From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 182 - 182: Another Third-Class Merit Passing by?

Chapter 182: Another Third-Class Merit Passing by?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Bastard! Damn, Yang Wei is such an idiot!”

Somewhere a hundred meters away from the recruit camp.

At this moment, the seven experienced scouts had gathered together.

However, their expressions were far from positive.

Especially their platoon leader, a first lieutenant, whose face was now flushed with anger.

He had led the team to accomplish what seemed to be an almost guaranteed task. It was meant to be an enjoyable and simple mission. He had invested a significant amount of effort and had even promised substantial rewards to the other two platoon leaders in order to secure this mission.

But now, everything had gone awry.

He couldn’t fathom the ridicule and disdain he would face upon his return from the other two platoon leaders.

He couldn’t envision how he would confront the Chief of Staff upon his return.

After all, they were scouts!

And what was their opposition?

A collection of new recruits who had yet to leave the company and had merely undergone two months of basic training.

Yet, this was the outcome.

Not only had he bungled the operation, but he had also implicated another.

He felt a sense of dizziness creeping over him.

He could scarcely imagine the challenges that awaited him upon his return.

It was profoundly mortifying!

Of course, he wasn’t the sole sufferer. The six other scouts beside him also appeared frustrated and resentful.

What was originally intended as a straightforward and enjoyable task had turned into a scramble for control.

Before his arrival, he had resorted to all manner of grandiloquent speeches, even boasting to his counterparts from different classes.

But now, the situation had deteriorated to this extent…

Naturally, there were those whose predicament was more dire.

The individual within the eight-person team had been apprehended by Wang Ye.

At this instant, it was as though all his vitality had been drained from him. He sat on the ground, a picture of helplessness, as if he had lost his faculties.

For he had railed and berated the Fourth Company for their lack of adherence to regulations, which had led to the veterans being tasked with sentry duty.


Upon discovering that Wang Ye was indeed a fresh recruit, and the very one who had shattered Huang Dayong’s 400-meter record, he was stupefied.

This was his reaction.

He was numb.

In this moment, he harbored just one thought.

Not a seasoned veteran?

Could this new arrival truly be a recruit?

I’m done for, utterly finished!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He was destined to become the laughingstock of the entire Iron Bones Hero Regiment.

To transform into the crowning achievement of the Iron Blood Fourth Company.

He was on the brink of becoming a blot on the police detective platoon!

He had already lost his composure.

Or perhaps, he didn’t desire to regain it.

He earnestly wished for this to be a mere dream.

His shame was too profound for him to confront.

He was averse to the notion of returning.

How could he possibly make the journey back?

How could he possibly face his comrades, his squad leader, and the platoon leader…

“Haha! ‘Wang Ye, you’ve done well. You’ve really made me proud!”‘ Wu Jianfeng exclaimed, embracing Wang Ye tightly.

In contrast to the disheartened Scout before him, Wu Jianfeng felt an immense surge of elation coursing through him.

Incredible, this was nothing short of incredible.

They had apprehended a Scout!

Undoubtedly, this was an unforeseen turn of events for him and everyone else.

Granted, this development might be considered a disruption to the planned rehearsal.

After all, the initial strategy involved the seasoned veterans executing a covert assault. By neutralizing all the sentries, they would then deploy a smoke bomb within one of the tents.

The implication was that the entire recruit company would be incapacitated.

At that point, Wu Jianfeng could adopt a stern demeanor and castigate the entire recruit company, using the situation as a teaching moment.

He particularly aimed to emphasize the critical significance of sentry duty. He would emphasize it repeatedly, potentially increasing the number of sentries to two.

Such was the original blueprint for the night operation.

Yet now, Wu Jianfeng found himself unconcerned with adhering to that plan.

Furthermore, despite the disruption of their original intentions, the opportunity for instruction was still present.

He cast his gaze upon the dejected Scout in front of him.

Wu Jianfeng’s smile broadened. “Quick, assist them into the tent. I’ll personally oversee their return tomorrow!”

“Yes, sir!”

A few veteran squad leaders promptly snapped to attention, responding in unison. They then moved swiftly to lift Yang Wei, who offered no resistance whatsoever.

The Scout needed to be placed within the tent, allowing for a thorough examination.

This was a feat accomplished by the fourth company.

Moreover, this was no occasion for the recruits to observe. The squad leaders would rotate shifts to form a protective cordon around him throughout the night. Not only would they witness the spectacle, but they would also ensure he remained captive, preventing any potential escape.

They were prepared to forgo sleep.

The scouts, who were once regarded with reverence, had been ensnared by the very recruits they had brought along!

Such a sight was deeply satisfying.

“Stoke the fire. Squad leaders, resume your positions. Recruits without attire, return to your tents and don your uniforms.”

Wu Jianfeng issued another directive.

Although the training plan had been thwarted, the educational component could not be disregarded.

Two minutes later, at the front of the tents.

Both sides were illuminated by roaring bonfires.

Wu Jianfeng also took a moment to don his attire.

Standing before the assembly, the grin had faded from his countenance.

“The nine soldiers who were on sentry duty just now, step forward!”

Wang Ye remained silent.

But he raised his leg.

The deputy squad leaders from the other classes followed suit.

Nevertheless, Wang Ye managed to maintain an air of composure, unlike the slightly jittery demeanor displayed by the others.

After the nine of them had stepped forward, Wu Jianfeng’s gaze was piercing, scanning the other eight individuals. “You are still the vice class presidents of your respective classes and the top performers in your classes. Yet, what was your performance just now?”

Pausing for emphasis, Wu Jianfeng’s voice escalated. “The three concealed sentries were eliminated without a sound.”

“Six of the Night Guard members are right here. If it weren’t for Wang Ye, what do you think would have become of you?”


Let me make it clear. In the event of an actual battle tonight, among these nine, except for Wang Ye, the rest of you would have to retrieve the white sheets from your backpacks and shroud yourselves with them.”

With a somber demeanor, Wu Jianfeng’s gaze shifted to the eight individuals. “I observed some of you laughing just now. How could you dare to laugh? Was it amusing to witness a lifeless body? Do you believe that dying under such circumstances would render you martyrs?”

Pointing sternly at the eight of them, Wu Jianfeng’s words rang with severity. “No, you would only be culprits. Because you failed in your duty, your duty as sentinels.”

With a grave expression, Wu Jianfeng moved to a position behind Wang Ye and the others, now facing the remaining recruits.

“Allow me to elucidate. If Wang Ye exhibited your comportment on the battlefield, do you comprehend the ramifications we would be facing today?”

“I assure you, tonight we would all be consigned to death in service of our country. Do you genuinely believe we could prevail by lobbing a handful of grenades into a tent?”

Wu Jianfeng’s tone carried intense gravitas.

Of course, this was also part of the plan’s rehearsal.

After a few seconds of silence, allowing for contemplation, Wu Jianfeng turned around and strode back to Wang Ye’s side. His gaze fixed upon the nine of them as he spoke. “Being a sentinel is your responsibility. Apart from Wang Ye, each of you will extract a notebook and inscribe the following statement one hundred times.”

“Yes, sir!”

The eight men’s faces blanched, yet they responded promptly.

Without bestowing further attention, Wu Jianfeng moved away. With a deliberate step, he retraced his path and addressed the recruits behind him.

“Understand this: you have been fortunate tonight. You were not on duty when the attack transpired. However, I dare posit that had you replaced those eight, your performance wouldn’t have fared any better.”

“Don’t take your sentry duty lightly. Instead, engrave it in your minds. Reflect upon your responsibilities as sentries and commit them to memory. The next time your watch arrives, perpetually recall and remind yourself.”

“We are all soldiers, and a soldier must be unwavering while standing sentry.

This principle extends beyond safeguarding your individual well-being; it encompasses the security of your comrades.”

Having imparted his message, Wu Jianfeng dismissed the assembly.

The eight vice-class leaders departed to retrieve their notebooks and pens.

Wang Ye, however, was detained by Wu Jianfeng.

Finally, Wang Ye was met with Wu Jianfeng’s smile once more.

“Kid, you performed admirably tonight, but do not allow hubris to take root. Maintain this vigilance moving forward, do you comprehend?”

“Yes, sir!


Wang Ye offered a salutary smile.

“Hey, you rascal…”

Abruptly, Wu Jianfeng’s smile receded. He extended his hand to pat Wang Ye’s shoulder, sighing in a manner that eluded Wang Ye’s understanding.

With that, Wu Jianfeng pivoted and made his way toward his tent.

It was puzzling.

Wang Ye regarded him with bewilderment.

However, Wu Jianfeng did not turn around to offer an explanation.

For there was nothing that necessitated explanation.

To articulate it might merely complicate matters for Wang Ye.

What remained unsaid was that had another individual undertaken tonight’s events—if not Wang Ye—it would likely have amounted to yet another third-class merit!

Indeed, it bore the semblance of a training scenario.

Yet concealed within the recruit company’s training were sundry avenues for meritorious achievement.

Executing a feat of merit within the context of this night’s exercise was in truth a formidable undertaking.

Nevertheless, Wang Ye had accomplished it.

Bestowing commendation for the successful early warning would be fitting, but Wang Ye had also apprehended a Scout.


Were this situation to unfold on an actual battlefield, it would not be unreasonable to confer upon him a second-class merit.

Naturally, capturing a living Scout proved to be an onerous feat even within a genuine combat environment.

Nonetheless, the reality stood: Wang Ye had secured a living Scout.

Had this task been undertaken by someone else, it would have merited, at the very least, a third-class merit in the aftermath of the incident.

Yet, the individual responsible was none other than Wang Ye!

In an era marked by tranquility, he had already garnered two third-class merits in advance of a full-fledged combative engagement.

It was not that the training was forthcoming, nor was it the case that the outstanding third-class merit remained unfulfilled. The current Wang Ye was slated to undergo an interview and a subsequent military newspaper publication.

Although the news had not yet circulated, upon their eventual return, as recruits graduated one after another, the third-class merit would undoubtedly be conferred. Wang Ye would inevitably bask in this distinction.

Under such circumstances, bestowing yet another third-class merit would be excessive.

Were this to be dispensed once more, word would inevitably spread, and external observers might opine that the Iron Bones Hero Regiment had orchestrated this situation.

The aim? To prelude Wang Ye’s arrival, manipulating the scouts to stage a performance that would render Wang Ye’s contribution pivotal—allowing the squad to fabricate this sensational narrative of a prodigious newcomer.

In light of this scenario, extending the third-class merit would be counterproductive.

Such a concession could precipitate apprehensions that Wang Ye and the Iron Bones Hero Regiment were colluding, despite the squad’s presumed lack of complicity.

After all, the concept of a novice recruit amassing an inordinate number of merits prior to enacting a combo was utterly preposterous.

Observing Wu Jianfeng’s retreating form, Wang Ye absentmindedly massaged his temple, promptly choosing not to dwell on the matter excessively.

What did it matter? With time to spare until dawn, I can still catch a few hours of sleep.

Although the recent upheaval had instilled him with a renewed vigor.

Yet, he ought to retreat to rest, considering the training sessions scheduled for the morrow.

Indeed, while his guard duty was not imminent, two recruits from Class Five had already been designated for advanced sentry duty.

Therefore, Wang Ye could now retire for some rest.

Unbeknownst to him, he had narrowly bypassed yet another third-class merit.

Had he been apprised of the situation, he would doubtlessly have been left flabbergasted.

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