Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 297 - Ridiculously Green

Saturday — December 29

As a tradition, Su Corporation hosted a year-end party on the last week of December for its employees and business partners. Hundreds of guests filled up the massive event hall in the Four Seasons Hotel that's decorated with black, gold, and red. The interior looked luxurious and alive. Everyone enjoyed the food and the live band playing on stage.

Wearing a gold mermaid evening dress that sparkled under the chandelier, Angela looked stunning and regal. She didn't particularly care about the company's parties but had to make sure she attended all of them. This year had been a roller coaster ride, and she wanted to enjoy the remaining days before the new year started.

Feeling positive, she smiled as she observed the guests around her. Angela stood near the stage with a glass of champagne in hand. The company had a raffle event tonight, so she could see everyone's excitement. Her father and brother always made sure to give back to their employees, so the gifts were generous—from electronics to expensive appliances to spa services and a holiday trip for two. If she were an employee, she would definitely want that holiday trip. Who wouldn't want an all-expenses-paid vacation?

Noticing a presence next to her, she turned and saw her brother in a sharp tuxedo. "Congrats on the project," she greeted.

"Thanks. I worked hard for that shît."

"I'm really proud of you, Oli. You've come a long way from not caring about the business to actually grinding your butt off."

Oliver fixed his tie with a proud smirk plastered on his face. "What can I say? I'm a changed man."

"Yeah. You're almost perfect."

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"Almost?" he protested. "I am perfect!"

"I'll think about admitting that when you get a girlfriend and stay with her for at least half a year."

"Damn, Sis." He clutched his chest as if he was hurt. "You don't play. It's not my fault we don't work out."

Angela shrugged. "Sure. Maybe if you stop thinking with the brain between your legs, then something might work out for you."

Oliver clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes at his sister; then, he threw an arm around her shoulder. "Have I offended you or something? Why are you attacking me like a warrior tonight? Just because you're in a relationship, you're rubbing it to my single face? You show no mercy."

She jokingly brushed his arm off her and gave him an eye.

"Ah, right… I have an update on Herman," he changed the subject.

Her brows raised upon hearing the familiar name that stressed her out this month. "What about him?"

"He was seen in a convenience store in the north outside of Mayne. The police tried to track him down, but they didn't find him."

"What's he doing there? They should keep searching. One can't stay hidden for a long time."

Oliver nodded. "A team was already sent to keep an eye out for the area. We'll get him, don't worry."

"Who are we trying to get?" a man chimed in behind them.

The siblings turned around and saw Vincent Stone with a smile on his face. "Vincent," Angela greeted.

The two men shook hands, and Vincent kissed Angela's cheek. "Nice to see you again, Su."

"I thought you couldn't make it," Oliver remarked.

"Yeah… I had to get away. Turns out Mayne City is such an exciting place to stay. So who are you guys looking for?"

Angela and Oliver exchanged looks before she began filling Vincent in about the orphanage and how her school project wouldn't happen. The orphanage was already in the hands of a reputable organization working on circumstances like this. While it was sad to know that this kind of situation was rampant, Angela was glad that the organization was able to help the kids from the orphanage. 

"I'm sorry you went through all of that to introduce me to Ms. Cox," she said.

He waved a hand to dismiss it. "Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. I'm sure you'll have something to work on in the future. Let's just hope that the bastard will be found soon. I can't stand scumbags like him." His jaw ticked and he looked quite pissed at what he heard.

Angela remembered that Vincent was an orphan, so he spent some time in an orphanage when his parents died. Hearing about this matter must have infuriated him.

Oliver left to meet some guests, leaving the two behind. Angela and Vincent were talking about his plans for the new year when a photographer approached them for a picture. Seeing as the photographer had an ID attached to his shirt, Angela and Vincent knew he was part of the hired team for the press. So the two of them posed for a shot.


Brooklyn, New York

Gael was at Nonna Flavia's for dinner with his family, just like the previous nights. They had just finished dinner and he was sitting in the living room when his phone hummed. It was a message from Becca. His brows furrowed, unsure of what she texted him for.

[ Becca: Are you two okay? Just saw this from a friend. Thought it should be you with her and not Mr. Stone. ]

The crease between his brows deepened further as he tapped the link that brought him to what seemed to be a photographer's page on Instagram. He'd posted a photo of a beautiful Angela and the Rock, smiling at the camera while standing close to each other. The Rock's hand was casually placed on her waist.

Was this karma? Revenge? Why did it seem like he was at the receiving end of something that happened yesterday? Fate must be playing with him. This was why Gael didn't like social media. It was a pain in the ass.

"Oh… Who's that fella next to our Angela?" Giovanni asked as he sunk onto the sofa to Gael's left. He grabbed Gael's hand that was holding the phone so he could check the picture properly.

"OMG! She's so pretty!" Gabriella chimed to Gael's right, pulling her brother's hand towards her to get a good look at the post. The two nosey De Lucas sandwiched him. "Wait… Isn't that the same guy at the restaurant we went to that day? Vincent Stone…" she read the caption on the post and gasped. "That's Mr. Stone?"

"Who's that?" Giovanni wondered.

"Only one of the hottest and richest bachelors in Cali!" She nudged Gael on the shoulder. "Are you guys like a throuple and Mr. Stone's the third one?"

Giovanni's face scrunched up. "What the hell is a throuple?"

"A three-way relationship!"

Having had enough, Gael took his phone back and got to his feet.  He headed out of the house, wanting to get to his club to blow off some steam. Giovanni followed him out, but Gael paid his uncle no mind. He thought about texting Angela, but he didn't want to sound like an overly jealous and possessive boyfriend. He scoffed. Boyfriend. He couldn't even call himself that.

"I'll drive." Giovanni got in the driver's seat before he could and left him no choice, so Gael climbed into the other side and let his uncle drive.

With his mind still flashing images of the post he just saw, he reminded himself that he had no right or no reason to feel bad about it. However, he just couldn't help it and sent her a text.

[ Gael: Having fun? ]

The seconds ticked away and every beat got him impatient. It took her a few fûcking minutes to respond. She must really be having fun.

"You're looking green." Giovanni chortled.

Gael ignored the jab and then he got a response.

[ Angel: Yeah, it's alright. ]

A string of Italian curses escaped under his gritted teeth. "Yeah? All right? What kind of answer is that?" He cursed again.

"What did she say?" asked Giovanni.

"Just drive!" Gael pushed the chair backward and slumped against it, seemingly pissed. Why was he feeling so worked up about this? He thought it was ridiculous.

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