Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 269 - Stareable

Sometimes, the sweetest words are those that make your heart flutter, your knees buckle, the hair at the back of your neck stand—all at the same time—and yet you'd want to hear them over and over again.

'Get a grip, Angela. You're with your family,' she scolded herself.

The effect it had on her was unordinary as it wasn't just because of the words that Gael told her. It's how he said it. His voice was smooth, thick, and low. She couldn't tell whether he did it on purpose to sound sexy or sweet. It could be both. And to top it off, he'd purposely pressed himself against her back.

'Dear mother of all bunnies, I am not horny.' In her head, she tried to sound convincing but failed.

Admitting that she liked him was unplanned. However, she had a lot more things to tell him—not only that. If not because they were with her family… Why did their timing suck? Also, why was it that when he said the words, it hit differently?

Angela felt a little hopeful hearing his confession. She wanted to hold onto it, but having burnt with words laced with promises made her question–how long until he'd change? Forget about the arranged marriage and his family background. She'd already given him a chance in the past despite knowing his identity, and yet here they were. Biting her lip, she had to clear her throat and take a cleansing breath to brush her ill thoughts away. 'Stop being a pessimist. You're better than this. He just told you he likes you. Be happy about it!'

The staff member called their attention to face the camera, interrupting her inner debate. This would be the first time that she'd have a photo with her family where Gael was present. With his arm around her waist and his hand holding hers, they really looked like a couple.

Curling the corners of her mouth into a smile, she reminded herself that he was here. He'd sacrificed—no, he'd chosen to be here with her…for her. 'Hold on to that,' she thought.

It wasn't lost on him that she was giving in. He was perfectly aware that this was only temporary, but he'd take what he could get. So he took advantage of the chance and kissed her temple, his eyes closing as if savoring the moment. His heart was full of wishes he'd silently prayed nearly every night since they'd gotten together.

She squeezed his hand, looked up at him, and met his magnetic grey eyes. He smiled, tightening his hold on her.

A few more photos were taken where everyone's smiles were genuine. Angela's hate and love relationship with her family was nothing but a normal occurrence. It was Christmas eve, and it was a blessing that she got to spend it with them—or that she had a family, differences be damned. For a second, she forgot about the petty stuff and tried to enjoy the moment while basking in Gael's warm, cozy arms.

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The Sus ate at a long table made up of joined rectangular ones. There were nearly twenty of them, and they were the only ones in the clubhouse, enjoying a scrumptious lunch before the resort closes for the day. Today would most likely be the last day they'd get together as a family before the year ended, and it's when they would decide who hosts the Christmas party for next year. 

While the elders casually conversed over the meal, Lyra finished her food fast, only eating a tiny amount as she was on a diet in preparation for her wedding day. She spent the rest of the time on her phone, engaging with her friends on social media who had commented and liked her recent post of the photos taken a while ago. She liked to always be up to date, so she uploaded events and selfies promptly.

A smile brightened her face as she tapped her screen. Her brows raised when she saw a notification of a direct message from someone she hadn't talked to in a while. She read it.

[ Hey beautiful, how's it going? ]

The last conversation she had with this person was years ago. And after seeing the message, she side-glanced Angela, who sat beside her, before typing her response.

[ Lyra: Oh hey... Doing ok. Hbu? You in town? ]

[ I'm great. Still in Greece atm but I'll be home soon. ]

[ Lyra: Thank you for your service. ?‍♀️ ]

[ ? Saw your recent family pic. Good to see everyone's doing well. And you're getting married too. Congratulations! ]

[ Lyra: Aww.. thank you, Evan. Yes! I'll be Mrs. Jones in a few months! ]

[ Cool. Was that Angie's new beau? ]

His last message caused her to glance at Angela again, questions running in her head as she looked at her and Gael sitting next to each other very closely. When she didn't respond right away, another text came her way.

[ Don't worry. She and I are ok. We don't talk but I'm happy she's moved on. So tell me about this guy she's dating. ]

Tapping the side of her phone, Lyra contemplated for a while before finally replying, a slight hint of a smile forming on her lips as she did.


Meanwhile, Angela felt hot—a total opposite of the weather outside. She wished for snow to come and rain on her, but judging by how close Gael sat beside her, she was certain that snow would melt even before it lands on them.

She wasn't uncomfortable, though. Not at all. Just…hyperaware of his thick thigh pressed against hers, side torso flushed against her arm, and his arm around her shoulder. He was very casual about it while talking to her father, uncles, and cousins as if his actions were very natural. Even his fingers lightly stroked the tip of her shoulder.

There were constant goosebumps all over her—good thing she wore long sleeves. But for the life of her, she could not move away. Angela actually enjoyed this, and she hated that she knew he knew she did. Damn it.

She shifted in her seat as she pretended to care what the men were talking about. It was mostly about real estate and properties. As if noticing her uneasiness, Gael turned his head and caught her gaze. "You okay?" he probed, and she nodded.

He narrowed his eyes at her, studying her face, but her neutral expression didn't give away her real feeling. He was drawn to her pretty lips. They were pinkish and waiting for him to taste them, and damn if he wasn't tempted to kiss her in front of everyone. He could. He totally could. Should he?

"You're staring," she mumbled.

"You're stareable."

A small crease ghosted between her brows, and she looked adorable; it made him chuckle. His soft laughter sounded sexy, and she was a little pissed that he might be doing it on purpose, seeing as he subtly moved even closer. She couldn't possibly tell him not to sit so closely. Her reluctance might catch her family's attention. She was a sitting duck, so all she could do was whisper, "Stop doing that."

Gael cocked a brow. "Do what? I'm just sitting."

'Sure. You're a sly crook,' she thought. 'Stop staring at me like you want me.'

He suddenly remembered something, so he pulled out an item from inside a compartment of his golf bag and placed it in front of her. "You did that on purpose."

Angela's eyes widened when she saw the pink tumbler with the suggestive print. [ IF IT REQUIRES PANTS OR A BRA, IT'S NOT HAPPENING TODAY. ] Talk about embarrassment! The text was facing her—thank goodness—and not her family. But it didn't help that Gael thought she gave it to him on purpose. "You know I did not."

"Sure." He smiled a crooked one as he took a sip of lemon water. "It'll be the best present, just so you know."

Her jaw dropped, and she blinked several times. She was just about to protest when Lyra asked her a question, "Hey, are you still in TLR?"

The Luxe Residences was her old apartment building. Angela shook her head. "I moved out."

"To where?"

She arched a brow and did not say anything, which prompted Lyra to scoff and say, "I'm just making conversation. Whatever. I don't really care." And then her cousin proceeded to play with her phone again. Angela gave the other a once-over before facing Gael again. She lifted a shoulder, finding Lyra strange as always but immediately paid her no mind. 

Soon after, their lunch ended, and everyone stood up, ready to leave.

"Do you play chess?" Charlie asked Gael as they headed out of the clubhouse. "I'd like to invite you for a game at home."

"Dad," Angela chimed in. Gael had already delayed flying to New York to see his family. She didn't want to keep him much longer. "He still has a flight to catch. He's—"

"I'd love that, Charlie. My flight can wait." Gael pulled a genuine smile, ignoring her protest. 

His response overwhelmed her that he once again chose to spend more time with them instead of leaving. This was such an eventful Christmas eve.

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