From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 171 - 171: During the Battle

Chapter 171: During the Battle

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

This morning, the entire recruit company went through a grueling ordeal.

Wang Ye, in particular, had three band-aids adorning his body and a bandage around his left hand.

It was all due to thorns from the bushes.

In truth, bandages weren’t really necessary. The wounds were superficial.

However, Ouyang Mingyue, the female military doctor, was quite enthusiastic. Upon spotting the two-to-three centimeter-long cut on Wang Ye’s hand, she diligently applied some ointment and wrapped it up. She even remarked that having multiple layers of bandages was a good thing. Regardless of his activities after training, she considered it an added layer of protection for his palm.

Wang Ye could only nod in agreement.

At this moment, the team was taking a break in an open space within a valley.

Surrounded by mountains, there were no paths or people in sight.

No kitchen bus had arrived.

Even the medical team’s two military doctors were absent.

The medic had been accompanying the team, but they only attended to blisters or minor injuries, not bothering with anything more.

“Hiss! Alright… Ouch, that hurts!”

In the area where Class Five was situated, everyone had settled on the ground.

Backpacks were off.

Gu Yingnan had taken off his shoes with caution, being especially mindful of his heels.

His heel’s skin had been broken.

Initially, it was just a blister, but it had burst open.

For the past hour, he’d been intermittently stuffing leaves and grass onto his heels.

Now, finally relieved of that task, he could tend to his foot injury properly.

“Your feet are seriously stinky!”

Wang Ye approached with a grin.

The flag was now planted under Wu Jianfeng’s supervision. There was no need for him to attend to it for now.

Returning to Class 5, the wafting odor immediately caught Wang Ye’s attention as he approached. He couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh.

“Brother Wang, your spirits are high. Carrying that flag the entire morning, and yet you’re still grinning now!”

Holding his shoes while looking at Wang Ye, Gu Yingnan spoke, his tone a mix of bitterness and amusement.

“What else can I do? If 1 don’t laugh, should 1 cry?”

In the midst of their conversation, Wang Ye also took off his backpack and sat down in place.

“All… So comfortable!”

“1 thought you were made of iron!” Liang Fan chimed in, looking over to tease.

He was a sports talent student, but even sports talent students had a tough time keeping up when they were sprinting at full speed earlier, especially with Wang Ye leading the way.

“Haha! Iron wool, I’m exhausted too, you know.”

“Well, I’m taking off my shoes as well. It’s like my soles are on fire!”

While speaking, Wang Ye lifted his foot with his hand and started removing his shoes.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Indeed, he was uncomfortable too. Even with the shoe pads in his shoes to absorb sweat, those pads had worn out long ago.

Fortunately, Wang Ye’s feet were fine. Although they felt feverish and achy, his skin wasn’t broken, and there were no blood blisters.


As his feet emerged from the confines of his shoes and met the open air, they experienced an indescribable sense of relief.

“Brother Wang, let’s make a deal. Can we carry the flag more slowly in the afternoon?” Qin Li, who had scooted over from the ground, proposed.

Looking at Wang Ye, before Wang Ye could respond, Qin Li added, “My legs were about to give out. If we continue like this in the afternoon, I feel like this 150-kilometer trek might kill me.”

“Hey, you think I want this?”

Wang Ye sighed and looked at the expectant gazes around him.

He promptly recounted Wu Jianfeng’s earlier threat to them.

He didn’t want to take the blame for this.

It was originally Wu Jianfeng’s doing.

Moreover, that guy was always wearing a scowl. Everyone already disliked him, so it didn’t matter if they disliked him even more now.

“Damn it!

“I knew it, Brother Wang. You never get up early without a good reason. Why are you working so hard today?”

“What are you saying?” Wang Ye gave Qin Li an exasperated look.

“Hehe, I’m praising you, I’m praising you…!” Qin Li, this character, went from a pained expression a moment ago to being able to smile again.

Before that smile could fade, he turned his gaze to Wu Jianfeng and his group.

Currently, all the class monitors had gathered.

An impromptu meeting.

“What are they discussing?

We’ve been running around all morning, and I’m famished. But the cooks can’t get in here. What are we going to eat for lunch?

Don’t tell me we’re supposed to eat the rations we brought.”

After dinner the previous night, each squad had received individual soldier rations.

But the portions were meager. Each person had a pouch, and those pouches now resided in their backpacks.

“It seems so. But there’s no water around here. I need to find a water source. My canteen is empty!”

Members of Class Five were engaged in conversation. Some were also addressing blisters or minor injuries as they talked.

Unbeknownst to them, the water source they were inquiring about was less than 200 meters away.

There was a small stream within the woods, about one or two meters wide and a foot deep.

Currently, the water was still clear, but it wouldn’t stay that way for long.

About four to five hundred meters upstream, it began to grow turbid.

Meanwhile, a group of seasoned soldiers were excitedly preparing.



“I’ll do it, 1 volunteer!”

A private waited for a few splashes in the water before procuring a mine-like object from the vicinity.

It was the type commonly sold in stores outside, wrapped in plastic with a green outer shell, resembling a large firecracker.

He ignited it and tossed it into the water.

The fuse smoldered, generating a series of small bubbles.

Then, “Bang!”

A deep rumbling resonated. The water surface erupted, churning up sand…

“Alright, let’s not waste any more. We need to wait until the new recruits come for water.

For now, gather more leaves and grass. Let’s not just fool around.”

This seasoned group of soldiers was in high spirits.

Their mission was, in fact, this previously clear spring.

Indeed, this was also a part of recruit training.

The new recruits would later learn how to craft rudimentary water purification devices.

However, the spring water was already clear enough; it didn’t require purification. It could be consumed as is.

So, how were they to train?

Their only recourse was to purposefully degrade the water quality.

Hehe, I got drenched in the rain back then. Today, I’m going to take down the umbrellas of these newbies!”

“Alright, put on your shoes and stand up!”

Over on the recruit company’s side, the squad leaders’ meeting had concluded.

Upon his return, Ye Sanshi issued the command. Immediately, everyone in Class Five began putting on their shoes.

Before long, they were all on their feet, lined up before Ye Sanshi.

“We need to sort out our lunch on our own today. The cooks can’t access this area.

But fear not, we each have individual rations. 1 know you’re eagerly anticipating this.

Today, we’ll have them for lunch.”

As Ye Sanshi spoke, smiles spread across many faces in the lineup.

In 2009, self-heating hotpots weren’t readily available in stores.

Besides, military rations were akin to firearms.

Before they could try it, everyone was filled with curiosity. They all wanted to give it a go.

Military rations were no exception. They had never tasted them and were eager to do so.

Even though they had joined the army, they’d yet to experience this.

The rations were dispatched yesterday.

Truthfully, even though they were restricted from moving around, some probably still contemplated sneaking a taste last night.

Now, the moment had arrived. How could they not be delighted?

Wang Ye, too, was quite intrigued about the taste of military rations.

“Alright, enough with the grinning. It’s not going to be that easy to get a meal.

Military rations require water as well, and by now, you’ve all had plenty to drink.

So, 1’11 teach you a few skills first…”

With these words, Ye Sanshi dismissed the formation and led them toward the south.

“Wang Ye!”


“Come, pay close attention. Later, I’ll show you how to start a fire by friction.

For now, let’s start with the first step: locating dry and easily ignitable tinder!”

At this moment, Wang Ye was slightly bewildered.

He saw it—the tree that Ye Sanshi was pointing to, the branch about six or seven meters above the ground—it indeed had a Coke bottle partially exposed.

Without careful observation, it would have gone unnoticed.

And indeed, with careful observation, there seemed to be more on the nearby trees.

What the fuck?

He really wanted to voice this exasperation.

“Yes, sir!”

Although baffled, Wang Ye didn’t linger on it. He walked over to the tree Ye Sanshi had pointed at.

“You guys can go to the trees over there.” After Wang Ye left, Ye Sanshi indicated another tree.

Visible on the tree, at a similar height, was a Sprite bottle jutting out slightly from a branch.

“Class monitor, 1’11 go. 1 can climb trees!” Yan Zhiming, still feeling embarrassed after wetting his pants in the morning, seized the opportunity to stand up.

He aimed to show off a bit and wash away his humiliation.

“Sure, then you go!” Ye Sanshi nodded.

In fact, at this moment, not just Class Five, but leaders from other classes also brought their teams over.

There was no need to explain—the members of each class were instructed to pluck wild Coke or Sprite bottles from the trees.

“The veterans sure know how to have fun!”

Climbing down the tree, Wang Ye couldn’t help but express his exasperation.

Of course, the Sprite and Coke bottles didn’t magically appear on the trees. Veterans must have put them there.

As for the purpose…

Wang Ye wasn’t certain for the time being.

Yet, he’d find out once he got them down.

They weren’t very large, but they were tall and straight, making climbing somewhat challenging.

Nonetheless, it wasn’t a big deal.

Hugging the tree with his hands and bracing his feet against it, he alternated between hands and feet to ascend.

It was laborious, but not overly difficult.

There was a branch about three to four meters up. Grasping it, he climbed a bit higher. Retrieving the Coke bottle lodged above, Wang Ye tossed it down and then began his descent.

“Nicely done, you’re quick on your feet!”

Ye Sanshi commended as he descended.

Just climbing a tree, really!” Wang Ye responded with a smile.

Then, he picked up the dented and dirty Coke bottle.

“Class monitor, what’s the plan for this?”

“You’ll find out soon!” Ye Sanshi kept them in suspense.

Before long, Yan Zhiming produced another Sprite bottle.

Ye Sanshi led the group aside.

“Observe carefully. I’ll teach you how to ignite wood with friction later.

Now, let’s start with the first step.

Find dry, easily combustible tinder!”

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