From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 102 - 102: Another Way to Acquire a Third-Class Merit

Chapter 102: Another Way to Acquire a Third-Class Merit

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Wang Ye had a knack for predicting the weather accurately. He mentioned that it would rain, and sure enough, during breakfast, the rain began.

As everyone stepped outside, the rain was initially light. However, as they waited in the dormitory for a while, the rain intensified, seemingly pouring from the heavens.

“The rain is much heavier than expected. I hope I don’t get drenched,” remarked Qin Li as he inspected the cleanliness of the house through the window, sighing at the sight of the rain.

Liang Fan chuckled and said, “You worry too much. Getting caught in the rain won’t hurt. It’s the lightning that concerns me; I’m afraid I might get struck if I go out to shower.”

No sooner had he finished speaking when they heard a whistle from downstairs.

“Ah, fuck!” Qin Li exclaimed.

Everyone looked puzzled.

Earlier, Qin Li had asked Ye Sanshi if they would have training in heavy rain, and Ye Sanshi had mentioned that under normal circumstances, they wouldn’t. But now, it seemed the situation had changed.

“Class monitor!” someone called out to Ye Sanshi.

“What are we supposed to do now?” another asked.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ye Sanshi responded, “I did say under normal circumstances, but not always. Let’s go, we’ll gather downstairs.”

With that, Ye Sanshi opened the door, leading the way for the group.

Everyone felt helpless as they looked at the torrential rain outside the window.

“Damn it, the class monitor must have done this on purpose!” Gu Yingnan cursed.

But their scolding wouldn’t change anything. Now that Ye Sanshi had left, they had no choice but to follow him.

Downstairs, Ye Sanshi paid no attention to the heavy rain and ran out of the dormitory building.

“Does he really have to be so cruel?” Qin Li stood at the entrance of the corridor, sighing. However, in the next second, he was pushed into the rain.

With all the classes going downstairs now, the stairwell was cramped, and there was no place to stand still.

Soon, the entire company had gathered in front of the stairwell.

The rain was relentless, and the brim of the military cap offered no protection from it…

Wu Jianfeng stood at the entrance of the corridor, deliberately not seeking shelter and getting soaked in the rain.

“You guys are actually very lucky this year.

Half a month into the military, and here comes the first rain.

In the past, there were times when it rained on the second day of enlistment or even on the very day of enlistment, and they had to undergo rain training right away.

But for you, the heavens have finally given us this chance.”

With those words, the rain training commenced.

At the same time, it became evident that Ye Sanshi had planned this deliberately. He knew that everyone would come out to train in the heavy rain.

But dwelling on this fact was futile at the moment. The entire company stood in a military stance in front of the building, enduring the cold rain alongside Wu Jianfeng.

As time passed, everyone’s lips turned purple, and their bodies became stiff from the freezing temperatures.

In the past, when the sun shone, the temperature here could reach more than 20 degrees. However, the windy and rainy weather had caused a significant drop in temperature, probably down to around ten degrees. With the constant downpour, their drenched clothes made movement almost impossible.


Wang Ye heard a muffled sound behind him.

“What are you doing?” scolded the class monitor.

Then, two squad leaders came over to help the fallen soldiers get back on their feet.

The infirmary on the first floor of the dormitory building was conveniently located, and the two class monitors dragged Wang Ye over there.

“War doesn’t depend on the weather. As a qualified soldier, we must withstand all kinds of tests and adapt to fighting in all kinds of extreme environments. It’s just rain today, and you can’t handle it?” Wu Jianfeng suddenly shouted.

As he yelled, rainwater and possibly saliva sprayed forward from his mouth.

“Let me tell you, sweat more during peacetime and bleed less during wartime. From the moment you cancel your identity cards at home and become a soldier, you should have this awareness.

Today, I’ll stand here with you. It’s only been 40 minutes. We’ll have to endure for another 40 minutes before this training is over.”

“Yes… I feel like I’m going to die!” came a soft voice from the side.

Wang Ye couldn’t move, but he knew that the message was from Liang Fan. Despite the pain and discomfort, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

Normally, Wang Ye could endure the military posture by counting time in his head and calculating the experience points he would gain. However, today was different. The unbearable cold had frozen his entire body, and he had to clench his teeth tightly to prevent them from chattering uncontrollably.

Suddenly, a loud “Bang!” was heard as someone fell to the ground.

In previous training sessions, such incidents were rare. The military posture was usually introduced step by step, starting with shorter durations to acclimate the recruits. Additionally, the weather was more favorable, and though everyone was in pain, fainting from standing was not an issue.

But today, the situation was different. They were taking over one another due to the harsh conditions.

One and a half hours of military posture, and now five recruits had fallen in succession.

“Alright, come and drink the ginger soup. The class monitor of the cooking class was worried about you catching a cold, so he specially made ginger soup for everyone. Each of you will have a bowl. After drinking, go for a run,” announced Wu Jianfeng as the military posture ended. The cook then brought a cart of ginger soup in the rain.

Wu Jianfeng claimed that the kitchen squad’s class leader was concerned about their well-being.

The cook pushed a small cart of ginger soup over in the rain.

Wang Ye couldn’t help but scoff at the explanation, doubting the true intention behind it.

Though he was shivering from the cold, his brain wasn’t frozen. He couldn’t believe that the cook had miraculously prepared ginger soup so punctually just out of concern for them.

However, he kept his thoughts to himself, knowing that as long as he was aware of this, it would suffice..

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