From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 192 How Great it is to be a Rich Second Generation Is Really Good! (2)

192  How Great it is to be a Rich Second Generation Is Really Good!


"This is not just because you're soldiers, members of the Iron Bones Hero Regiment, but also because you come from a lineage of warriors.

The blood of our people courses through your veins."

A profound silence followed.

Indeed, this was the truth. The entire Class 5 and even the entire second floor had fallen silent.

When Wu Jianfeng had spoken those words at the doorway, his voice had carried to other classrooms as well.

"Alright, continue writing. Wang Ye, step out for a moment."

"Yes, sir!"

Wang Ye acknowledged and followed Wu Jianfeng.

In the dormitory...

He observed as Wang Ye and Wu Jianfeng exited.

Qin Li immediately slapped his chest. "Damn it, scared me half to death! How did the captain manage to appear at the door without making a sound?"

Someone glanced at Gu Yingnan and remarked, "Old Gu, why didn't you heed my advice?"

Gu Yingnan was equally vexed. He had been engrossed in venting his frustrations just moments ago. Who would have thought to keep an eye on the door?

The reprimand wasn't too severe though—just a minor scolding.

"Alright, let's get back to writing. The class representative has been away for nearly an hour now," Liang Fan murmured.

Ye Sanshi would often spend one or two hours away during the weekends.

What for, everyone speculated.

Because they had all caught sight of his phone at least once.

He possessed a cellphone and would disappear for an hour or two.

If he was calling someone, it had to be a girlfriend or something along those lines.

Yet, someone had inquired before, only to be met with his fierce demeanor.


"The donation should be alright. I'll personally accompany the officers to the organization later.

We'll discuss the specifics upon my return.

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But let me ask you again, are you absolutely sure about making this donation?

Moreover, are you certain there's enough money in your card?

Don't let it turn into a blunder!"

Wu Jianfeng scrutinized Wang Ye as he delivered this message.

"Uh... I think so.

My mom handed me the card before I left. She mentioned there's 100,000 yuan in it. I didn't get a chance to verify it. How about you provide the bank's location, and I'll check it myself?"

After Wu Jianfeng's probing, Wang Ye's confidence had slightly wavered.

The primary issue was that he hadn't personally verified the funds in the card.

In truth, he never got the opportunity. After his mother handed him the card, Wang Ye went straight to the armed forces department. Subsequently, he was engrossed in supervising the new recruits. Time was a luxury he couldn't afford.

"You... I see, she's from an affluent family," Wu Jianfeng responded, slightly flabbergasted.

He had actually asked just to confirm in a casual manner. The focus wasn't really on whether there was money in the card, but rather if Wang Ye intended to donate. It was a routine inquiry.

After all, he believed that Wang Ye would honor his commitment, even under these circumstances.

However, he hadn't anticipated that with a seemingly casual question, he would uncover Wang Ye's own uncertainty about the card's balance.

This wasn't ten thousand yuan; it was a hundred thousand.

"Very well, let's go verify it then. Let's not make any mistakes!"

Initially, Wu Jianfeng had only called Wang Ye out for a conversation, but now the situation had spiraled into something different entirely.

He rushed downstairs and arranged for a car. Simultaneously, he informed the regiment headquarters, reporting the situation.

Ten minutes later, Wang Ye was in a car heading out.

For the first time, he found himself in a town close to the camp. It was New Year's Eve, and he stood atop a hill outside the camp, gazing at the illuminated township.

The crowd wasn't sizeable, predominantly composed of the elderly and children.

Yet, it was still a town, and banks were present.

Wang Ye wasn't given the chance to linger; he was escorted directly to a bank.


Upon entering the ATM room, Wang Ye was momentarily struck by astonishment as he stared at the displayed figure.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me there's nothing in there?" Wu Jianfeng's voice echoed from outside the ATM room, tinged with anxiety. As soon as he heard Wang Ye's voice, he inquired.

"Oh, no, there is... indeed." Wang Ye replied.

"Alright, I was worried you had nothing in the card." Wu Jianfeng's relief was palpable.

He had already reported the situation to the team. If it turned out Wang Ye had no funds in the card, it would have been an embarrassing situation.

"Step out if you're done. We can head over to the adjacent service hall and inquire if you can withdraw 90,000 yuan in one go today!"

Wu Jianfeng's voice continued from outside.

Observing the figure displayed on the machine before him, Wang Ye paused in contemplation. Eventually, he decided not to say anything.

Never mind, 90,000 yuan was reasonably sufficient.

Yes, Wang Ye had been momentarily dumbfounded earlier because the card didn't hold a balance of 100,000 yuan—it had 200,000 yuan.

Why the extra 100,000?

Wang Ye suspected his mother might have transferred additional money into the card.

To be candid, Wang Ye was unsure what to make of the situation in that instant.

So this was the lifestyle of affluent families' children?

Parents bestowed pocket money on their children without a second thought.

Handing out a card, bestowing 100,000 without even inquiring about the previous expenditures. It was as though she had some inkling that the funds might run short, and so she preemptively transferred more money...

This infuriating concept of consumerism.

Wang Ye could only think that the privileged life of second-generation wealth was truly something.


To withdraw the money, a local small bank wouldn't allow more than 50,000 yuan to be withdrawn in a single day.

Yet, Wu Jianfeng had spoken the truth. Alongside Wang Ye's military status and the encampment's proximity, it only took a brief period to withdraw 90,000 yuan from Wang Ye's card.

With the money secured, Wang Ye got into the car and returned to the recruit company.

He placed the money into a black bag and handed it to Wu Jianfeng. Then, as if nothing significant had transpired, he re-entered Class Five.

Up to this point, he hadn't disclosed his intention to donate money to anyone in Class Five.

Truthfully, Wang Ye hadn't intended to divulge it either. He had conveyed this sentiment to Wu Jianfeng as well.

Ultimately, Wu Jianfeng had nodded in agreement.

While this act was commendable, if Wang Ye wanted to maintain his low-profile status as an affluent second-generation heir, he needed to respect Wang Ye's personal choice.


"Brother Wang, did the company commander call you out to give you special treatment again?"

By the time Wang Ye returned, Ye Sanshi had already returned to their dormitory. Yet, he remained seated, engrossed in typing on his phone.

When Wang Ye entered, he had merely glanced at him, stating, "Write down your reflections and experiences when you get the chance," before continuing with his texting.

Now that Wang Ye had returned and settled in, he looked at Qin Li, who had approached with a hushed tone.

"Yeah, the company commander granted me a five-kilometer pass. He even mentioned that anyone from the class who desires it can receive the same reward!"

Qin Li promptly sealed his lips, even though he suspected Wang Ye was pulling his leg.

Within the recruit company, it was common knowledge that the company commander held high expectations for Wang Ye.

Run five kilometers?

The dormitory lapsed into silence, with the only sound being the friction of paper and pen.


Primarily because Ye Sanshi had returned, no one dared to act recklessly.

Hell, no!

Of course, Wang Ye wouldn't face punishment for it, but if Qin Li had taken the bait and answered, Wu Jianfeng probably wouldn't hesitate to bestow him with a five-kilometer pass as well.

The dormitory lapsed into silence, with the only sound being the friction of paper and pen.

Primarily because Ye Sanshi had returned, no one dared to act recklessly.

It wasn't until three in the afternoon after Ye Sanshi had approved the final paper submitted by Wan Baojiang in the dormitory, that Class Five regained some semblance of liveliness.

Yet, just as everyone thought they could finally unwind, Ye Sanshi dashed their hopes.

"Gather downstairs, no need for gear."

With a stern expression and a single sentence, the mood among Class Five members took a nosedive.

Where was the relaxation they anticipated?

After spending the entire day jotting down their reflections and experiences, now that they had finally finished, they were being summoned downstairs for assembly.

"Sigh, Mr. Ye is quite the trickster!"

Qin Li grumbled under his breath, though it was in vain. They had to heed the call.

With their shoes and caps swapped, Class Five moved swiftly. Having completed the preparations, they hurried downstairs.


"At ease... Left face.

Destination…Camp Service Center!" Ye Sanshi's expression remained stern as he issued the orders with utmost seriousness.

However, in that very instant, the sullen expressions on the faces of the entire Class Five swiftly transformed into expressions of clarity. A collective surprise enveloped them as they gazed at Ye Sanshi.

"Reporting, class monitor, I didn't bring any money!" Gu Yingnan promptly reported.

"Haha! I'm in a splendid mood today, so consider it my treat. One bottle of beverage for each person!"

Ye Sanshi was indeed in high spirits!

The reason being that after a lengthy phone conversation, that blind date had eventually agreed to be his girlfriend.


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