Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 165 - A Warm Night

Dinner wound down, and at half past nine in the evening, they were ready to leave. Since tomorrow was a Monday, everybody had work and so they decided to call it a night with casual promises of doing this again next time.

Gael shook hands with the three men, keeping his expression happy-neutral, even when he had to face Vincent. He was still not okay with the guy, but he barely gave him any attention during dinner. 

Angela saw something different with her father today and it felt weirdly...comfortable. She went towards him and wrapped her arms under his and around his body as he naturally returned her embrace. "Thank you for dinner, Dad."

"I'm glad to see you happy, Princess."

She froze for a second. It wasn't too often that he called her that in recent years. There had been a gap between her and her father because of some circumstances that she didn't want to think about at the moment, but she always loved her father. Even though things had changed between them. "Dad, are you...crying?" she wondered as stepped back, noticing the change in his demeanor.

"It's just wind." Her father cooly blinked and waved his hand. "I'm just glad to see you move on. I see how you look at him." He glanced at Gael. "You like this man."

Angela followed the direction of her father's gaze, landing on Gael who patiently waited outside the restaurant. "How I looked at him?"

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"You've got that sparkle in your eyes when you do, Princess. Something that I haven't seen in a long long time." He exhaled a long sigh as if he's relieved of something. "It's been six years, Angela. I know it's been hard on you...and I haven't really been the best. I just want you to forget Evan and get your life back. I can feel that Gael is a good man. Is he good to you?"

Angela felt like choking up, her eyes getting misty. But she pushed it down and swallowed the lump in her throat. "He is."

Her father didn't say anything else as he nodded and they hugged once more before he got inside a Town Car. Angela turned to Vincent and they embraced as well, giving each other early greetings of "Merry Christmas" and promising to call each other from time to time. She then pulled her brother into a tight hug as she told him, "Thank you for sitting through it."

Oliver tentatively returned his sister's hug and sighed. "I don't know what the hell is going on, but I hope you know what you're doing." They pulled back and he held her shoulders as he looked at her in the eye. "I've been a shitty brother these past days and I'm sorry. But call me if you're in trouble, okay? I don't want you getting hurt."

Angela didn't have to ask to know that Oliver was referring to Gael. She couldn't tell if he knew the truth about the other, but she didn't want to ask. Curling her lips into a smile, she nodded and waved at him. "I'll be okay. Always am."

Gael stood next to her and they watched the three men get into their cars and drove away. Once their tail lights were far enough, he turned to her, and she was staring at the ground, avoiding his gaze. Her father's words rang in her head and she suddenly felt like an open book. If her father saw it...then Gael must have seen it too. What he said last night would make sense.

"Are you ready to go home?" he asked. 

Blinking her thoughts away, Angela hoped that her eyes were devoid of that emotion as she looked up at him and nodded. Since the others left, he had kept his hands to himself, inserting them in his pockets as if he was afraid to touch her now. It pricked her heart just a little.

He inched closer. "We still need to talk. And I've been wanting to get you alone the whole night. Is it okay if I drive you to your place?" 

Angela had to think about it for a minute. Gael had been nothing but great this evening. She initially didn't want him to know about her new place—not because she was mad at him, rather, she wanted to keep something to herself where he wasn't around. A place where she could be sane by herself without the constant reminder that he was making her weak. She knew she was attracted to him, that's not even a question anymore. But what was she to do with how she felt when their future was uncertain?

She'd put herself out there many times, and yet she always ended up getting hurt. Waiting for him like crazy three months ago but not hearing from him. Leaving texts and calls and not receiving any responses. Making moves even though she knew it was dangerous. Living with him despite knowing who he was. What was she doing? 

And last night was one of the vulnerable nights she had where she wrote some things she wasn't supposed to write. And now, she sat with him through dinner—and it was all pretend. It was just pretend…wasn't it? It's a matter of time that he'd find those notes if he hadn't already. Her heart rammed in her chest for not knowing. But it killed her that she couldn't ask him.

Despite herself, Angela nodded and let him bring her home. Because for reasons she didn't understand but felt within her, she wanted to be with him tonight a little longer.

Boxes littered the living room when they arrived at her new apartment. They put their coats away and took in the place. Most of the things were already in their places. She told him about her move that afternoon and that Oliver hired several people to help with the move. The place was done in no time—except for some little stuff that's needed to be put away.

"Do you want some coffee?" she offered. 


Angela felt the need to steal a small amount of time for herself, so she turned to the kitchen and got herself busy. Thankful that her back was facing him as she filled the pot with water and then pouring it into the coffee maker, she took a long, deep breath. She set the machine in place and waited while she stood in front of it. 

Her hands held the counter and her eyes closed as she calmed her erratic heart. They were alone in her place and she began to feel nervous. Gael was right there with her. Anything could happen. 'Be still, heart. I still want to live for many years.'

A warm pair of arms slid around her waist and her heart almost fell out of her chest. Angela fluttered her eyes open and looked down at her abdomen where his strong arms enveloped her. His solid front pressed against her back and his chin rested on her shoulder, completing the overall warmth that she craved all night. 

"I miss you," said Gael in a low voice. "It's only been a day...but the house seems emptier since you left." She stood still, wishing he couldn't hear her screaming heart.

When she didn't respond, he added, "I know you're probably still mad but I just can't help myself. I've been wanting to do this since I saw you tonight. Friends can hug, right? Will you let me?"

He asked even though he was already doing it. This didn't seem friendly at all, but Angela willed herself to clear her thoughts as she turned around and faced him. She could see the longing in his eyes—probably mirroring her own. 

"Yeah..." Then she allowed herself to be selfish by pressing her face onto his chest and wrapping her arms around his torso. Letting herself bask in his masculinity, she wished this would last long. "I miss you, too."

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