them to accompany him. 

Feng Ye, Feng Junze and Feng Qiangxun left silently, while Di Ji stayed with Ling Tian and she did some small tasks that were instructed from time to time, such as keeping the aura concentrated on one point or moving some position flags. 

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