Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 426 - One Roof

Angela and Gael headed to Oakwood, bringing with them several boxes of her books so she could work over the weekend. She decided not to eat the cake that Mrs. Robinson left at her door, feeling only slightly guilty when she passed by their unit on their way out. But instead of tossing the cake, Gael gave it to a homeless person three blocks away. 

They dropped by at Nina's apartment to get her stuff. Angela had already told her best friend that she was going home while she packed her things. She knew that Nina would be alone when she comes home later, so she and Gael tidied up the place and ordered some dinner for her which they left in the fridge with a note.

Staying with her best friend for a week felt like an extended sleepover, and she was thankful that she could always count on her whenever. But just like Gael said, he wouldn't be comfortable staying there. He might not be exceptionally comfortable staying in her father's mansion too, but the place was much bigger, so it had more breathing room compared to Nina's apartment.

She couldn't let him stay in a hotel even if he could afford it. Besides, they could do many things in her father's house. She could show him all the places and activities she used to do with Oliver when they were kids. Angela was pretty excited. She wasn't this excited when Gael first came to that house. It was strange.

Gael drove the Escalade because he wanted to spend all of his time with Angela alone as much as he could. Their week-long separation felt like an eternity without her. He couldn't bear to part ways even for a second now. He only brought Rick with him while his other men were in New York, spread out to do work that he delegated before he left. Rick rode with Santiago in another vehicle, and they would also stay in Oakwood with them.

Angela glanced at Gael, watching his side profile as he concentrated on the road. His hair grew longer, reaching the top of his ears, and his beard needed a trim, but he had never been more handsome than now with the late afternoon sunshine beaming through the window and shining on his face. He had on a pair of wayfarers, sitting on his sharp nose. She couldn't help but smile, her heart fluttering, and so was her stomach. 

Just a week ago, she left because she couldn't take having to share him with another woman—even if it wasn't his choice. Now that he was back to her, Angela never wanted to leave his side. She'd been the happiest since last night.

Noticing her eyes on him, he glanced at her, a smile ghosting on his face. "Baby, I'm driving. You gotta stop undressing me with your eyes."

She threw her head back, laughing. "Oh, you have no idea... In my head, you never wear any clothes."

Gael laughed with her, hitting the breaks at a stoplight. "Come here. Gimme those lips."

Angela leaned across and laid a soft kiss on his lips. "Mm…"

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"Don't make that sound." He groaned, shifting in his seat uncomfortably with the immediate hard-on he was sporting. Damn it. This woman was a walking and talking aphrodisiac. He swore all she had to do was breathe, and his cock would go hard.

She giggled as she sat back in her seat, twining their fingers together while he drove with his left hand. Gael checked the rear-view mirror and saw his bruises through the reflection. He cursed under his breath. "Your dad's gonna think I'm trouble. You sure it's a good idea?"

"He already thinks that, but he still likes you anyway." Angela squeezed his hand. "Don't worry about it. Your wounds add character to your face. You look badass." She grinned.

Gael scoffed, shaking his head. "You give me too much credit."

Her phone buzzed in her purse, and she whipped it out to check the notification. An unlisted number was calling her, and just like usual, she ignored it. When Gael asked her who it was, she told him it was unsaved. He already knew she didn't answer unknown callers.

Just then, Gael's phone rang, and he fished it out from his inner coat pocket. It was Gabby's new phone. He answered it, and his sister asked if he was with Angela. "It's Gabby. She wants to talk to you." He handed her his phone.

Angela received it, realizing it was the same number that called her just now. Just as she said "Hello", Gabby squealed, causing Angela to pull the phone away from her ear.

"OH MY GOD!!! I cannot believe you got me signed copies of Galatea K.S.! Personalized too!!! She freakin' knows my name! I love you, Angela! How can I ever repay you?"

Angela chuckled at Gabby's excitement. Gael told her earlier that they had sent her gift to Chicago yesterday, so it must have just arrived today. She had left the package with Trigger, who forgot about it because of everything that happened and only had the chance to give it to Gabriela.

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry about it. I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? I love it! How did you get the new book? Chasing Fire wasn't even available until last Sunday, and Trigger told me you left this last week?"

She exchanged glances with Gael who was grinning as he drove. Gabby's voice was too loud; they could hear her excitement over the call even if it wasn't on speaker. "I…had some help. A friend of a friend knows the publisher, so I got in a favor." She bit her lip, not liking that she had to lie to Gabby.

"Ugh. You are so lucky. I'M so lucky! Please send me your address. I want to give you something too!" Gabby said.

"It's okay. You don't have to—"

"Please? It will make me feel better. I really want to."

"Alright. Fine. I'll be staying at my father's house for a while. I'll text you the address later. How are you there, by the way?" Angela's voice softened, feeling worried that Gabby had married the enemy to save their family. Her heart broke a little when Gael told her about it this morning. She couldn't imagine how Gabby must be feeling, having lost J not too long ago and then doing something Angela didn't think she herself didn't have the courage to do.

Gabby sighed, but there was still a little enthusiasm in her voice. "I'm doing fine. I don't really do much here except read, sleep, listen to music, and paint. Other than that, I'm just…watching time pass by."

Right. Gabby was an artist. Back in New York, she showed Angela an album of her artworks saved on her phone. Gabby was unbelievably good! Her art was the kind that people would pay to see in museums. She painted abstracts and portraits, but most of her works were modern impressionism with vivid colors. They were all impressive. Angela told her she should open a gallery, but Gabby said it was just a hobby.

"Are they treating you okay? How is he? Is he good to you?" Angela wondered, keeping her voice low even though Gael would still hear it.

There was a moment of pause, and Angela could hear a muffled voice of a man talking to Gabby before the latter came back to the call. "Hey, Anj… I will have to call you again next time."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Mariano just told me I have to go to a party with him. I need to get dressed."

"Oh…" Angela exchanged looks with Gael again. "Well, have fun!"

"Mm. Don't forget to send me your address!"

The call ended just when they entered through the gates of the estate. The guards let them in when they lowered their windows, and they had seen their faces.

Charlie stood before the large double doors above the steps, Elias, the butler, standing diagonally behind him.

The two greeted the older man, and Charlie scanned them both, lingering on Gael's bruised face and then Angela's swollen knuckles. "Did you two fight?" he asked with furrowed brows.

Realizing what Charlie was speculating, Gael swallowed the huge lump in his throat. Angela then quickly explained to her father it wasn't the case. Only when Charlie smiled at them did Gael let out a sigh of relief. Charlie looked pleased to see Gael, giving him a firm handshake as he welcomed him into his home.

The butler guided them up the stairs while Charlie said he had to make some phone calls before dinner. Angela and Gael followed behind Elias who insisted he'd carry Gael's luggage.

Elias led them towards the East wing—the opposite wing to Angela's bedroom—and then opened the door across the master bedroom. He turned the lights on and dropped Gael's bag on the luggage rack. "If you need anything, just press 1 on the phone. It connects directly to me."

Gael nodded slowly, and then he whispered to Angela, "I thought we were sharing a room."

She then whispered back, amused at the arrangement, "I said under one roof. I didn't say anything about one room."

His room was across Charlie's and next to Oliver's.. Gael had already decided staying at the mansion was going to be challenging.

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