Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 450 - In Which It Was Intense

"De Luca…" William tilted his head to the side as he watched them step out of the Escalade, the Parks surrounding them. "What are you doing here?"

"We're just passing through," Gael answered, his voice calm and measured. He held Angela's hand tight while keeping her behind him as if shielding him from William's view. She didn't like this exchange. The cold air and the dangerous atmosphere made her want to sink into Gael's back to hide but even that she couldn't do because she knew he was still hurting there. So while she hid behind him, she was careful not to press against his back.

A corner of William's lips curled into a smirk as he scratched his brow and asked, "There's nothing but farmland from where you came. How about you start telling the truth?"

Instead of answering him, Gael kept his expression stoic and remarked, "You seem to know every square inch of this town, Park. Do you always keep an eye out for remote places like this? That seems a little odd. Makes me wonder what kind of things you hide here."

Like bodies buried, perhaps?

William chuckled. He took out a cigarette stick from his pocket and lit it up with a zippo lighter, taking his time answering as he blew out a cloud of smoke that got carried away by the wind. "Not that I have to answer your curiosity… But we've been actively looking for someone these past few days. That's why we're keeping eyes and ears more than usual. And tonight, we happened to hear there were…gunshots nearby. You wouldn't happen to know about it, would you?"

Gael felt Angela tighten her grip on his hand. He knew she was feeling fear of the unknown because of this conversation. Anything could happen. "I'm not sure. Just like what I've told you. We were just passing through."

"Hmmm…" William nodded, taking another drag of his cigarette.

"Who are you looking for?"

William regarded Gael as if he was contemplating telling him or not. And then he said, "White female in her sixties. We've been searching for her for days. It's imperative that we find her. Dead or alive—but preferably alive."

Gael narrowed his brows. He believed that the other was telling the truth. Otherwise, what would they need a person with that description? It didn't matter. That wasn't their business. "Who is she to you?"

"None of your concern. It's a family matter." William smiled. "So… Have you seen her?"

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"No. I haven't been here that long. I'll let you know if I do." Gael breathed. "Now, will you let us pass? We're not here for trouble."

William took a long suck of his cigarette and tilted his head once more as he blew out smoke, flicking the cigarette away as he was done with it. Then his brow arched. "Who's that behind you? Come out."

Angela swallowed. She had nothing against William, and their interactions with each other had been somewhat friendly. But tonight was different. She didn't know what it would indicate if he saw her with the De Lucas. Gael must have thought the same because his grip on her hand was cold and tight.

She took a deep breath and stepped out from Gael's back to stand next to him. His hand slipped up, now gripping her wrist.

"Su?" William's brows knitted in confusion.

"William." She nodded subtly.

He scanned her body up and down as if he was examining her. Then he walked closer, stopping only a few feet away from her. Gael's men nearby immediately crowded as if they were blocking his path to her, but William ignored them. "Are you hurt?"

  Gael scoffed as if the question was offensive to him. Like he would hurt Angela.

However, the way William asked Angela, she knew that he could see the cut on her forehead and the bruise on her face from when Evan's man slapped her hard, and her head hit the corner of the counter. She shook her head and smiled, hoping that would show William she was telling the truth. "No. I'm okay."

William surveyed her body again, glancing at Gael and then at his hand on her wrist before looking at her face once more. "Are you sure?" His voice lowered, like he was waiting for her to give him a sign that Gael and his men were keeping her against her will.

This was absurd, of course. But she could understand why William would think so. After all, the De Lucas were visitors who shouldn't lay a hand on the locals—as stupid as that treaty was. To top it off, she was sure she didn't look like she belonged in Gael's group looking the way she was.

"Yes, Will. I'm sure. Can we go?"

Keeping his eyes locked on her, he ignored her question and asked, "What are you doing here at this hour?"

She thought about her response for a second. "Out for a walk?" She smiled wide.

And William chuckled, nodding at her feet. "In those shoes?"

Angela raised her chin, though red colored her cheeks from embarrassment because now, all the men around her looked at her fluffy bunnies and their brows furrowed too. "They're comfortable."

"Sure." William's grin was lopsided.

A small groan caught William's and his men's attention, their heads turning towards the car's rear where Rick and Evan were.

"We'll get out of your hair," Gael said, already pulling Angela to his side and was ready to turn around.

"Not so fast." William strode towards the side of the Escalade. "What's in there?" His men followed him, and so did Gael's, two teams now facing the closed back door of the SUV.

"Nothing," Trigger answered.

William ignored this. Neither of the two teams raised their guns, but the Parks held theirs, pointing it to the ground as if ready for William's command while Gael's men hid their guns in their holsters or waistbands. "Open it," he ordered the man to his right, one of his.

Without delay and Gael stopping them, the man popped the rear door open, and there they saw Rick on his back, his shoulder bloody with a cloth wrapped around it, red soaking through it, and a man with hands bound behind him and a sack over his head.

"What is this, De Luca?" William's friendliness was now gone, replaced with a sternness that laced his eyes as he glanced between the men in the rear of the vehicle and Gael. "Looks like you have a man down and a prisoner. Who is it?"

"My man had an accident. I was going to get him some help," said Gael.

"And your prisoner?"

"It's not how it looks." Gael gritted his teeth. He knew there was no escaping this anymore.

"It seems exactly how it looks. Take the sack off," William ordered.

Trigger stepped forward and raised his gun, pointing it at the man who was just about to take off the sack. And as soon as he did, the rest of William's men raised their guns and pointed at Gael's men who also did the same. Now, guns were drawn, and they pointed at each other.

Angela gasped, fear flashing in her eyes as she watched a bulky man pointing his gun at Gael. She glanced at Gael and realized that he hadn't drawn his guns—both still tucked at his waistband behind him, in front of Angela where he placed her, using his body to shield her from harm.

William merely scanned the men around him and ordered his man to proceed. Once the sack over Evan's head was taken off, Evan squinted at the light flashed at him, his face now bare to see. A handkerchief was wrapped tight around his face, gagging his mouth, and one side of his face was scratched as if he hit a rough surface. Evan exchanged looks with William, and the latter narrowed his gaze at him.

"Who is this?" William turned to face Gael. "He looks familiar. Is he from here?"

Gael stood his ground, his voice never wavering as he addressed William, "I asked for a meeting with the Parks. You guys ignored it. Tonight wasn't supposed to happen."

"Who did you ask?"

"Your cousin Damien via Daniel Cho. I haven't heard a peep from any of you."

William's jaw tightened. "We're all extremely busy at the moment."

"Too busy to handle family business?"

"It's family business we're dealing with, actually. Why did you want to meet? Does it have anything to do with your prisoner?"

"Sort of. I'm here to amend the old agreement. So I need to speak with the head of your family," responded Gael with confidence.

"And you're representing the whole council?"

Not missing a beat, Gael looked William in the eyes. "You're going to want to listen to what I have to say."

A few moments passed while William glanced between Evan and Gael. Then he gestured for his men to lower their guns, and he said, "Very well. We'll move to a safe place. The neighbors are early risers."

"We'll follow you."

Shifting his gaze to Angela, William said, "You're riding with me, Su."

"No. She stays with me." Gael's back was now rigid, his eyes glaring.

William smirked, ignoring the other. "You know I won't hurt you, Su."

Angela knew that this was needed. If she didn't ride with William, the Parks couldn't guarantee that Gael would actually follow or that they might change their mind and fire shots when the Parks turn their backs.

"It's okay, Gael. I can ride with him." She soothed his arm and looked at him intently in the eyes as if telling him to trust her.

This was difficult for Gael; she could tell that. But after a moment, he nodded and held her face, kissing her slowly before releasing her. Then he warned William, "Touch her, and you won't live to see the sunrise."

A devilish grin flashed on William's face at the threat, and he gestured for her hand. "Come, Princess. Your chariot awaits."

Angela rolled her eyes at William and ignored his waiting hand as she walked past him and stomped towards their SUV. "Hurry up. I'm cold."

"Coming, darling.." William slyly smirked and winked at Gael before stalking after Angela.

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