Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 288 - Pompous

Thursday — December 27

The song "Thief" by Ansel Elgort softly played through the smart speaker in Nina's living room. The room was a mix of grey, pink, and white—and it was cozy. Angela visited her best friend in the afternoon and even brought Honey with her. Like what she told Gael a couple of days ago, she decided to stay at her father's mansion for the time being. But since Oliver and her father went back to work yesterday, she got bored staying indoors in the huge house.

It was a bit strange for her to feel that way when she was already used to being alone. Perhaps it's because she'd been working nonstop for the past few months and suddenly not doing anything made her feel uneasy. Angela promised herself that she'd take a break for the remaining days of the year. She didn't have to start working again until a couple of weeks later. 

Though if she were being honest, this little break was a bit of torture. She was dying to start her new story already. But Nina was also adamant that she take a break. She'd get an earful if she did otherwise. "You finished four books this year. You deserve a month-long break!" were Nina's words. Angela negotiated to take a short break of only two weeks, but she had yet to convince Nina.

"Has he called you today?" Nina asked, referring to Gael. She shoved a spoonful of cookies and cream ice cream into her mouth as she slumped back on the sofa with her legs up. 

Angela had told her friend earlier that he kept in contact since he left. It was mostly a few minutes of call in the evenings and morning texts. She shook her head. "Just a text this morning. He's probably busy."

"Of what? Sitting on top of his gold bars?"

"He has gold bars?"

"I don't know, Anj. You tell me. You've been to his house here and in New York."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm sorry. I didn't have time to snoop around and go full-on Nancy Drew on his properties. I'll be sure to video call you when I have the chance."

A naughty smile appeared on Nina's face, her brows wiggling up and down. "Show me how much porn he stashed or if he has any toys. Did he use toys on—I mean 'in' you? Did you like it?"

Angela tossed a throw pillow at her pervert of a friend. Nina kicked the pillow away with her right foot while shouting, "Hey! I'm eating!" The two laughed while throwing pillows at each other.

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Angela ended up telling Nina some truths on what she talked about with Gael last Christmas eve. So she knew her best friend was only trying to lighten up the mood after their serious conversation.  Nina had been her best friend for a very long time; she believed their years of friendship mattered and that it was strong enough to face the situation.

Although she told her friend that Gael didn't plan to marry Lauretta, she didn't say how he and his family intended to bring down the Morellis. As far as Nina knew, Angela had no idea what would happen. And that Angela was only hoping things would be better between her and Gael. 

Nina's response eased the burden that Angela carried in her chest: "I sure hope he doesn't marry that witch. For his sake. Or he'll die in frustration."

Angela felt a lot better after talking to her best friend about it. She still wasn't happy that she had to keep things from the other. However, this was already progress. It wasn't that she didn't trust Nina. It's that Gael trusted her with the partial information and it didn't feel right to tattle, even to her best friend.

By telling Angela what he told her a few nights ago, Gael was already breaking their code—again. She didn't want to put him in a more difficult situation than he already was.

The front door of the apartment chimed and the two friends turned their heads to see Lauretta coming inside. Honey immediately hopped off the sofa and barked at the woman who just came in, seemingly defensive—or perhaps territorial.

"Oh, my god. What is that ugly-looking thing?" Lauretta's disgusted face scrunched up as she looked at Honey from a few meters away. She remained standing on the entryway as Honey blocked her path.

Hearing how she insulted Honey, Angela's heart twisted. How could Lauretta call the adorable fluffball ugly? Was she blind? Angela furrowed her brows and was just about to speak when her best friend beat her to it.

"If she's ugly, then you're monstrous," spat Nina.

Lauretta rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Get that thing away, I need to get something from the bedroom."

"Honey, come." Angela patted the space next to her. 

Honey, whose eyes were locked at the stranger, took a step back before turning around and then jumping onto Angela's lap. She settled in a sitting position, but her eyes never left the rude woman.

Lauretta walked deeper into the apartment and stopped by the bedroom door. "Ah, right. How are you and William, Angela? Am I going to hear wedding bells soon too?" She laughed in a carefree manner. "Forgive me. Now that I'm getting married in a month, all I think about is the wedding."

In a month? The words rang in Angela's head. What was she talking about? Gael hadn't told her anything about a date. Was that supposed to happen soon? A month wasn't that far away. Her heart began to beat faster.

And as if Honey could sense her uneasiness, she nudged Angela's hand with her snout and whimpered.

"You're getting married in a month?" Nina questioned what Angela was thinking.

"Uh-huh. In fact, I'm flying to New York tomorrow to buy my dress," answered Lauretta. Her phone rang and when she checked the screen, she glanced up at them, a small smile growing on her face. "I have to take this. My husband-to-be is calling me." She waved her phone and then placed it against her ear. "Hey, babe. I was just thinking about you…" she said to the caller as she stepped inside the bedroom, leaving the door open. Her voice could still be heard from the living room, but it was incomprehensible.

"Anj," Nina called when she noticed her best friend stare at nothing in particular. "Don't mind her. She's crazy."

Snapping out of her trance, Angela swallowed the lump in her throat. With how Gael had been treating her these days, she didn't want to believe what Lauretta was trying to do. A little part of her couldn't help but ache. There was no way that Gael would call Lauretta, was there? No. There couldn't be.

Sighing, Nina set the tub of ice cream on the coffee table and patted Angela's arm. "Text or call him if you want to find out. I'm like ninety percent sure that my crazy cousin is lying."

That's what Angela thought too. And it wouldn't hurt to try, right? God knows she wouldn't be at ease unless she found out. She checked the bedroom and Lauretta was still on the phone. Taking out her phone, Angela shot Gael a text.

[ Angela: Hi… you busy? ]

Was that a strange message? He wouldn't think she was being clingy by texting him in the middle of the day, would he? Before her thoughts could wander, her phone beeped, and her thumb couldn't tap the Read button any faster.

[ Gael: I was driving. Just parked. What's up? ]

Lauretta stepped out of the bedroom and entered the living room with the phone still attached to the side of her face. She laughed in exaggeration. "Awww, babe, you're so sweet."

Angela's phone rang, and Gael's caller I.D. flashed on the screen. She gripped her phone, relief washing over her body. 

A broad smile ghosted on Nina's face as she whispered, "I told you."

Angela felt silly for even thinking that Gael would contact Lauretta. Glancing down at her screen, she bit her bottom lip. It was three in the afternoon and he wasn't supposed to call her until later that night. But she couldn't deny that she needed to hear his voice; especially after the little anxiety she just experienced.

"Hey," she answered his call as she got up and headed to the balcony, passing by Lauretta who was still pretending to be in a call with her "husband-to-be".

"Everything okay?" Gael asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah. It's nothing… I was bored."

He sighed and softly chuckled. The sound was music to her ears. "You could say you miss me, you know," he told her, and she chuckled with him. And just like that, the uneasiness left her heart.

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