From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 205 - 205: Becoming the Representative of the New Recruits

Chapter 205: Becoming the Representative of the New Recruits

For the nine new recruits in the mess hall, this turn of events came as a tremendous surprise.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, they were essentially experiencing their first time away from both their hometown and their parents.

What made this even more remarkable was that these three months had marked the first real hardships they had encountered in their lives.

Contemplating how a single song, “Green Flowers in the Army,” could evoke tears from the entire company, it was evident just how much everyone longed for home and their parents.

And now, their parents were standing right in front of them.

The nine recruits dashed out of the cafeteria in unison.

The ones at the forefront, sprinting faster, had already called out for their parents to come over.

Wang Ye wasn’t among the first to rush out.

His demeanor was composed. Although he had been caught off guard and astounded a moment ago, Wang Ye wasn’t truly a young man of eighteen or nineteen.

He recalled the discipline he had just witnessed, briefly glanced at the platoon leader, and then advanced.

Thus, when Wang Ye emerged, he was already in the embrace of his parents.

Xiao Ye!”

Wang Ye lingered by the entrance, his gaze shifting to the regiment commander and the others.

His mother was also brimming with excitement.

Particularly when she saw that her son, who had been rather fair in her memories, now had a deep tan. Her eyes welled up with tears.


Wang Ye approached, a smile gracing his lips.

Unlike the other recruits, he didn’t shed tears.

In his previous life, he had spent years away from home. Considering he had only been apart from her for three months this time, it wasn’t enough to bring him to tears.

Hence, Wang Ye was presently wearing a joyful smile.

As he drew near, his mother clasped his hand tightly.

You’re tanned, stronger, and you even seem a bit taller…

Xu Xiaofeng clung to Wang Ye s hand, studying her son who stood right before her.

For Wang Ye, venturing out and leaving his parents behind had become routine. However, for his parents in this existence, it marked the first instance of their son departing from home.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Furthermore, he was now a soldier. Gazing at her son’s current appearance , Xu Xiaofeng’s eyes welled up with genuine emotion.

Meanwhile, Wang Jianjun wore a smile. He remained composed, exuding an air of tranquility.

Naturally, Wang Jianjun harbored numerous sentiments he wished to express at this moment. Nonetheless, as a father, when Wang Ye met his gaze and addressed him as “father,” Wang Jianjun merely smiled, nodding approvingly. He patted Wang Ye’s shoulder and remarked, “Excellent. You truly live up to being my son.”

On the sidelines, the regiment commander and other personnel refrained from disturbing them. Only the soldiers from the pr department were busy capturing photographs.

Hmm… There was also a discreet Sixth Class Monitor who surreptitiously held up a camera.

The second platoon leader, the leader of the sixth squad, the recruits, the tearful eyes, the camera snapshots – all these elements converged, and yet, the situation left him slightly perplexed.

Despite everything, Wang Ye beamed with utmost joy and didn’t shed a tear…

He cast a helpless glance at Wu Jianfeng, though the latter didn’t have a moment to spare as he and the instructor had also joined the regiment commander’s side.

For dinner that night, the parents of the nine recruits gathered in the mess hall for a shared meal.

It was evident that rhe cooks had orchestrated this in advance. Originally, there had been only ten tables.

The nine cohorts occupied a single table, while the company commander and instructor claimed another. However, when Wang Ye and his companions exited and returned, they were taken aback to find two additional tables had been set up.

The parents were divided across these two tables. The regiment commander and committee members occupied one, while the other housed Wu Jianfeng’s party.

Wang Ye and his peers were also assigned to dine alongside their parents.

Considering that not all recruits were accompanied by their parents, rhe seating arrangement didn’t feel cramped, with nine recruits distributed across two tables.

After the meal, the other recruits were permitted to make brief phone calls home, each allotted three minutes.

This initiative aimed to help them settle their emotions.

After all, only Wang Ye and his fellow nine had their family members present. Yet, the sight surely stirred feelings of longing among the remaining recruits.

Today’s scenario was as emotionally charged as singing “Green Flowers in the Army” before supper.

Thus, it was important to assuage the others.

Son, the person who invited us mentioned that you’ve achieved two third-class merits. Could you explain this? Weren’t you the one who told us about just one during the New Year?”

Following the meal, Wang Ye’s parents strolled through the campgrounds with him, engaging in conversation. Suddenly, Xu Xiaofeng posed this query.

In an instant, Wang Jianjun haired in his tracks and turned his gaze toward Wang Ye. “Indeed, you’re quite the enigma. Earlier today, when we inquired with Officer He, who fetched us, he directed us to ask you personally. Now, don’t keep us in suspense any longer. What’s the story behind your additional third-class merit?”

Wang Ye hesitated briefly, inwardly cursing the individual who had extended the invitation.

He had kept this matter concealed from the others, yet now, the secret had been exposed.

Observing his parents’ expectant expressions, Wang Ye felt a twinge of helplessness. He decided to come clean and reveal the origin of the initial third-class merit.

“Goodness, how could he act so impulsively? If he had truly fallen, rhe consequences would’ve been dire!”

Evidently anxious, Xu Xiaofeng’s words revealed her concern, while Wang Jianjun cast his gaze upon Wang Ye.

He opened his mouth, but ultimately said, “Well done, bur there’s no need to keep such things from the family in the future!”

Wang Ye nodded with a smile.

However, deep within, Wang Ye couldn’t help but scoff at Old Wang’s remark.

No need to conceal it?

Perhaps Old Wang possessed a magnanimous heart and was genuinely worried but he wouldn’t understand his mother’s tendency to let her imagination run wild…

After a prolonged conversation, at around seven in the evening, Wang Ye escorted his parents to the classroom. They spent thirty minutes watching the daily news of the recruit company. Subsequently, he took them downstairs to his dormitory and living quarters for a glimpse of his living environment.

At eight o’clock, accompanied by Wu Jianfeng, Wang Ye and the other nine recruits saw their parents off to the adjacent guest house.

You guys can head back now, Wang Ye, please stay behind!

Upon their return, Wu Jianfeng instructed the other eight individuals to head upstairs, leaving Wang Ye alone.

The other eight vice-class presidents exchanged curious glances, yet they refrained from commenting.

What was there to say?

It was evident that Wu Jianfeng had singled out Wang Ye.

Following Wu Jianfeng into his office, Wang Ye couldn’t help but sneak a few more glances at the soft box of Chinese snacks that Wu Jianfeng had taken out from his pocket.

My, oh my, the flavor of the day had shifted!

Care for a smoke?

After placing the cigarette in his mouth, Wu Jianfeng arched an eyebrow at Wang Ye.

Hehe, I’ll pass! ” Wang Ye didn’t smoke, and he was wary that he might try to set a trap for him, so he politely declined.

Never mind. The second company commander gave me this earlier!


Wang Ye was momentarily taken aback.

What was happening?

Did Wu Jianfeng have some sort of influential background? The second company commander personally offered him a gift.

Evidently perceiving rhe thoughts behind Wang Ye s expression, Wu Jianfeng responded somewhat displeased, “What are you thinking? You managed to tweak my list of top five exemplary soldiers!”

Wang Ye was once again stunned.

Did he possess some secret connections? To have the second company commander personally gift him something…

At this juncture, Wu Jianfeng, having lit his cigarette, made his way to his seat and settled down. He gazed at Wang Ye with a smile, “Didn’t I mention earlier? In order to keep you on board, I relinquished my priority to select other soldiers. Someone just detected the scent and came over. As you can see, I won’t be giving up smoking in the coming days!”

What could Wang Ye say in response? All he could do was scratch his head and feign ignorance.

Hehe, thank you for showing interest, Company Commander!

Alright, you’re such a slick character. What’s with the gratitude?” Wu Jianfeng chortled, rebuking Wang Ye. And then he added, “Are you content with today’s surprise?”

Yes!11 Wang Ye grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

Undoubtedly, today’s surprise had exceeded all expectations.

Truth be told, I’ll be candid with you. This entire event was sparked by you!” Wu jianfeng divulged.

Hmm?” Wang Ye was taken aback once again.

Have you ever heard of new recruits taking their parents on a tour during evaluations?” Wu Jianfeng chuckled.

Wang Ye shook his head.

Exactly! Neither had I or anyone else for that matter. This occasion was mainly organized to showcase you. The regiment felt that focusing solely on you might seem inadequate, so they allocated a quota for the parents of the most exceptional recruits in your class as well.”

This… Was it really necessary? How was this going to highlight two third-class merits?”

Wang Ye felt a tad uneasy at this revelation.

it wasn’t even a first-class merit, only two third-class merits. People would surely find it excessive to make such a grand spectacle of it.

What’s this two third-class merits’? You’re really quite full of yourself, youngster.” Wu Jianfeng chuckled.

Following this statement, he continued, “Don’t underestimate third-class merits, young man. Many won’t even manage to earn a single one in five or eight years.”

Indeed, acquiring third-class merits was relatively easier, involving lesser risks. Yet, this didn’t imply that third-class merits held no value whatsoever.


Pausing for a moment, Wu Jianfeng fixed his gaze on Wang Ye, “Kid, you’re a recruit of the recruit company. The two third-class merits you’ve secured were attained within rhe short span of three months since joining the recruit company.

It’s nor just about two third-class merits, you’ve also garnered commendation.

Don’t mistake a commendation for mere accolades.”


Wang Ye persisted in his bemused smile, scratching his head.

“Alright, let’s cut to the chase. I summoned you here to inform you that you need to prepare a speech as the recruits’ representative for the oath-taking ceremony tomorrow afternoon. Furthermore, there will be a merit presentation event for you. Post the ceremony, you’ll also be required to deliver a speech.”

Yes, sir!

Wang Ye snapped to attention and saluted.

He didn’t decline the responsibility. After taking the oath, it was anticipated that he’d stand as the recruits’ representative. Wang Ye had long braced himself for this.

After all, he had already risen to the forefront among his peers. If not him, then who would stand as their representative during the oath-taking?

As for the third-class merit ceremony, Wang Ye was in fact privy to the details.

After all, this third-class merit wasn’t as formidable to acquire as the previous one.

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