From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 195 - 195: Wu Jianfeng Wants Compensation?

Chapter 195: Wu Jianfeng Wants Compensation?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Bang ~”


After a brief pause, the training ground once again resonated with loud sounds.

The training pressed on.

Among the students of Class 5, Gu Yingnan took his turn as the second participant.

Clearly, there was a tinge of nervousness, but he maintained composure. He released the firecracker in one fluid motion.

Similar challenges unfolded for the other students, five in each group, with issues cropping up in various classes.

For instance, some still hesitated to ignite the firecracker, while others hurled it before it was properly lit.

However, none replicated the critical blunder recently committed by Zhang Ping’an.

That error was truly dire.

Despite this being a firecracker, it was as thick as a thumb.

Not to mention potential harm to hands and ears.

The possibility of triggering a mental and physical catastrophe lingered.

The lone swift and resolute response came from Ye Sanshi, who promptly snatched the firecracker away from him.

Otherwise, the new recruits might have faced the grim prospect of losing members before even reaching the grenade-throwing stage today.

“Instructor, I… I’m actually… a bit scared. I promise I’ll do better next time… I can do it next time!”

Following Kang Hua for a short distance, Zhang Ping’an finally regained composure and uttered his words.

Kang Hua turned around.

Just then, another round of firecrackers erupted.

Zhang Ping’an instinctively flinched.

Observing his reaction, Kang Hua refrained from scolding. Instead, he bestowed a kind smile. “It’s alright, don’t be anxious. In fact, you don’t have to partake in this exercise.”


Zhang Ping’an was bewildered.

Kang Hua’s smile remained unwavering. “Let me clarify. In the past, there were individuals who encountered difficulties with grenades. Some even unintentionally threw them close to their own feet.”

“All!” Zhang Ping’an’s surprise was evident.

Kang Hua elaborated, “There’s no need to be overly concerned. Everyone possesses diverse levels of mental resilience and courage. These attributes are influenced by inherent disposition as well as external factors. No one is pointing fingers at you.”

After a pause, he gazed at Zhang Ping’an and expressed with genuine sincerity, “You have been assigned to be a chef. Falling a bit short in training isn’t a problem. Therefore, I’ll extend special dispensation for this session. You are exempt from further participation in this training, including the subsequent grenade exercise.”

“Um… I see!” Zhang Ping’an found himself at a crossroads.

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This outcome was unexpected.

At that instant, he felt a mix of relief and a trace of disappointment.

Despite the instructor’s consistent smile and soothing tone, the outcome remained unchanged: he was excused from this training module.


Not really.

His only regret was his own timidity.

He yearned to insist on continuing the training.

However, reflecting on the recent event, he chose silence.

He confronted himself truthfully. He could admit he hadn’t held the firecracker in his grasp.

Yet, if he were to actually hold it later, and if his indecisiveness or anxiety led to an accident, he couldn’t live with himself. Implicating others would burden his conscience forever.

“Very well, instructor. Thank you.

Eventually, he came to terms with the reality.

If he chose not to participate, it was fine. After all, he already acquired culinary skills outside. He had arrived at the military with the intent of joining the culinary class.

Given that cooks weren’t required to engage in this training, there was no reason for him to exert himself needlessly or jeopardize others.

“Exactly!” Kang Hua offered a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Don’t place excessive pressure on yourself. It’s merely a firecracker, and nothing untoward transpired. I believe your class leader won’t fault you.”

“Yes!” Zhang Ping’an nodded. However, when he shifted his gaze towards Ye Sanshi, who was engrossed in overseeing the training of the other Class 5 students, a sense of unease crept in.

“Bang! Bang!”

“What are you hesitating for? They’re just firecrackers. Why the fear? You’re soldiers. Remember your role. Fearing a cannon? If you were on the actual battlefield, bullets and cannonballs would be your companions.

Summon your courage and stand like true men.”

“Don’t be anxious… Steady your mind. There’s a delay of four to five seconds. Calculate that time. Once ignited, throw it immediately. Precision matters!”

From behind the protective barricades, the class leaders’ admonitions echoed intermittently.

Diverse were the teaching approaches of each class monitor, yet their impact shared common ground.

Of course, it was fundamentally attributed to their status as men, and these were merely firecrackers.

“No room for mishaps, right?”

It was Wang Ye’s turn within Class 5. Ye Sanshi handed him a firecracker, his expression unwavering.

Previously, he could ask Wang Ye with a hint of a grin.

Nonetheless, the aftermath of Zhang Ping’an’s incident still clung to Ye Sanshi, his heartbeat having yet to regain its regular rhythm. With each firecracker discharge, his concern deepened.

Indeed, even if he had to toss two grenades simultaneously—one in each hand—he wouldn’t be as tense.

Zhang Ping’an’s mishap had shaken him to the core.

In truth, he had nearly considered giving Zhang Ping’an a good kick earlier.

It was truly unnerving.

“No problem. I’m familiar with this. I’ve often played with them at home. This doesn’t faze me,” Wang Ye affirmed with a grin.

In reality, Wang Ye had never engaged in such games. His family had attained prosperity, and his childhood had been cushioned. Moreover, his transition to the county town from a young age had curbed opportunities for youthful exuberance.

Yet, in his past life, Wang Ye’s early years were spent in the countryside.

Employing firecrackers for sundry tasks—igniting dried dung from cows and pigs—had become second nature during his youth.

“Alright, go ahead!”

Ye Sanshi handed Wang Ye the lighter.


Wang Ye ignited the firecracker, promptly hurling it onto the training ground.


An emphatic detonation resonated.

Wang Ye refrained from ostentation, as a Class 5 member had just moments ago hesitated for two to three seconds while clutching the timed firecracker, subsequently discarding it. He was met with a stern kick from their class leader.

“Allow me to summarize this training!”

In the dormitory, with the firecracker exercises concluded and about ten minutes left before dinner, Ye Sanshi seized the opportunity to debrief the training.

At this juncture, Zhang Ping’an sat with his head bowed, visibly uneasy.

Ye Sanshi noticed, of course, but chose not to address it overtly.

He glanced around at the group and began, “Overall, our class’s performance today was commendable, barring a few comrades.”

He emphasized, “Of course, I’m not referring to Zhang Ping’an.” Then he directed his attention to Zhang Ping’an and called out, “Zhang Ping’an.”

“Here!” Zhang Ping’an responded promptly, his face flushing.

Don’t be distressed. Once it’s over, it’s over. You’re a chef by profession. As we proceed, you’ll grow accustomed and your courage will be nurtured. For now, there’s no need to compel yourself through this training. I harbor no reproach, do you understand?”

“Yes, sir!” Zhang Ping’an’s cheeks retained their rosy hue.

Yet, this time Ye Sanshi didn’t dwell on him.

“Gu Yingnan, in your case for this round…”

Sequentially, he evaluated, summarized, and continued, as was customary following each training segment.

The ensuing day marked the weekend, a respite from training.

However, Saturday was already a free day. Despite most recruits penning reflections on their training experiences, Wu Jianfeng considered this a legitimate day off.

Hence, throughout the weekend, aside from the morning firecracker routine, all classes primarily practiced formations.

Yes, formations. Following the recent drill, the formations seldom utilized in training were reintroduced.

This was in anticipation of the imminent completion of the recruit program.

From now on, all recruits would need to consolidate their acquired knowledge and skills, especially focusing on subjects slated for assessment.

Wang Ye, however, didn’t participate in training that day. He even abstained from the firecracker exercise, summoned away by Wu Jianfeng.

Donations. The funds had been collected yesterday, and Wu Jianfeng had also visited the school for discussions.

Thus, he brought Wang Ye along today to finalize the arrangements.

“How do you feel?” Around 1 PM, after having lunch at the school, Wang Ye once again got into Wu Jianfeng’s car.

In response to Wu Jianfeng’s inquiry, Wang Ye, holding a sizable bouquet of flowers, grinned and replied, “Do these flowers smell amazing? I feel fantastic!”

The bouquet he held wasn’t composed of just one type of flower; it contained at least seven or eight varieties.

These flowers were presented to Wang Ye by the school’s children during the morning’s donation event.

Each student contributed a small bouquet, which collectively formed the substantial bundle in Wang Ye’s hands.

The flowers weren’t particularly valuable, but the children from the school had personally gathered them from the vicinity and even the nearby hills.

“Is that the extent of your feelings?” Wu Jianfeng continued to inquire, his smile persistent.

“What else?” Wang Ye inquired, his smile mirroring Wu Jianfeng’s.

He reflected on how, in the morning, the children who offered him flowers were dressed tidily, despite their patched-up clothes and trousers.

He recalled their clear eyes and the way they waved goodbye, chasing after the car as he and others departed.

Frankly speaking, Wang Ye genuinely believed that the money expended this time was extraordinarily worthwhile.

“You rascal, you coerced me into donating 1,000 yuan this time. Haven’t you thought about reimbursing me?” Wu Jianfeng glanced over and chuckled.

These words left Wang Ye momentarily stunned. Then, he discreetly pulled out a bundle of flowers from the larger bouquet in his grasp.

“Captain, how about I give you these?”

“Get lost, you little scamp!” Wu Jianfeng chuckled as he scolded, and Wang Ye gleefully restored the flowers to their original position.

Truth be told, in this moment, Wang Ye felt a mild disdain toward this guy.


This guy willingly declared his intention to donate, contributed 1,000 yuan, and even handed his phone number to a female volunteer teacher.

He hadn’t even made any progress with the two female military doctors yet. Now that he was out and about, it seemed his focus had shifted targets.

By 3 PM, the bus had returned to the recruit company. Wang Ye sought out Class 5 on the training ground and promptly rejoined their ranks.

“Brother Wang, where were you? Why don’t you tell us where you went?”

During the break, everyone was quite curious about Wang Ye’s mysterious disappearance for the majority of the day. Qin Li even approached to inquire.

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t. Qin Li, do you intend to emulate the confidentiality protocols again?” This reprimand didn’t come from Wang Ye, but rather from Ye Sanshi, who had just set down his water bottle.

With that single utterance, Qin Li quieted down.

At this point, Ye Sanshi shifted his gaze toward Wang Ye, although he refrained from saying anything.

In truth, Ye Sanshi had learned of Wang Ye’s intentions for the day the previous night.

After the company commander had summoned Wang Ye out again yesterday, Ye Sanshi had waited for him outside. It was during this interaction that Wang Ye had confided in him.


Following the start of the morning exercise session, the entire company was led to the training ground—the same location where firecracker exercises had taken place for the past two days.

Wu Jianfeng positioned himself before the assembly.

“Don’t fret while tossing the grenades. Approach it akin to the firecracker throws you’ve practiced earlier. Open the safety latch afterward, pull the pin, and cast it out.

Recall, avoid hesitating. Utilize your strength in alignment with the stipulated posture. After extracting the pin, act swiftly. Don’t emphasize the distance; instead, aim to cast the grenade behind the bunker wall.”

Although safety education on grenade handling had been covered extensively over the past two days, now that the exercise was imminent, Wu Jianfeng couldn’t resist reiterating the essentials to the group.

After all, he would serve as the safety officer during the exercise.

Even though the individual hurling the grenade was a recruit, Wu Jianfeng would remain at the periphery throughout the process. If any recruit faltered, it would bring misfortune not only upon them but also upon Wu Jianfeng himself….

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