Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 385 - Timing

They said "Timing is everything", and Gael believed that. No matter how much you plan, things just happen, and there is nothing you can do about it.                                                                                                   

You could have control over some things but chose not to for the mere fact that you're being lenient, just like allowing J to come home because Gael couldn't ignore Mika's sulking. Jesus Christ, that girl was cheekier than Gabriella. After talking to J yesterday, Gael expected him to come back later tonight after ensuring their business in Australia.

Most importantly, Gael believed that today was the right time to tell Angela what he'd been holding in for a while. And he would do it properly because she deserved it.

Gael was at SVR Corp that morning. It was one of those days when he needed to show up in the office instead of working remotely. He had meetings since eight, and it was already two in the afternoon when he got the chance to eat his late lunch. An office secretary assigned to him sent him his food as soon as he entered his office, and he quickly ate before working on some papers.

Just after he finished eating, his phone rang. It was Andrew McCarthy calling him. They agreed to meet that day, and Gael thought he'd go to the other's office, but McCarthy said he didn't mind dropping by SVR Corp since he was only a couple of blocks away after an appointment.

Half an hour later, Gael's secretary informed him that McCarthy had arrived. The latter entered his office and shook hands with Gael before they sat at the lounge set in front of the desk. After the secretary served them coffee, McCarthy handed Gael a folder. It contained the contract that Gael gave him last week—and it was unsigned.

McCarthy took a generous sip of his coffee and looked at Gael over the rim of his cup. "Does this have anything to do with the fact that I dated Angela?"

The corner of Gael's lips curled into a small smile. McCarthy was referring to him pulling out the offer to invest in the new firm that he was supposed to open. 

"Don't flatter yourself, Mr. McCarthy. I'm not that petty. I would have gone through it even with your history with my girlfriend," he said—although he would have dropped him in a heartbeat if Angela said she wasn't comfortable with it.

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This seemed to appease McCarthy that he offered a smile before setting the cup down on the table. "Then do you mind if I ask why you're withdrawing your proposal? I thought you wanted to build your own firm?"

Gael took a deep breath before sipping his coffee, the luxurious scent invading his nostrils as he lingered on it. "I did… I still do. Just not the way I planned." He met the other's curious stare and watched as McCarthy tried to make a read on him, but Gael kept his face neutral.

Andrew slightly leaned forward, and Gael took it as a sign that he was interested in this new information. It was what Gael wanted, and he patiently listened when Andrew said, "As you know… We have a huge network, Mr. De Luca. Perhaps we could benefit from each other. Care to share?"

This was what Gael was hoping for, actually. And he didn't mind letting Andrew McCarthy in with his plan. There was something about the man that made him feel like he could trust him. It was strange as Gael didn't easily trust anyone—especially not someone who once dated Angela. However, he needed the McCarthys' network, and he would take advantage of this opening. And to gain the man's trust and business, he had to give something too.

"I guess I could tell you a little secret…" Gael started, keeping the air mysterious. McCarthy's face glowed in curiosity. Good. He was eager to find out what made Gael change his plans. "Kline Morgan Holdings. You heard of them?"

Unsure where this conversation was taking, Andrew McCarthy's brows rose up. "Heard? Who hasn't heard about Kline Morgan in New York? I heard they sold Kline's to an outsider. Their subsidiaries are remunerative, so we've been trying to get their account for our advertising and marketing company. What about them?"

'So I've heard,' Gael thought. He knew this much from his research about the McCarthys long before this whole Keith Perry thing. This bit of information was somewhere in the investigation he had done while preparing to pitch his new firm. The once useless information was now something Gael could actually make use of.

Crossing his legs and leaning back against the armchair, Gael told Andrew in a neutral yet confident tone, "I'm acquiring Morgan's share. We're drafting the contract as we speak."

Andrew McCarthy's mouth hung open for a second before he recovered himself, his brows drawing together as he absorbed the information. "Holy shit. That's a huge share. Morgan's really selling it?"

Gael smirked. The thought of buying out the considerable part of the company was insane, yet also probably the best decision Gael would ever make. Morgan's share held forty-nine percent of the company—equal to Kline's that was now Keith Perry's. While the other two percent was owned by a silent investor whom he was still tracking down to purchase those too. He was positive that Perry was also looking for that investor.

"Let's just say…" Gael paused, his fingers tapping his thigh as he thought. "Morgan has no choice but to sell. And he can only sell it to me."

McCarthy met Gael's ruthless gaze—his eyes were ablaze as he pictured out his hand around Perry's throat—figuratively—maybe even literally, though Giovanni would love to do that, not him. Who said the Morellis could worm their way into the De Lucas' territory? They could only wish. 

Gael felt a current run throughout his body just thinking about going face to face with them. Everything would slowly fall into place—as it should be.

He was certain the Morellis were behind this move. What else would Perry be doing in the city? But that's okay; two could play in this game. It just so happened that Gael was a better businessman.

And you know what they say… Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Andrew McCarthy nodded, his smile now back on his face. "Well, in that case… I guess I'll have my team from the advertising company prepare a proposal. That is, if you really don't mind having to work with me."

"Not at all. Business is business." Besides, Gael was now confident that nothing was ever going to happen between McHandsy and Angela. The two were done. He still did not like the fact that they had a history together, but he was willing to forget about it. He'd try to, anyway.

McCarthy got to his feet and buttoned his suit, and Gael got up as well. "I'm impressed. You're more professional and mature than I thought you were. And…looks like we're going to be working more in the future if you're able to close your deal with Morgan."

"Not if, but when. I'm positive it will," replied Gael. He didn't say it, but he was also looking forward to using the McCarthys' vast network to give him a break into the field. The De Lucas and SVR Corp had connections, but come on; there was no such thing as too many connections. 

"Then I'm looking forward to it." They reached the door, and McCarthy paused. "This is why I was willing to sign with you in the first place. Your confidence when it comes to business is…inspiring. Thank you for your time, Mr. De Luca. I'll see you again soon."

They shook hands, and McCarthy was about to leave when Gael stopped him. For some reason, Gael was suddenly curious, wanting to avoid driving Angela away like what Andrew did while they were together. He didn't ask Angela details, and curiosity was eating him up. He just had to know. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

Andrew McCarthy faced him, his brows knitted for a second before understanding dawned on him. "Let me guess… You want to know what happened between Angela and me." Gael didn't answer, but he inserted his hands into his pockets as he remained silent and waited for the other to continue. "I'm not surprised she didn't tell you, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to share—probably just my ego."

"If it's too hard—"

"It's okay." Andrew took a deep breath and looked to the side as though he recalled the past. "I asked her to move to New York with me after I told her I love her for the first time since we started dating. It was obvious that she was caught off-guard and didn't say it back. And the next thing I know when I woke up the next morning, she was gone, leaving a message saying she couldn't do it anymore." He softly chuckled. "I got dumped through a letter."

Fucking timing. Now what? Gael clenched his jaw as tonight's plan just started crumbling.

"You're lucky to have her," Andrew added. "I'll see you around, mate." He walked out of the office, leaving Gael stewing over the fact that his confidence just went down a notch after stupidly asking McHandsy.

Great. Just great.

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