Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 229 - Addicted

Gael was greeted by familiar darkness when his eyes fluttered open and he saw the ceiling of his room. He'd woken up in the middle of the night before, and he'd either go back to sleep or get up and work out. The feeling of loneliness would settle in where he'd realize once again that he wasn't getting any younger. He was done with fooling around—a quick lay was getting old. 

But because of his affiliations, it wasn't that easy. He would forget about the shift in his wants for a bit and then do what he used to do. And eventually, the time he'd spend with a woman he'd find good enough for the night seemed to lessen. The last woman he'd been with many months ago didn't even last for more than a night. And when his bed was cold, he wished he'd have someone to hold.

'Jesus. Feeling pathetic, are we?' he thought.

However, it all changed when he met Angela again. This woman turned his world upside down, and he lost count of how many times he questioned himself as to why he would do certain things that he didn't really do. He kept his rule about not doing repeats on one-night stands, but damn it! Angela made him want to break that rule. Without even realizing it, she became someone he couldn't sober up from.

He hadn't told anyone about her, but after he left that morning and never saw her again, he had some sleepless nights, wondering where she was or what she was doing. He would only brush it off, thinking that she was nothing more than just the woman he had spent a night with—only she was the best one he'd had. 

It was funny how those feelings he tried to ignore were confirmed tonight. There was just a lot of chemistry between them that was undeniable. Angela's beautiful, funny, had a big heart—and he was just drawn to her for other reasons he couldn't explain. And holy fûck! That sex was terrific—phenomenal—out of this fûcking world—so much better than their three years ago.

Oh, man, and then after that, they showered together—and they did it again there too. You think they were done? After talking for about an hour in bed, somehow, they ended up entangled once again. They were all over each other like they couldn't get enough. And now, she's passed out, laying her head on his right arm with her bare back facing him.

This… This was the kind of feeling and sight he'd want to wake up to all the time—with her in his arms.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Gael glanced at the nightstand and saw the digital clock. It was three in the morning, and he fell asleep about twenty minutes ago. 

Pressing himself against her back, he swept her hair to the side and placed a kiss on her neck. She stirred and leaned into him as he circled his arm around her waist, stroking her abdomen. This felt so good; he didn't want it to end.

"I thought you wouldn't be sleeping," he whispered.

"F-five minutes…" Angela slurred.

He playfully bit her shoulder and then kissed it. Then he teased, "Mhmm… You said that half an hour ago. Are you throwing the towel?"

She chuckled, getting goosebumps from being poked at the small of her back with the head of his penis. Wiggling her butt against his boner, she asked, "How are you still this hard? Do you not deflate ever?" 

Gael glid his hand lower, stroking the part below her navel, tempted to just part her legs and slide in—fûck her brains out—but he didn't.

"I don't know either. It's like my cock wants to make up for all those cold showers. Maybe it wants to just stay inside and not move."

This sent Angela laughing hysterically. She turned around until they were face to face and she rested her hand on his arm. This man was so gorgeous; she was getting butterflies with just him staring. He looked at her with hunger in his eyes—but then again, he'd been looking at her like that all night. 

"My sheath needs to breathe from your sword." Then she peered down and talked to his dick, "Buddy, calm down."

She moved her hand towards his lower abdomen as if she was about to pat it like it was a fûcking pet, but he caught her wrist just in time. "You touch it, and it will get angrier," he warned.

Angela narrowed her eyes at him, a small smile threatening to show on her face. "Now...why do I want to see that?"

"You'll be surprised to see it transform. You might not be ready for it." He bit her fingers lightly, and she shivered.

Gael pulled the blanket over her shoulder and was about to roll out of bed as he said, "I'll get you some clothes. I think I have a shirt that'll fit you and an adjustable bottom somewhere."

She pulled him back to her, stopping him from leaving, and she laid her head on his chest. "More than sleeping, I wanna do something else."

"What is it?"

Raising her head and meeting his eyes, she swallowed and rubbed her tummy. "I wanna eat. I'm actually starving."

Gael liked the way she clung to him. Little by little, Angela became more comfortable in showing affection to him, and every time she did, it felt like delicate hands touched his heart. It was so warm and pleasant. "Well, what do you want to eat? I'll get it for you." Whatever his Angel wants, she'll get.

"I don't know. Can we raid your kitchen?" She scrunched up her nose, and she looked so damn adorable.

He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. "Of course."

Grabbing his Versace boxer briefs, he quickly put them on while Angela wore his black dress shirt, buttoning it halfway up only. He was in his underwear and nothing else, while she was in a shirt and nothing else.

They made their way into his kitchen, opening cupboards and the fridge, only to be disappointed. "What day is it?" Gael asked. 

"Thursday—I mean Friday now. It's dawn."

"Welp. I only have beer and half an apple." He raised the pack in his hand and the apple in the other. "They won't be out for groceries until later in the morning."

Angela stared at the items in his hands. She definitely wanted something else, but she grabbed the slice of apple, unwrapped the cling film from it, and took a bite. "I'm gonna need more. Is there anything that delivers at this time here? I didn't see any fast-food restaurants on the way."

"I'm afraid not." Gael put the beer back inside the fridge and looked around as he contemplated while rubbing his scruff. "I'll drive out and get you something. What do you want?"

Her chewing slowed down, slightly surprised at his offer. "You'd really do that? It's three in the morning."

"Of course," he said matter-of-factly as if that was a no-brainer. "I'm not letting you go hungry."

'Tch. Why does he have to be like this?' she thought as she put down the apple. Then she hooked her arms around his neck, tiptoeing to kiss his lips. "Aww… You're so sweet."

His hands instantly cupped her ass, caressing it lightly. Her skin was so smooth, and it was addictive. "Don't get me wrong; I'm definitely doing this to get in your pants." He winked.

Angela playfully slapped his hard bicep, drawing her brows together as she told him, "Very sly, De Luca." Then she backed away. "Too bad... I was gonna give you some even if you didn't, but oh well. I changed my mind now."

Gael beamed and swiftly pulled her by the elbow, pressing her flush against him. He leaned in, their lips a hair's breadth away as his voice dipped lower, and he said, "Or I could just take it… We still have time until the sun is up, and I'm still keeping my word."

Oh, he was definitely still hard. Goodness, this man… It's like his wood was actually steel!

Angela gently brushed her nose with his, their lips lightly grazing. And just as they kissed, her stomach decided to growl. The two laughed, Gael shaking his head because of the great timing while she covered her mouth in embarrassment.

He took her hand and walked her up the stairs. "Come on. Let's go change. I have to feed you something before you end up eating me—though that doesn't sound so bad now that I think about it." 

She rolled her eyes. "Do you ever think about anything else besides sex?"


"Wow. So honest," she remarked in a voice laced with sarcasm.

A sexy chuckle came out of him. "I do think about something else… But it's your fault, babe. You got me addicted to you."

They reached the master bedroom and headed towards the closet. She tilted her head to the side, "Oh really?"

His arm went around her waist, and he kissed her deeply as if proving something, her back arching as he bent her backward. "Uh-huh. And I don't plan on going into rehab."

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