Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 203 - The Manor (6)

Gael didn't hate J, but he was disappointed. It was already hard enough for him to stop himself from retaliating for what the Morellis had done to their family three months ago. But Gael had to sit tight as he wanted to do things right and end this war once and for all. 


Gael met seventeen-year-old J when he came back to New York about nine years ago. He walked past the skinny kid and ignored him as he entered a small grocery store at the end of the street from his house. He was standing near the checkout counter when he saw J about to steal some bread. Gael knew the owner—an older man in his 70s—so he stopped J from doing what he was about to do. His family was mafia, but they didn't steal from people they knew.

Gael, at twenty-four, was already grown, and he towered over the scrawny kid. He clamped his large hand on the kid's shoulder and dragged him to the counter. J thought he was going to get busted for stealing, but what Gael did, surprised him. Gael tossed the bread that he was about to steal onto the counter and said, "Ring this up for me, Gary. And give this kid whatever he wants." Then he left a fifty dollar bill on the counter and added, "Let me know if I came up short. I'll pay you the rest when I drop by tomorrow."

J was awestruck at what just happened, but Gael didn't spare him another glance as he walked out of the store. Like promised, Gael dropped by at the store the next day, and Gary told him the teenage boy from last night used up the money he left in buying other food and milk—and that he didn't want to go over the limit. Gael didn't think he'd see J again, but just as he left the store, the scrawny kid was there outside. He only glanced at him before heading towards his car.

"Mister!" J called. "Why did you help me last night? You don't know me."

Gael stopped in his tracks, his hand hanging mid-air as he was about to open the door to his car. He turned around and dug his hands in his pockets. "Do you know the old man you were about to steal from? Do you know that he's sick?"

J opened his mouth, but no words came out of it.

"Go home, kid. Stay out of trouble and get out of the streets." He turned around, but J's next words stopped him from getting in his car.

"I don't have a house. I have to be in the streets, or I won't be able to feed my sister."

He cast J a look and really looked at him from head to toe. J wore worn-out clothes and shoes, looking like he hadn't showered for days. "Go to a shelter or something."

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J chuckled mockingly, shaking his head but not saying anything for a while. After taking a deep breath, he said, "You won't get it because you aren't homeless. I'd rather live in the streets."

"Where are your parents?"


Gael drew out a breath and looked up in the sky. He didn't know what to do, but his gut told him that he couldn't turn his back on this kid. Who knows where the kid might end up if he left? Turning his head back to J, he brushed his cleanly shaven jaw and sighed. "Where's your sister?"

"She's… She's staying at a friend's spot at the park a few blocks from here."

Running his tongue inside his cheek, Gael thought that he would probably regret what he was about to do, but he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling deep in his core. He hadn't taken in a stranger ever. He'd seen his family do it, but he had never done it himself before.

J brushed his shoe on the pavement and scratched his head, looking like he wasn't sure about what was happening at the moment either.

"What do you want?" asked Gael.

"I...need money," J blurted, then he quickly added, "I'll do whatever you ask. Just...give me money. I can't watch my sister starve again. I'll do anything."


J nodded. "Please… I'm desperate."

After staring at J for a minute, Gael nodded his head towards his vehicle, "Get in the car."


J rounded the car as Gael settled in the driver's seat. He opened the door to the backseat and flinched when Gael scolded him.

"The fûck? You making me your driver? Sit up front, you idiot."

J immediately closed the backseat and climbed in the front, a tiny smile hinting at his lips as he settled in his seat. 

"The fûck you smiling at?" Gael shook his head and sped off into the road, heading towards the Bunk. "Put on your seatbelt."

"It's my first time to ride a car like this. It's awesome, boss!" J brushed his hand on the dashboard, smiling at the luxurious feel of the interior. "What car is this?"

"Lincoln Navigator. Cool, huh?"

"Fûck yeah. Someday, I'm going to buy one like this."

Gael smiled at the ambition in his voice. "What's your name?"

"Jino, but everyone calls me J—like the letter."

Throughout the ride, Gael asked as much information as he could about J, and the latter, although a bit hesitant, trusted and answered his questions. Soon, they arrived in front of the Bunk.

"What are we doing here?" J asked when Gael pulled up to the curb.

"You need money, and I can help you with that. But you have to work for it." Gael turned towards the other and put on a serious face—one that he wore whenever he was with the other people in the family business. "You can't wear those ratty clothes. So you'll come with me inside that house. You take a shower, get a haircut, change your clothes, and follow what I tell you to do."

J nodded eagerly, the hope in his eyes shining so bright that Gael was nearly sorry that he was about to bring this innocent teenager into the dark side. Then he reminded himself that the young man would have probably resorted to doing other things apart from stealing just to get by.

They got out of the car and headed up the steps. He turned around, leaned forward, and got into J's face, pointing his index finger at him, then he dipped his voice lower and sharpened his eyes as he warned, "If you make a wrong move, I'll kill you. If you disobey, I'll kill you. If you dishonor me, I'll kill you. Better believe I will do it myself. Are we clear?"

J swallowed. "Crystal."



"I'll just kill them. I'll kill them all," J gritted his teeth. It was evident that he was still enraged by what happened even after nearly killing Filippo's right-hand man.

Gael hissed as he threw his glass on the floor, and it shattered. Heads turned his way, but he didn't care. A staff immediately cleaned the floor. He got to his feet and walked several feet away because if he didn't, he was pretty sure his fist would land on J's eye. He loved this guy like a brother, but sometimes, J was too hot-headed—just like he was at the moment.

Pointing his finger at the younger man, he spoke under gritted teeth as he stalked towards him, "You will not do anything. No more bloodshed. This family had enough."

Gael rubbed his scruff and slumped back on the sofa, twisting the ring on his pinky finger as he told J, "For the meantime, return to Australia and oversee the operations there. Do not come back here unless I say so." He took Giovanni's whiskey and downed it, immediately realizing he just broke his abstinence, but he didn't care at the moment. He was too pissed.

J's eyes widened. "For how long?"

"Months. I don't know."

"I just came back. I promised I'll be with my sister on the 25th!" He pressed his hands together and pleaded, "Boss, please. I need to be with my sister."

"You might not even make it to Christmas if you stay here. Do you understand that?"

"I'll bring her with me to Australia then—"

"Too dangerous. She needs medical attention, and you'll be risking her life if you fly her. I'll arrange security while you're away." Gael let out an exhausted sigh. Tonight just flipped 180. "I care about your sister; you know that. I'll make sure she's safe."

J grumbled under his breath, running his fingers through his hair a few times before loosening his tie.

"You'll leave tonight. You made this mess, Jino. You have to own it."

"Okay." After taking off his suit coat and placing it next to him, J leaned back and closed his eyes.

Gael grabbed a clean glass from the table, poured expensive whiskey in it, and slid it in front of J. "Sei un rompicoglioni. Drink."

J sat up, his eyes furrowed as he grabbed the glass. "I know you cursed, but what the hell does that mean?" He took a sip.

"You're a pain in the ass." Gael shook his head. 

"Now that everything's settled. Let's have a little fun." Giovanni waved at someone and a minute later, four women in slinky dresses entered their booth.

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