Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 303 - On The Sly

This. This was how "home" smelled like.


Her hair, her neck, her everything. Gael couldn't believe he'd gone nearly a week of not being this close to her. She was like a drug that he didn't want to get over from, yet he was forced into rehab during the days they were apart. 

He was probably crushing her with how tight his embrace was, but he couldn't help it. He missed her so much.

Footsteps from several feet away caught his attention, and when he looked up and saw Angela's father and brother, a chill ran down his spine. He slowly released her as he whispered, "Your family's here."

As if Angela had just remembered it, she immediately stepped back and turned around to face her brother and father, a tinge of pink coloring her cheeks.

"So you flew from New York?" Oliver wondered.

Gael glanced at Chairman Su and then at Angela before he nodded and answered Oliver, "Yes."

Oliver looked at his sister who averted her gaze and decided to stare at the floor. "Huh… Interesting," he mumbled under his breath.

"Charlie." Gael stepped forward and shook hands with Chairman Su. "It's nice to see you again."

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"I'm glad you're here." Chairman Su returned the handshake and turned to Oliver and said, "Come on, Son. Let's go home."

"All right," Oliver agreed. He went to his sister and hugged her. "Call us if you need anything."

"Thanks, Oli."

Angela walked her family out the door after giving her father a tight hug. As they paused outside and looked at the floor where blood was still present, the air was silent for a minute as though they each imagined what had happened. There was yellow tape that cordoned off a portion of the hallway, allowing only a small path for the homeowners to pass through. The investigation was still ongoing, and a couple of police officers stayed behind to guard the area.

"Get someone to clean this as soon as the investigation is done," Chairman Su told his assistant as he pointed at the bloody floor and Angela's door.

Confused, she followed the direction of her father's gaze, and horror filled her face. There were bloodstains on her door, doorbell, and door frame. It must have been from the time that Mrs. Robinson came for help. How could she have not seen this earlier? Until the investigation was over, the crime scene wouldn't be cleaned. 

Seeing the blood on her door caused her to step backward and bump against Gael's chest. Knowing what scared her, he took her hand and stepped in front of her so she wouldn't have to see it anymore. Angela's family left after bidding goodbye one more time.

"I'll be right back," Gael told Angela before speaking to Rick in Italian in the hallway as if the stench of blood didn't bother them.

Since she couldn't handle the smell and the sight of it, Angela turned around and headed to the kitchen.

Not a minute later, she heard the door close, and footsteps grew behind her. "Can I get you anything?" she asked while already taking out a glass and mug from her cupboard and turning on her Keurig coffee machine.

"Coffee. Thanks." He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he observed her from the hallway. She was still wearing an evening gown, and he knew she looked beautiful even by just looking at her from behind.

Feeling eyes on her, Angela glanced up at him and smoothed down her hair. She was pretty sure it was messed up from the chaos that happened earlier. "I should probably change out of this…" She looked down at her dress and breathed out.

Angela cleared out the cups used earlier, put them in the sink, and ran some water on them. As she leaned against the counter absentmindedly, she felt strong hands glide on her waist, then his arms locked around her frame.

"What's on your mind?" he asked in a gentle tone beside her head.

Her eyes involuntarily closed, feeling his warmth surrounding her. There was a faint smell of alcohol from him, but his familiar scent was stronger that she let him stay in place. "A lot… The gunshots… The blood… The Robinsons." She turned around but remained in his cage and looked up at him with eyes full of longing. "You being here… I can't believe you're here."

"Me neither."

"H-How? Why did you fly all the way here?" she probed despite already knowing the answer. 

Gael's brows drew together. "Do you really have to ask?"

Right. She didn't, and that was dumb. But sometimes, she just needed to hear it from him.

"Do you not want me here?" he questioned when she didn't say anything.

Angela let out a sigh, and her hands unknowingly clung to his shirt. "I do."

"I got here as fast as I could."

"I'm sorry you had to."

"Don't be. It was second nature. I've wanted to come back the moment I left your house." He pushed back a lock of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear, cupping her cheek as he gazed into her eyes.

Her phone on the counter space next to her buzzed and a message notification from Vincent flashed on the screen. She saw Gael had glanced at it before his eyes went back to her. He dropped his hand and stepped back, putting some space between them as if giving her permission to do what she had to do.

She reached for her phone, closed it, and ignored the text.

Clearing her throat, she clenched the skirt of her dress when she felt the atmosphere go slightly awkward. "So… How long are you staying?"

Gael rubbed his nape and thought for a second. His face softened when he told her, "I have a business meeting tomorrow at 9 in the morning."

The hopeful look on Angela's face fell as soon as he answered. "Oh… I see…" She nodded and took a deep breath. That was understandable. He's been busy since he went away. It shouldn't be a surprise that he's still busy tomorrow. But he just got here. She thought he'd at least stay for a day.

It was as though she'd heard her heart wince when she said, "So… you'll have to leave again soon."

"Come with me."

"What?" Her brows raised upon hearing his invitation. He'd said it as if he was inviting her to go to the nearest supermarket or coffee shop. 

"Come back to New York with me," he clarified. "You don't have anything on your calendar for at least two weeks, right? And Nina had been telling you to go on a trip to rest up before your next project. This would be good for you. And honestly, Angel… I've been uneasy since I left. Rick is here, but even then, I still can't stop worrying about you. We were more than a thousand miles apart."

"That's too far…" A tiny smile showed on Angela's face at his honesty. He waited for her answer, but she had a lot to consider. "What about New Year?"

"What about it? We'll celebrate it there."

"I mean… I'm supposed to celebrate it with my dad and Oli…" She could already imagine how it would go when she calls her father. Although they didn't have grand celebrations in the past, they were always together for Christmas and New Year. "And what about Lauretta?"

Gael's brows knitted together as if the mere mention of the woman's name vexed him. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I don't know about you, but I don't want to celebrate New Year with her. That's one of the worst things that could happen to me."

Angela rolled her eyes. "That's not what I'm saying… I mean…she's there. What if she finds out I'm there? That wouldn't be good for you or your family."

Understanding filled his expression, and he reassured her, "Let me worry about that. You just have to come with me, and I'll take care of the rest."

Her bottom lip curled inward, and she chewed on it as she contemplated.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

Angela's heart raced, and she had to swallow the lump in her throat as she nodded. "Okay."

A handsome smile flashed on his face as he closed the distance between them. "I'll help you pack your stuff."

Her hands went up to his chest when he wrapped his arms around her waist again. She'd just agreed to something crazy. But then again, this wouldn't be the first time that she goes with him on a New York trip—only it would be longer than a day this time. "What about Honey?"

"I already sent Rick to get her. They'll meet us at the airport."

"You already sent Rick to pick her up?" Angela arched a brow in confusion. "How did you know I would agree to go back with you? What if I had said no?"

A deep rumble of laughter came out of him. But instead of answering her question, Gael leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. She seemed to have forgotten her question when she slid her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

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